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Everything posted by Calang

  1. As the rest have suggested, what everyone thinks about this site is their own opinion. It's not just about watching people live their lives. Many like to see the women's asses and tits, and the fucking and sucking! If I want to see people cooking, I can watch the cooking channel on TV, or Martha Stewart, or Suzy fucking homemaker ... Whatever. The fact is that everyone comes here for their own reason. Mine is Lora and Alma's asses. In other words, you see what you want to see, and we'll see what we want to see. We won't criticize you for wanting to learn how to make spaghetti, but don't criticize us for wanting to beat the meat, lol :P
  2. That's good. It's one thing is to be a slob like Lina. It's another thing is to be a filthy slob, lol ;D
  3. She was putting on some tanning cream, and she asked Stefan to help. Stefan reluctantly pulled his ass off the PC, and rubbed her like he was in a rush to get back to the PC. Stefan=Dick, he's such an ass. lol ;D (Attachment Purged)
  4. Good job Dth. NoraLover's gonna love these. :)
  5. Good observation Ace. We need to monitor Nora's bathing habits in order to establish the fact that she indeed does bathe on a frequent basis. One good way of knowing if she bathed somewhere else is by noting the underwear she had on when she left, and the underwear she has on when she returns. Usually a change of underwear is a sign of bathing, because putting on the same draws after bathing would be funky, lol ;D
  6. That would've been twice the pussy for Max, lol. Which he doesn't deserve by the way 😠 Speaking of Pit Bulls, look at Lora's tenacity. That woman cooks, cleans, has a gorgeous ass, and all to make Max happy ... That fucking bastard, lol. ;D (Attachment Purged)
  7. Nice hotcouple. It looks like her ass is eating her bikini bottom, lol ;D
  8. Nora looks clean. I agree that she might be bathing elsewhere, otherwise Kiko wouldn't be able to tolerate her. Especially, being a dancer, getting all hot and sweaty. The whole dance team probably has a locker room with showers, and Nora would look like a slob in front of her dance mates if she didn't bathe at the same time with them. Hmm, thinking of Nora bathing somewhere else with a bunch of other girls is getting ME hot and sweaty, lol ;D
  9. I don't know about planting gardens, unless they're hydroponic, hehe, but picnics and partying sound good to me. ;D
  10. The cat is on the bed! Wiping it's ass on the pillow! Gross! I have a dog and he stays on the floor. He has his own bed. He will not put a paw on any of our furniture, because I will gladly cut it off. Having said that, I love my little doggie. Pit Bulls are so cute, lol ;)
  11. Just make sure you wear different color socks.
  12. It doesn't really matter because Lora's pussy has disinfecting properties, lol ;D
  13. That's fucking gross, damn, lol :o
  14. I think she found someone that can last a whole 5 minutes, lmao ;D
  15. Ace, do you want to be around when your mother-in-law is in the house? Wherever Mark is, I know he's happy, lmao ;D
  16. Or maybe she's looking at herself on RLC and thinking, "wow, that lady sure looks a lot like me. She's even wearing clothes that look like mine, and even has the same style living room and furniture." Lol ;D
  17. That's what I thought too, but apparently "like mother, like daughter!" Two slobs in a pod, lol (Attachment Purged)
  18. Oh shit just blew up, lmao! JoJoGunne aka the infamous and mysterious Goatman! Bahahahahaaaaaa! Good one NoraLover! ;D
  19. I'd like to securely put my log-in Alma's ass. ;D
  20. Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel, lol. Thanks, JoJo.
  21. Too funny. Downright hilarious, lol. I think flicking/flipping the bird has become an international thing now since most American movies are seen in other parts of the world.
  22. Oh, damn, lol. JoJo, say it isn't so! Lmao ;D
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