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Everything posted by Calang

  1. "Sexually experienced guy here"? What are we? Chopped liver? It's funny how people who presume to know the most, are actually the ones who know the least. Just saying. Lol ;D
  2. 3some beckons! ;D ;D ;D Sadly not! Lora likes a drink doesn't she? At about 4.20 this morning her girlfriend went off to the toilet and Lora toke the opportunity to steal some of her beer out of glass (while she still had some left in her own!) :o Are you serious? So Lora's a little bum eh? lmfao ;D
  3. It's a sign NoraLover! Columbus is pointing the way to Nora! Go my friend, don't waste another minute! Go and conquer true love like that valiant explorer! Lol ;D
  4. Somehow, I knew that was coming, lol ;D
  5. I know what anal sex is! It's when one person fucks the shit out of the other, lol ;D
  6. You're right hot rod 22, Nora has a really nice ass, lol ;D
  7. Thank you Acer. That's very considerate of you my friend ;) Now regarding Max's scrotum. I really wouldn't know. My attention is so focused on Lora that I tend to overlook the "little things", lol. ;D
  8. I love it when women drop shit, lol ;D
  9. He gets more pussy than a gynecologist, lol ;D
  10. I could've been told you that! Lol Most of these couples are boring. They just sit around on their PC's, or are watching TV, or sleeping, or picking their noses, when they're not fucking, lol ;D
  11. Married twice, and have had quite a few girlfriends, of different nationalities, ages, shapes, colors and sizes. Some I've lived with, some were short term relationships, a few weekenders and one-nighters. I don't discriminate, I'm an equal opportunity employer, lol. I came to RLC almost by accident, I was searching for voyeur cams (I'm being honest here) and boom, there I was. What I can't remember is how I stumbled into CC. I must've been really out of it, lol. Anyhow, I have met the finest group of individuals here, all with more or less the same purpose (you already know), and we've become like a family of sorts. What makes it really interesting is that we're from all over the world. We have Germans, Russians, Latinos, Americans, Europeans, you name it, and thanks to Google Translate we can communicate with each other, somewhat, lol. Now, regarding cleanliness, I admire Lora, because I have that same OCD type of disorder, if you want to call it that. Would I change the sheets for a cookie crumb? Not likely, but if my dog, as clean as he is, would dare (which he wouldn't) jump on the bed, I would certainly change the sheets, after I beat his ass, lol. That's why Lora is my favorite, and I make no apologies for that. However, everyone has different tastes ... Different strokes for different folks, lol. We enjoy watching the couples, and commenting on almost anything and everything they do, after all, they're like amoebas under a microscope, or ants in an ant farm, here for our viewing pleasure. So, I hope you find CC fun, and enjoyable. We have a lot of really cool fellas here, JoJo Gunne, trickshot, NoraLover, hot rod 22, Acerikrion, casbert, NullBurner, sigfried, kevinbsam7, etc., etc., just to name a few. All jokers and funny as hell. We even have a cool ass lesbian sister (LezVoyeur) which is just like one of the fellas. ADMIN is the CEO and there are mods (woof, FN) here to help you if you have any complaints or concerns. So enjoy the forum girly. It's nice to meet ya ;D
  12. She's using the little pussy to make sure the big pussy doesn't fuck another pussy that isn't her pussy. ;D
  13. Dear yellow123, here's what you do ... Go to the Reallifecam.com website, and click on "Customer Support" at the bottom of the page. Then send them a message stating that "you believe their site is fake and you'd like a free login just to see if it's real." WHEN they send you your free login, don't forget to come back and thank me. Good luck ;)
  14. "DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH?!!!" ~ Samuel L. Jackson ;D
  15. And of course, the always lovely in the kitchen, Alma.
  16. Nora's putting on an apron! Oh shit, looks like she's going to teach her friend how to cook, lmao ;D
  17. He has is eyes closed thinking about Ricky Martin , lol ;D
  18. They're like slumlords, just doing enough to get by. As long as viewers pay the "rent," fuck 'em.
  19. Cottage cheese land??? Thats hilarious...you guys crack me up.... 8) trick is awesome, he certainly has a way of seeing things from different angles. Cottage cheese land, lol ;D
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