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Everything posted by hampelo

  1. I am pretty sure that second blanket last night had a lead lining to prevent us being able to see them even with x-ray equipment. you have to admire how thorough she is
  2. if the problem was hating the cams I think her reaction would be different. she would probably get turned on but resist and push them away. if it's her libido, you would see what we do see... her not getting into it at all and finding it easy to resist... and escaping the situation as soon as possible or "succumbing" but not really getting involved and ending it as quickly as possible. we have seen lots of girls who have trouble with the cams, most at least struggle a bit with resisting because they like the sex. to use a very old adage, " if she's sexual and fun to have sex with... I'll eat my hat!"
  3. I see what you are saying... my point is that she did not seem to be into that guy at all... he was trying pretty hard with no visible effect on her. as I have said before, I have seen women who feel nothing about sex.
  4. based on what I saw, I would not bet they would have sex anywhere else either
  5. Angie just 100% lived up to my expectations. A guy comes over, they roll around on the bed, she does not react to his touching her in any way then she escapes as quickly as possible. Such romance! Such passion. She must be related to my ex-girlfriend who I could not possibly miss less.
  6. I only count the ones that got into her bed. she had uninspired sex with 2 and now this guy last night. in looks and attitude, she reminds me of an old girlfriend. blonde, catches the eye of every guy who sees her and it all adds up to a major disappointment for whoever she decides she likes. I lasted almost 8 months, always thinking, SHE HAS TO WARM UP SOMETIME! I finally had to admit it wasn't going to happen and ended it. she did NOT like hearing why I didn't want to continue with her. she immediately told me I was to blame. she may have been right but I highly doubt it. her next few relationships didn't last any longer.
  7. REALLY. Interesting argument. It is exactly the same argument used by my mother when she ran out of cogent thoughts and arguments supported by reason.
  8. my moving on won't help her so I'm not sure what your point is? she looks so sad most of the time but EXTREMELY sad whenever she is naked. I find her hard to watch because it is so depressing
  9. thanks, i thought that was what you meant. did the curtains block something?
  10. About 6-7 weeks ago, I hypothesized that Angie would be gone by the end of January. It doesn't look like this will happen so my record of failure remains intact At this point, i am going to say that she SHOULD leave. From the point of view of this project, she is completely useless. She has a bit of a sexy face and hair but her body leaves lots to be desired. Her ass is disproportionately big and she plods around like a farm girl with absolutely no grace whatsoever. She is also clearly still bothered by the cameras. Far worse, she seems to have no interest in sex. The couple of sessions she was involved in were perfunctory and she was definitely not into either one. The first one she seemed to just want to steal him from Glasha and the second one seemed like some kind of payoff. She just seemed to want both of them to be over. It's time for her to move on. It will be better for her and the loss to us will be minimal.
  11. these girls do not seem to be very particular. these guys look like two contest winners. gayest Rastafarian and ugliest biker.
  12. good point but if I remember correctly, it took quite a long time before KK did anything. Hope remains!
  13. i agree. based on the current style and quality of apartment, this one is likely done if they leave.
  14. these girls are roommates not vacationers... hopefully, that means they will be like KK not like say, Irma. boy do I miss irma! and by "like KK" I mean long-lived not reduced action.
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