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Everything posted by Calang

  1. It only kills if one isn't that much into the other. That's called smothering. However, it's apparent that the two of you have chemistry. All I see are fireworks coming out of both of you ... Oh wait, that's Kiko with the 12 gauge, my bad, lmao ;D
  2. CONFIRMED - Alma's mom knows about the cams. I was listening to the conversation between Stefan and Alma's mom. They were looking at the PC and Stefan told Alma's mom to lift her shirt and expose herself to the public, and she said "no that she's wasn't going to do that." Please, Alma's mom! Do it for us! We won't tell anybody! Lol ;D
  3. I noticed that too NL. You could be right. Now I was thinking that all the crying Nora's been doing has been over you. You see, Kiko is upset because Nora's so into you that it's causing friction in their marriage. She probably tells him things like "Kiko why can't you love me like this guy NoraLover does?! It seems like he'll do anything for me!" You're the man NL, keep up the good work, lol ;D
  4. Alma's reading her RLC contract, lol ;D
  5. Elena's looking sexy in her make-up. I know what she wants, hehe 😉 (Attachment Purged)
  6. Anton - "Alina, get you ass I the kitchen woman!" Alina - "Fine! But I'm taking the laptop and printer with me!" (Attachment Purged)
  7. Maybe Max regrets what he did, and is starting to value Lora's true worth?
  8. It was not her in the video Then who is? The Queen of Spain? Queen Sofia, lol ;D
  9. Some guest idiot? Sounds like the "mysterious LIKER" ... ;D
  10. I think Lora is prettier than Nora ... See? I'm starting shit now, lol ;D
  11. Damn Hot Rod 22! That is not a size 13 foot! LOL! And maybe not her whole foot, but her toes at least, lol ;p
  12. I couldn't have said it better myself trick ;) Not everyone speaks or writes perfect English here. Remember, we have people on this forum from all parts of the world. If you can at least understand the "context" of what someone is saying, that's good enough. Now run along and play nice kiddies, lol ;D
  13. How romantic, the way they cram everything into the closet, lmao ;D
  14. Good pics Bucky. Did anyone manage to get vid of them boning in the kitchen? Shit, I missed it! Whatever they were eating I want that recipe! Lol ;D
  15. Would actually be nice to hear her singing. Looking at her pic, she really is pretty. Don't worry though NoraLover, I'm stuck on Lora and Alma and Ariel, lol. Nora's all yours, lmao ;D
  16. If he's not choking his chicken, he's spanking his monkey, lol ;D or bashing his bishop!!! LOL @ "bashing his bishop" ... Only you NoraLover, lol, only you ;D
  17. That just fucked me up, in every negative way imaginable :o
  18. Hey Hot Rod 22, take two tokes and please, please, pass it to NoraLover. I think he needs it more than we do, lmfao ;D
  19. Enjoying Alma's buttockal area, lol ;D
  20. Also, look at how clean the soles of her feet are! I would put her whole foot in my mouth, lol ;D
  21. Look at Alma's scrumptious ass y'all! I would leave teeth-marks on those cheeks, lol ;D (Attachment Purged)
  22. He worked as a Freelancer design, advertising, web, technology but from what I could understand he is currently without a job! It happens Acer. There's no such thing as job security anymore. But that doesn't mean that he can't get off his lazy ass and look for work instead of sponging off Nora. When I was without work, I made it my job to find a job, and I went out looking for work because it sure as hell wasn't going to come looking for me. Kids are lazy nowadays, with their laptops and IPhones. They don't know what it's like to put in 12 hours a day of hard manual labor.
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