A puppycat?. What the hell is a puppycat anyway! is that a cross breed from a dog fucking a cat? or is that what was left of you after you were a woman's bitch and grew up?
Seems to me blindly putting a woman on a pedestal because she has a nice ass or perky tits is not what makes you a woman bitch....I think a woman bitch is someone who does whatever a woman wants because he wants her pussy and will sell his soul to get it...example..."Yes dear, as soon as I'm done washing the floor and doing laundry I will wash your car just before I make dinner. Then after I finish the dishes, I will run your bath, clip your toe nails and put them in the bag of clippings in the closet you've been saving all your life. But after all that my sweet queen, do you think I could possibly have some pussy time"?... "NO I"M TIRED AND HAVE A HEADACHE...DON"T TOUCH ME"
That to me is a woman bitch, defined as a woman with a pussy and is the cunt that carries it.
No offense to any female members intended. This is my interpretation of a "woman bitch" against the suggestion that a woman bitch is someone who compliments a nice ass or perky tit's to which I admire and will always compliment on when compliment is due... 8)
Dang Hot Rod 22, you went HAM (hard as muthafucka, lol) on that. JoJo certainly threw the smack down, but you picked it up and ran with it, lol. I agree 100% with your definition. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, some "cunts" will take us for suckers. That, in no way, makes us "puppycats," it makes us the victims of a stone cold bitches. Been there, done that.