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Everything posted by Ozi

  1. Now that was funny!
  2. Quote from Ozi: Mate, have you forgotten your medication again? Reply from Aubrey: Touche KarenOziPirate. You got me there with your "powerful political argument". You're like the Aristotle of the keyboard warrior world. Mate, suggesting you have forgotten to take your medication again, isn't actually a political statement, it's more an observation of your medical, possibly mental state. Previous quotes of yours suggest some kind of paranoid schizophrenia, delusions that a people are plotting against you: "I just don't know who is a single person or who are multiple people posting anymore. I can't help but think that Foamy is actually everyone else but me!!" "I'm back from my holidays and yes +1 for believing that whilst Nij isn't a spy (his former username was Pirate) he is an asshole." So Pirate was originally Nij, later morphing into Ozi, then a gender change to Karen, all to torment you. I mean, I do remember looking back and reading posts from people like Nick and Bulgachica similar to yours, but other than them you appear to be the only person getting so worked up about it. In fact, I also remember Bulgachica making similar comments in posts about the unlikely coincidence of finding so many "fascists and bigots, filled with so much hate in one location". Maybe that's why you are so adamant about it because you are doing it. You used to be Bulgachica! I'm not pirate and certainly not Karen, the author of the irreverent humour you have taken offence to. I mean, you truly believe someone would spend that much time and effort to torment you. You really do have a problem mate, I suggest you get some professional help, sooner rather than later. However, if you want to continue with your fantasy, seeing as it amuses you so much, keep it up, at least that way you are safe. I have noticed however, that you are now ignoring facts, staying away from them completely. Good idea, because every time you try to argue facts, you fail miserably. You tried to argue gun control and failed. You ignore data that proves the UK and Europe is drowning socially and financially under the burden of illegal immigrants, the majority of whom are muslims. You ignore statements like those from the German government that the country will be predominantly muslim by 2050. You ignore quotes from people like Gaddafi who stated that Europe will be a muslim state by 2050 without a shot being fired. You ignore the facts that governments, including the UK, are drafting and passing legislation to introduce elements of Sharia law. You ignore the contents of the Qur'an which preaches and promotes the annihilation of non-believers. Your latest rant, well what can I say. It's a pretty sad and pathetic attempt at something. Humour? Sarcasm? Actually, it's just pretty sad and pathetic.
  3. Good post, Van, but I'm afraid it's pearls before swine. And don't forget, you and I are the same person for hersey-packer Audrey. A pure waste of time. Partly in answer to your question, but more importantly as a way for us to watch Audrey wet her pants, here's an idea: The next time the Muslims launch a major (like a 9-11-2001 type) attack on the American homeland, what if every patriotic American took out as many local Muslims as they could? Would that cause even more strikes against the homeland? Perhaps. But using that method, pretty soon no more Muslims. Right, Audrey? Now I'm gutted Karen, I thought you and I were the same person, not Woody. Now I just feel totally abandoned and rejected, only half the man I used to be. But I know you guys will make a good team, so it's not all bad.
  4. Now we are back to normal, nothing wrong with this picture. Leora looking grumpy on the computer and Paul playing with the dog. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  5. How about a banana? I think Leora thought Paul was going to fuck her with it. Or maybe Paul thought Leora was going to let him fuck her with it. But as usual, they just ate them. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  6. Nothing, that's normal. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  7. Aubrey, I was wondering how long it would take for you to finally crawl out from under your rock. As for pirate, who doesn't post any more, fuck you. You criticise him and others for their service, for their interest in the military, for their support of vets? I may have met pirate, I may even have served with him, Australia has a small Army, but having read his posts and assessed what and where he's been, I may not know him as a man, but I do know him as a brother. But of course, that's something scum like you wouldn't understand. Pirate has most likely seen service overseas, a decorated soldier. I was going to take the advice of whoever it was and not click on any of these Old Scared White Gender Bending Dudes posts but hey KarenOziPirate you got me. So from the above you are actually now trying to make people believe that you aren't Pirate. OK, fair enough, I was right, you definitely have a multiple personality disorder - OR - you talk so much shit that you need another 2 separate avatars to back your own points up with, either way it's sad and undermies everything you have ever posted and will post in future. Well done for staying up late/getting up early so you can post as KarenKraft and have a live conversation with yourself, that's exactly the sort of initiative we need to combat religious extremism. Damn, I can see I'm dealing with a pro here boys. To be honest this whole issue of yours really calls into question whether you served in the military at all and it calls into question whether you are being hypocritical when you call me a liar. Shit man, you need to be asking yourself who you really are - it's not called compromise Woody, it's called schizophrenia. I've never protested peace and harmony Princess, nor have I said anything anti the men and women that serve in the armed forces. In so many words I have simply stated (as you and your multiple personalities are demonstrating) that you are a scared old man, confused and hateful towards a world you no longer understand and indeed are no longer relevant to. As to the question asked about are the real causes and what my solution would be - there's no chance in hell I'm going to engage with a bunch of retards and their narrow world view on any level except scorn by treating your Fascism with the contempt it deserves. I can keep this going indefinitely, I genuinely find the replies from you and your multiple personalities, as well as Woody's spastic rants, funny so please carry on substituting my name into unfunny jokes, please carry on making stuff up about me and please just be yourselfselves - you no hope gimp. Mate, have you forgotten your medication again?
