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Everything posted by Calang

  1. Yes, I think a floor plan, such as RLC has, would be very effective. Now, what would really be cool would be some kind of radar that would show up as a red dot, for instance, on the floor plan indicating your whereabouts. That way viewers could just click on the cam where you're at instead of jumping from room to room looking for you. I'm like a genius, right? Right? Lol ;D
  2. Not only would I be freaked out if I saw pics and vids of myself online wearing that stupid mask while choking the chicken and beating myself on the chest with a rubber salmon, I'd be pretty pissed off! Especially if they use those pics and vids to generate sales of that mask, the SAW movies, and rubber salmons, without paying me some kind of royalty. What would be even worse is if they use my images to make those ridiculous memes.
  3. I have a question. Is there sex and nudity? ;D
  4. True dat JoJo. I've seen her look at them a few times and then just go on about her business of being a doll. ;D
  5. That's an interesting question Dth. If I knew women were watching I'd put on a good show for them. I'd put on a mask like the crazy guy from the SAW horror movies and I'd choke my chicken while slapping myself on the chest with a rubber salmon until I bust a nut, get tired, and fall asleep.
  6. Incidentally, I hate the fact that all the cams in Lora and Max's apartment are overhead cams, like they're stuck up in the corner of the ceiling somewhere. I like Nora's bathroom cam because it puts her body right there. They need to do the same with Lora, and put that ass and those tits up close and personal, lol ;)
  7. You ain't lying trickshot! Apparently, every time I see Lina in the bathroom she's going in like a coal miner, lol. (Attachment Purged)
  8. Looks like dey wuz fuckin', lol. Lol @ NoraLover's "What's Cooking" comment. ;D
  9. If he's not choking his chicken, he's spanking his monkey, lol ;D
  10. This could be an exciting (or very SAD) new game to play.........whilst sitting around waiting for the action to happen on RLC......follow the trail of the mystery LIKER...... That would be a sad game to play, lol. I'd rather surf for porn in HD, hell yeah, lol :P
  11. You got it Hot Rod buddy, lmao ;D
  12. But....nooooooooottttttt is calang ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D without its glasses ;D ;D ;D ;D Jade1, I don't wear glasses. It's the smoke that gets in my eyes that makes me squint, lmao ;D
  13. Lol @ "pouting pussy lips." You never know what comments you'll find here, lol ;D
  14. Also, here is Lina, doing what she does best ... Nothing.
  15. Here is the very beautiful LORA cleaning the kitchen table with those same gorgeous hands that she strokes Max's cock with. However, there is sadly no sex, or nudity, involved in this pic. It was simply taken for the benefit of those who enjoy watching people going about their dull everyday mundane lives. :P
  16. I've come to the morbid conclusion that Lina is one hot ass having, repulsive, non-cooking, non-cleaning, lazy ass, slob. However, I blame her mom. Why? Because mom's are supposed to teach their daughters to be good, clean, wives. That's why there are so many problems in relationships today. Women no longer know their roles. Men want a nice meal, from a nice clean woman, the remote, and silence, at the end of a long hard day of work. Instead, we get no meal, from a woman that looks like she just woke up, no remote, and nag, nag, nag. :P
  17. Cool, because I was like "wtf?" lol. I thought it was the result of some bad smoke, which made me think, "If I can't read these hieroglyphics, and everyone else can, then I'm in bad shape, lol ;D
  18. Hey JoJo! Password please! Just kidding, lol ;D
  19. That's either NoraLover or David Caruso, lol ;D
  20. I see Admin. Interestingly enough, I logged out of CamCaps, and using a different PC, I came back as a guest and "liked" my own preceding post! I instantly became (insert eerie Dracula music here) "The Mysterious Liker" ... Lmfao ;D
  21. I didn't know one could "like" as a guest. I thought one had to create a sign-in name, with a password, and then have their "account" verified by email, as I did. Things that make you go, hmmm.
  22. I'm glad you prefer Alina, Acer, because Lora is mine, lol ;D
  23. The fact is there are no stupid threads, just stupid people who create stupid threads. Every RLC couple has a series of threads which could be used to ask questions or comment about them, or post photos and vids. Is it necessary to start a new thread just to ask "Where is Elena?" or "Did Nora Bathe Today?" or "Did Lina Pick Her Nose?" Go to the couple you're interested in, look under their name for a suitable thread/topic, and ask or post away! It's so simple even a chimp smoking hydro could do it.
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