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Everything posted by jormufle

  1. tu as simplement raté l'une des soirées les plus chaudes de l'histoire de rlc, c'est tous :D :D :D :D!!!! bonne nuit!!!! you just missed one of the hottest nights in the history of rlc is all: D: D: D: D !!!! good night!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ... eh mer*e j'ai egalement raté cette soirée lol !! Mais je pense qu'il y en aura d'autres prochainement ... stay tuned ;)
  2. salut ! elle a fait quoi la petite pour mériter ça ? désolée j'ai pas vue se qu'i s"est passée j'ai vue les quelques images ça et la sur camcaps ceci dit ça devait arriver des trucs comme ça on se souvient de la violence de sephan envers alma et du couple marcello et isabel a quand un meurtre en direct ? il serait bon de choisir des personnes plutôt équilibrées sachant jouer le jeu peut être aussi exporté rlc dans d'autre pays avec d'autres candidats divers et surtout francophone le reve !!!! bises Océane a bientot voisin ! Je sais pas si ca a un rapport ( car je n'ai pas assisté a la scene de " leurs dispute " ) mais lors de la soirée de la veille, Taya a embrassé vite fait un autre mec. Perso je pense que c'est la cause mais rien de sure. Si quelqu'un a une autre explication ...
  3. A mon avis rlc a supprimé cet appartement car il n'y a plus la fille , sachant qu'un mec vivant seul n'attire pas les viewers. il s'était deja passé la meme chose au debut de cet appartement car Taya était " invisible ". Je pense qu'il remettront en ligne si elle revient. Seul l'argent compte malheureusement
  4. I didn't see the kiss did anyone get a pic of it. I can't imagine that with that many people that it was that bad. I can't understand any man that hits a women. He is lower that dog shit as far as I am concern. it's only a kiss during few secondes, sorry i don't have screenshot but i'm sure of what i see
  5. maybe it's because she kissed another guy during the party last night ... but isn't a reason for beat her ...
  6. This apt is endangered anyhow as one guy tried during the party to prepare a sniff in the bathroom. What I could see, the stuff was contained in the sd card of his mobile. Obviously he was not informed about the cams. Others were pissing in the sink. No repetition necessary. thanks. They stay in the blind side of camera in living room for sniff drug !! they don't stop to touch them nose when they come back from of camera
  7. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  8. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). call me the screenshot sniper ;) lol
  9. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). dance training
  10. Pourtant quand on la voit bouger et danser devant son miroir on peut s'attendre a une fille un peu plus active au lit ... bizarre !!
  11. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  12. elle est au lit maintenant ... she's on the couch now ...
  13. Elle est bourrée ou quoi ? IS she drunk ? or something like that ? She was performing a type of therapy that is a cross between meditation and muscle movement therapy. She appears to be "self-medicating" or attempting "self-healing" to let go of emotional pain she is feeling. She was very active on the couch for about an hour moving in rhythm to the music she was playing. Now, she has pretty much stopped although she is still trying to find and play music that will soothe her. People who don't understand this will probably think she is crazy or something. But, she is not. She knows she needs help and is attempting to give it to herself. Yes, zoya is a special girl, slightly offset... She dot have the penalty, and drinks alcohol while listening to the music, his gesture is typical of dance contemporary dancers! a good piece of trip hop at the time, I advise him "massive attack"! ok so she's in jealousy stress because lev he's outside ? " massive attack perfect sound :) " Unfortunately, it's not quite so simple. This is relatively common for victims of abuse. You don't just decide to change one day and see it miraculously happen. ok i understand ... it's like Stockholm syndrome
  14. Elle est bourrée ou quoi ? IS she drunk ? or something like that ? She was performing a type of therapy that is a cross between meditation and muscle movement therapy. She appears to be "self-medicating" or attempting "self-healing" to let go of emotional pain she is feeling. She was very active on the couch for about an hour moving in rhythm to the music she was playing. Now, she has pretty much stopped although she is still trying to find and play music that will soothe her. People who don't understand this will probably think she is crazy or something. But, she is not. She knows she needs help and is attempting to give it to herself. Yes, zoya is a special girl, slightly offset... She dot have the penalty, and drinks alcohol while listening to the music, his gesture is typical of dance contemporary dancers! a good piece of trip hop at the time, I advise him "massive attack"! ok so she's in jealousy stress because lev he's outside ? " massive attack perfect sound :) "
  15. Elle est bourrée ou quoi ? IS she drunk ? or something like that ?
  16. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  17. oui ... j'ai l'impression qu'ils se battent plus trop pour s'amusé là ...
  18. TUu pense que c'est sa soeur ? c'est fort possible mais j'ai un léger doute ...
  19. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  20. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). Lev and guest in kitchen !! before take her in his arms they check for be sure zoya didn't come in this room
  21. You are thinking just like lev ;D ;D ;D ;D Or Efim ;D
  22. maybe lev will back when zoya will sleep :)
  23. they laugh front of the computer ... maybe they're watch CC ???
  24. i can't understand the situation ... zoya and lev looks ready for start something but the guest not really :( ... and she have somethin in her ( his ) pants !! lol
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