  8. She's going to need a lot more than love. It's far too young to be away from it's mother, it can't even stand up.
  9. Agree, didn't bring my kids up on any of it either. We did have an awesome chain many many years ago, called The Red Bull (not the drink), used real scotch steak in real steak burgers, almost the same price as the other crap. Sadly, most people wanted junk food, so they went broke.
  10. Same company. Even the promo line is supposed to be the same "The burgers are better at Burger King" or so they claim.
  11. The burqas are better at Hungry Jacks
  12. Tee47 you left your ID bottom left hand corner of the pics. RLC will ban you.
  13. The Brits have got the problem of illegal immigrants sorted out really well. Watched a show last night about the UK Border Force. In one segment they raid two butcher shops in what appears to be a suburb predominantly full of people from Pakistan and the middle east. They role up in full uniform and stated that the businesses they raid generally know they are coming because people are on the phones ringing around as soon as they enter the suburb. They take seven people into custody for being in the country illegally. I think they were all from Pakistan. Awesome. Well it was, then it turns to shit. Two of the illegals have passports so are held and deported within 24 to 36 hours. The five without passports can't be deported until their identity is confirmed, so are released on something similar to bail, but no collateral is put up, with a requirement to report to immigration once a week. Surprise, surprise, week one and four of the five don't turn up. So now their details are given to the police. Moral of the story, destroy any documents you may have then you can stay as long as you like. PLEASE PLEASE don't let me find we do the same here. I wonder how bright the fuckwit that did turn up is?
  14. Not sure about me, but you're half looks pretty sexy!
  15. Ozi

    Juke Box

  16. Okay. Enough is enough. I call truce on Aubrey-ragging. Let's try to focus on the content of the posts rather than on the personalities of the posters. Why? Because every day there are new events to discuss, but hurling insults at each other (fun as that may be) is, by its very nature, repetitive and boring. Here. I'll start: Mr. Aubrey, I apologize if any of my tasteless insults offended you. It was my goal to confront you using tit for tat, goose/gander sort of stuff which, we all recognize, is sort of easy and not terribly productive. Thus, I propose that we make an effort to address the content of each other's points of view instead of insulting our fellow participants. Right, right? Wrong. Hahahaha. Yeah, you're right. It was a bad idea. Full speed ahead then. Sorry Karen, but one of has to go, so it might as well be me. See I fucked up, we are apparently both logged on together and that just can't do, who knows what we/I/you might conjure up together/alone. Shit now I'm confused. I'm outa here. See you all later during my allocated time slot.
  17. Quote from Aubrey: What is "45-70"? I read somewhere that a US state wants to bring back firing squads instead of lethal injections. It's a difficult one really as surely a bullet between the eyes is the most humane and quickest but if it was my daughter who was molested by a pedophile and I had the choice, I think I'd go for the excruciating pain of a botched drug administration...Unless I was allowed to do the shooting. See, Aubrey preaches peace and harmony and gun control but would shoot someone, if they were tied up and shackled, after they had molested his daughter. My way the arsehole would still be dead but before he could harm my family, not after.
  18. Okay. Enough is enough. I call truce on Aubrey-ragging. Let's try to focus on the content of the posts rather than on the personalities of the posters. Why? Because every day there are new events to discuss, but hurling insults at each other (fun as that may be) is, by its very nature, repetitive and boring. Here. I'll start: Mr. Aubrey, I apologize if any of my tasteless insults offended you. It was my goal to confront you using tit for tat, goose/gander sort of stuff which, we all recognize, is sort of easy and not terribly productive. Thus, I propose that we make an effort to address the content of each other's points of view instead of insulting our fellow participants. Right, right? Wrong.
  19. Aubrey, I was wondering how long it would take for you to finally crawl out from under your rock. KarenOziPirate? If you are going to make outlandish comments, or even rational theories, you need to do some research. Karen (male or female who cares) and I function in two different time zones, look at the stats on CC. One of us, whoever the ONE is, would need to be accessing CC 24/7. As for pirate, who doesn't post any more, fuck you. You criticise him and others for their service, for their interest in the military, for their support of vets? I may have met pirate, I may even have served with him, Australia has a small Army, but having read his posts and assessed what and where he's been, I may not know him as a man, but I do know him as a brother. But of course, that's something scum like you wouldn't understand. Pirate has most likely seen service overseas, a decorated soldier. What fucking right do you have to criticise him? You really do think words like Courage, Initiative, Respect, Teamwork are just in the movies don't you. They are the core values of the Australian Army, any army for that matter, no matter what side you are on. I have more respect for a man that points a gun at me than a piece of scum like you that would be protesting and preaching peace and harmony while your country was under attack. You'd be one of the scum spitting on the vets when they returned from war. If you don't like what you read in Old Dudes or wherever these posts are going, then take your own advice and don't, stay away, just focus on the tits and arse comments in the other threads.
