Dude, loosen up man, you're all tense an' shit. Sit back, relax, soak in the atmosphere. There's really no need for all of this. We're all cool people here. There's no need for the "tough guy" facade. This ain't the MMA, lol Ok, so you're a killer, and people cross the street in terror at your approach, that's all good big guy, lol. But we're not about that here. We just want to enjoy the couples, and although we do point out some of their rather unusual habits, what you laid on us about Lina, and Alma, was just plain gross as fuck, lol. If you saw it, fine, but don't fuck up our dreams, our fantasies (our hallucinations, lol), because it's all some of us have, lol. Let's be cool Demi-G, and start off fresh with a clean slate. You seem like an intelligent guy with ideas to offer ("I ran a much bigger "website" than this and turned it successful"). Show us what you're workin' with, lol. Take a seat among us "trolls, shut-ins, and porn hounds," Lol. Everyone, except Mirra, is welcome here, lol. Bro, enjoy the forum :)