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Everything posted by alt0na_O7

  1. You're right, Nevertheless, in the VHTV which includes 37 houses, the number of houses that are "really right to follow" does not exceed five houses. no matter how much I criticize, I can not give up C & S.
  2. I suppose the expectations of the new ones are high. VHTV needs to set up a new site. Voyeur / Porn or Senior / Interns It may be paid for seniority. But if the trainees reach a certain level of entertainment, they must be paid. Or symbolic fees for trainees are required. There are many houses now. The "fan" facility is over. If you watch every house for 5 minutes, it's 37 * 5 = 185 minutes.
  3. I think that house is cursed. or there is a very large negative electric charge near that house. 🙂
  4. Every woman looks a bit like a cat. you can give a woman unlimited love and compassion. for a woman, the shopping or credit card debt that is the subject of interest may scratch you 🙂
  5. I have been following these kinds of things for a long time. But for the first time I felt like one of my own family. Like a brother or a close friend. I worked to make them always the best. Sometimes they misunderstood me and sometimes I misunderstood them. I have always opposed the damage of good people like them in the VHTV system which started to deteriorate. There are only a few of the old ones who have done their job well. I will not go back to the question of Voyeur-Porn dilemma. Because this is a boring issue now. They joined here last September 25th. It's the first anniversary after 15 days. If the contract is a year, it's time to renew. Maybe it's time for them to decide. Regardless of what they decide, I love them and I will support them. If they leave here my personal wish: If there is no provision in their contracts to do so, I would like them to describe here the good or bad situations between VHTV and them.
  6. The bad silence that has lasted for days has ended in a beautiful way. It's like there's something bothering them and it seems to be causing a change. It can be about work or private life.
  7. An offer: "The Tenants are in place to Live their Real Life in Front of Cameras and they are Under No Obligation to be Nude, Masturbate or Have Sex so do not get upset if such acts Do Not Take Place." ........ then I propose that it be added. "Tenants can sometimes have more sex than an average person can. If you feel that you are watching something "porn" other than "voyeur" style, please do not be surprised and make comments accordingly. This forum site does not take responsibility if the publisher changes the style of publishing."
  8. I'm curious about this censorship thing now. If there's someone to tell me from a private message, thank you in advance.
  9. sorry my friend. I can not upgrade my VHTV premium membership yesterday because I made my standard membership through CC. I caught those images by chance this morning. Ask for someone else who is a premium member.
  10. I stole your time because you read. Sorry. I wrote some dissenting things about that house in the last two weeks and I got a lot of reaction from some members. This is the reason for my sensitivity.
  11. She slid in the wet floor and hit her head in the fridge. I hope she is good.
  12. I'm sure it is not that difficult. I will not argue with you about Clara. I am also one of the "some people" you mentioned. but not all of Clara, which I do not like, but her "some" behavior. I think this is a free forum. Anyone can express his / her opinion here, subject to the rules of the forum. I did not insult anyone at all, I did not use any humiliating expression. please stop saying "this is door, go away, stop watching" when you see a comment you do not like anymore. I have been writing in various forums for about 20 years. I believe I am a democratic person. I never said anything white to a black thing. If we all thought "Clara is perfect", the world we live in is just a pole. We were either in the north pole, or in the south pole. I love them. their most important shortcoming for me is the inability to tolerate criticism. A tip for you: Clara cares about this forum. She is usually just about her own page. If you write things about her on just her page, she will be happy. Because the most important reason of Clara's sorrow is the reduced interest in the forum itself. if you really like her and you want her to be happy, enrich her page with your share. you can take it as a recommendation from someone who knows that girl well.
  13. attention! slippery ground. *for a moment I felt a real voyeur taste. 🙂
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