  20. Sad to say, but if this thread is anything to go by, we are already fucked. Military strategy 101: Know your enemy. ISIS wasn't the direct enemy of the USA, or the new coalition of the willing or whatever they call themselves now, until they interfered in a civil war. Why? If you want them all dead, they are doing half the job for you, killing each other off. Half the so called freedom fighters we are now supporting are terrorist groups, on our hit list a few months ago. Why do you think Turkey won't support their Kurds to go and fight, because to them they are just as much the enemy as ISIS. How many Americans and Brits have they executed? Less than 5 maybe? A suicide bomber would be embarrassed by such a meagre figure. However, by making it personal, by beheading on the internet, they have achieved more than killing 50 or even 500 indiscriminately with a few bombs here and there could ever do. ISIS is now the enemy, Islam has already won. America a sleeping giant? Yeah right, if it sleep walks. It's been in and out of Iraq how many times since the Gulf War in 1990? And leading all the other blind and lame countries along with them. We are at war with Islam, but Islam is not just in the Middle East, it's in every suburb, in every town, in every country in the world. It's a parasite, eating us from the inside. Go ahead, bomb the crap out of Syria and Iraq, for all the good it will do. Sit back at the end of it and pat yourselves on the back and give each other a cigar, while in the background Europe collapses, British parliament approves sharia law, and our collective governments take even more muslim refugees from the countries we fucked over yet again.
  21. Oh dear, should have known better than to try and explain 60 years of the evolution of war, as well as throwing in other subjects, without causing both angst and confusion. Like everything in this world, war is an evolving and dynamic science. What we did to Germany, didn’t work in Vietnam and what we ended up doing in Vietnam didn’t work in the middle-east. Indiscriminate bombing of targets is not only a waste of valuable resources, but does not achieve the desired effect. This has already been proven in both Vietnam and Iraq. Selective targeting is a two-fold strategy, it destroys valuable resources, including critical human targets, as well as reducing the enemy’s desire to fight. Unfortunately, this probably won’t work against Islam, as no model can yet allow for cultural implications. Islam is a monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur'an. An adherent of Islam is called a muslim. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on a variety of topics from banking and welfare, to family life and the environment. By any stretch of the imagination, it is a theocracy. It will not wage war on itself. Indiscriminate bombing resulting in the deaths of what are non-radical muslims will do nothing to win the war against ISIS but will ultimately awaken a sleeping giant. Current figures indicate approximately 23% of the worlds’ population are muslims and is the fastest growing religion in the world. As an example, Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia, which also has a larger muslim population than any other country in the world, with over 200 million, 90% of its population. The Indonesian armed forces are voluntary. The available manpower fit for military service of males aged between 16 to 49 is 52 million, with a further 2 million new suitable males available for service annually due to the significant birth rate. Indigenous Europeans are currently procreating at approximately 1.6 per family per annum. European muslim are procreating at approximately 8.1 per family per annum. Add converts and ever increasing migration, I’m sure you can do the maths. China has more adherents to Islam than the European Union. Beijing bans some muslims from observing Ramadan, or boarding public transport while veiled, but it allows millions of others to practice their religion without hindrance. The road to Linxia, in China’s vast northwest is known locally as the Qur’an Belt, with a profusion of newly built mosques and Sufi shrines lining the motorway. The Hui muslims are a 10.5 million-strong group that is the second largest of China’s 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities, where Sufi traditions remain vibrant. Russian muslims represent 15% of the total population. Outside observers typically consider Russia’s large Muslim population to be a great challenge for the country and its leadership. President Vladimir Putin possibly has a different view and may see not only challenges but opportunities, including Russia’s diplomacy in the Middle East and elsewhere in the Islamic world. Putin considers his country’s muslim citizens as a like-minded constituency in combating the perceived negative consequences of the encroachment of "Western" culture in the Middle East, with only China in the immediate region having a bigger population. However, because China’s overall population is so large, it represents only 1.8% of the total, compared with 15% in Russia. Thus, while Beijing can afford to marginalize its muslim population, Moscow cannot. Senator Lambie, our most outspoken politician, has voiced her desire to curtail the muslim growth and control in Australia. She recently suggested that if muslims wished to practice sharia law, they should return to their own country. She also said that the burqa should be banned. Unfortunately, when asked what sharia law was, she said it meant terrorism. She was also not aware that aspects of sharia law are currently being written into law in the UK, the system ours is modelled on. When asked what to do with Australian born and bred muslims who had converted, she had no comment. When asked about muslim headdress, she didn’t know there was a difference between a burqa and a hijab. Senator Lambie is not wrong in what she wants to happen, but like many of her kind, she is ill informed and in all honesty, doesn’t have a fucking clue what she is talking about. All she achieves is undermining the real fight against Islam. Like the depleted population growth in Europe, we are reaching the point of no return. Muslims have probably already reached the 25% of the total population mark, but they are also getting close to control of a large number of western countries and economies. The only thing that will stop the growth of Islam, is non muslims taking control of their own destiny. Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
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