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Everything posted by cardone6161

  1. I think it would be an interesting experiment to take these girls phones away from them for a day or 2 to see what they might do with themselves. They obviously have nothing to do, not just this house, but most others with the exception of maybe alina, maya who seem to have some other interests.
  2. Agree with all,,,,but having said that, Kamilla was really cute
  3. How funny is it that you seem to stick up for every guy on RLC? Can't you get it trough your head that most viewers on here are here to see the girls not the guys? Too me it is fairly normal for the dudes to get a bad rap.
  4. this guy is the worst parasite that have never known rlc !!! or me, for that matter !!! ;) ;) No recuerdas a Ruslan? Este le disputara el primer puesto para ver cual de los dos mas guarros. do you mean he's worse than Ruslan Cam't believe that. Ruslan was really gross
  5. I don't think Kamila exactly brings life to the apartment seeing that her hand is stuck to that phone most of the time, but I hope she stays because she is just so damn hot!
  7. I agree! RLC needs step it up and try to keep her around if they can!
  8. Looks like more of the same People staring at laptops
  9. That's because here at CC, the only requirements to being a perfect human being is having tits and vagina. Just be careful not to question this rule, else you risk be labeled a misogynist. Ha I knew you would reply
  10. I get a kick out of how dressed up the girls are only to sit around that shitty apartment. I don't think they go out after dinner ever do they? Of course Anton is wearing his only button down shirt for the occasion
  11. I see Kamila wearing the same shorts yet again. Most women, knowing thousand of people watching them, would not want to be seen wearing same clothes so often, am i not right? ....Dasha in those colorful shorts is another example
  12. Every time he seems to leave for work in the mornings, he always wears the same pants and shirt. He is wearing pants and a shirt right now, of course the shirt is a Real Life t-shirt
  13. yes but with big fog ! we see nothing Do you really want to see these people naked that bad?
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