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Everything posted by wathou

  1. she must have had a rough night last night she came back wasted with only 1 string holding her bra LMAO
  2. i don't see how this is not a support issue ... you have the right to complain about something are paying for ... And talking about it over & over on CC won't change a thing ...
  3. first mrbox there wasn't any insult ... stop being a drama queen --' and second, like euromike used to say, just close your computer & go outside when rlc is boring/pissing you off. I took that advice and i think you should too. The content that rlc is offering right now is close to being hilarious/ridiculous but i think there is no need to talk about it over & over again. Just look at the forums, a few months ago admin had to upgrade the servers of cc because of the traffic and now it's like a desert island the only things that are being posted are argument about alex or you talking over & over about "real life". I think you should really writte a complain letter to the support & go outside ( like i did). but it won't change a think rlc is doing one step forward two step backward ^^'
  4. i don't get it, irma is acting like she has been for the past weeks ( phone, out , phone, sleep) besides her crying last night i don't understand all that drama it wasn't probably a big deal if she is back at being herself :X ?
  5. it was jessica. i think it has something to do with her nose. or maybe she is just sad because she is leaving in less than a week.
  6. No shit sherlock ... ( and the girls that tried to hide either got kick out or left ) Btw Mr.Box i have to say thank you ! these days i barely watch rlc ( or what's left of it). But i quiete enjoy all of your humoristic posts & the respond to them . It's almost as funny as watchin a comedy tv show :) thank you
  7. i didn't follow the whole conversation but if you talking about angel she didn't show more ( even less) than her previous work. Nothing to hide ^^'
  8. LMAO now rlc is part of a mafia xD ! i guess i haven't spend enough time watching what's left of rlc to see that xD
  9. Mrbox everyone who knows you ( or at least knows what your are talking about) knows that "open minded" means having sex with dude, so why don't you make your life easier and just writte " girls that bring their boyfriend" at least every new member could understand you.
  10. well looks like the twins & gina are getting ready to go out, i guess it's going to be belle holding the fort
  11. it's not the most glorious days of the barcelona's apts ( if you ask me) but it's far from being dead ...
  12. it looks like it's going to be more than a one day trip, a lot of kisses ... it's going to be a quiete week ( maybe )
  13. One other thing i taught i would never had to say xD : i'd rather have a quiete night than having another night ruined by him. at least no false hope :)
  14. if you want to see that there is Vh.tv a lot of group sex happening over there. But i'll pass not intersted in that, i'm a simple man, i just want to see some parties where the girls have fun between friends and where there is no old man sitting and trying to grab/kiss as many ass as he can ...
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