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Everything posted by stash

  1. I would suggest also to ban sharp and long knives and use preferably plastic bottles... ;D P.S: I suppose this started as provoking topic, in a positive way... ;)
  2. what's even more enigmatic is that they were acting the same way when invited as guests at Dasha's flat, when they were together, because most of the time he was alone, actually...
  3. old issue. I suppose it depends on if one can actually write in English. There are few French and Spanish who have a lot to say but can't clearly write in English. Why would you want to ban them? I guess it's up to the admin to allow everybody to say what we want in any language we want. Non è mancanza di rispetto... A proposito non capisco una parola ne' di Francese ne' di Spagnolo eppure sono Italiano...
  4. I am not sure what he is doing... He locked few doors using this long knife and packed a small bag... This guy is quite weird and scary...
  5. It's very interesting, to me at least, to watch how this relationship evolve and how they will interact with Dasha & Demid. It's a sort of spin-off. Maybe will see them in this apartment, which not long ago was Diana's. I often wondered if Diana and Dasha were in the same artistic community or maybe a school.
  6. I have come to believe they do it for our own good: too much time spent on watching these girls can't be good for us, so they have banned people they may think to be starting to get addicted. That's probably why I have been banned as well, and maybe the few pictures and videos I have uploaded could have played a part on their decision. I have not been begging for forgiveness, yet...
  7. I find interesting all these conversations about different topics, politics, included. Moreover, since RLC has literally destroyed the best part of the fun: sharing among us voyeurs (dirty old men/women) I think we don't have much to talk anyway...
  8. She is a good guest, quite courages, an example for all the (female) guests in RLC... ahahah
  9. Well.... Maybe they ARE outside. Do you see a ceiling? I can't see snow either... Just kidding...
  10. Hi, Reference Number: F891E-E47C8-BD573 Can you please activate my account? Thanks
  11. They are attractive maybe androgynous in style and look. Hope to see more of them!
  12. The problem isn't the moderators, it's the many idiots that start the topics in the first place. If the place had a structure with rules: let's say instead of having the option to open a topic we had only few topics and the only option to reply to the topic instead of creating one. Only Admin and moderators could open new topics. That would help to put an order to this chaos. You may have "idiot" comments still but at least in order...
  13. She has been massaging her head, is that a not-masturbation or is it? :) ;) :D ;D
  14. He went upstairs and downstairs as well because at some point I saw him leaving the house. I suppose he came back because he is sleeping with Nora, so if anybody has more valuable information, maybe pics, even not nudity because I understand some of us are disturbed by such things, please let us know... :)
  15. Not everyone has good eyesight. Bigger fonts help a lot when your vision is poor. At least he didn't post it in pink. LOL The glasses are not made for dogs ... :) Right... try use a bowl instead... :)
  16. no, this is not Diana, at the same time Diana was kicking Efim in the near bedroom...
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