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Everything posted by wathou

  1. just cam back from work & i see that a party is going on at b2 that's nice + no sign of A :)
  2. i don't think "forcing" the girls to spend more time in the apt is a good thing, even if that annoye me also that they spend more time outside than they are inside ... but what's bothering me even more is that the few hours that they spend in the house is on their phone not even talking to each other. So if you "froce" them to stay more in the apt they would only be on their phone it wouldn't change anything. I don't think a change must come from rlc ( by "forcing" them) but from them. And also let's not forget that they are in vacation so it's really understandable (dare i say normal ^^) that they spend their days outside enjoying the sun ^^' and also having fun in clubs but as long as this is not just the only thing they are going to do because they are being paid by rlc to be in this apt +- 2k/month ( and i don't know about you but i doubt the rlc ad is : " come to barcelona and get paid 2k/month just to go out & enjoy the sun all day" ^^') and we pay to watch them 75$/month which is not big but not nothing either ^^'.
  3. irma & stella don't waist any minute xD already geting dressed to go out ... staying more than 2 hours awake in the apt could be dangerous xD
  4. i think what the girls do outside the apt or with whom they are with outside is not relevant ... ( if they want to have crazy sex orgies outside good for them even if i doubt that's the case ...) but what really bothers me & i think others too, is that they go out almost everynight and in the apt don't do anything ( i'm not talking about anything sexual) they spend their days on their phones that's pretty much all what they do ... and as you said i think it's unfair to us ( the customer) & rlc who are paying them quiete a large amount of money to just be in the apt. in vacation ... so i kind of understand why poeple defend them by saying they should enjoy their vacation & so on but let's not forget that we are paying those vacation ...
  5. not the first time she does that ( remember when i said she was doing some danaya bate?) i hope she'll bate over the cover eventually. But one think that's funny with gina is that her first day was amazing, pointing her pussy right to the cams & so on but after that it never evovled :X ( and her first day was the best, now she is back at showing her pussy again :) )
  6. she talk a lot with belle today so i'm pretty sure she is aware that where the girls are and maybe just didn't want to join there
  7. yhea but it's not going to be a party in the apt by the looks of it probably just an other party to find some sugardaddy
  8. just got back from a work weekend trip and you are already starting back ... you don't waist any mintues ...
  9. if they do that they can close almost all couple appt because i think a lot of poeple would take the "girls" appt
  10. Let mrbox in his own fantazy real world it's not like they opened a new apt like b1 because it was such a succes right xD
  11. I think Mr.box you are being frustated by the twins because it's obvious that they are not going to have any kind sexual activities in the apt because they are sisters and in the same bed ( or at least really really unlilky ) as long as they are sharing a same room. But since you like to talk about nora i'd like to remind you when b1 open nora didn't do anything sexual either ( like many other girls at the start) it's just things evovled and now everyone is expecting the girls to bate ( orgies, SEX) every day well it wasn't like that at the begining. even for nora ( and she really changed at her last visit, more active playing with the other girls & all which she never did before) but i'll always respect nora because of her involvment in b1 & b2 ( like danaya & ilona too)
  12. they should have bought her a toy :P and btw it's party tonigh ( she talked about that with heidi when they were speaking english) don't know if it's going to be in the apt or outside tho :X
  13. you don't see me blabling about that rlc should change all the couples apartment and i pay the same price as you but i'm only watching 3 of the 17 apartments ... so your argument is more invalid than mine then .... And i kind of agree about this cast is getting boring but having no dudes being there as no effect, during the summer the girls had multiple parties without having dudes and those parties were real ! because they were all friends and like to spend time together. But now irma, stella & belle are spending all their times on their phones or outside Why ? i don't know but it's not related to dudes being not there ... so maybe just for once just stop trying to change b1 & b2 and go talk in the couples apts thread were most of the poeple are since nobody likes b1&b2 since there is no openess / real life
  14. Just LMAO "it's not jsut about the sex" but every time you mention girls it's only nicole & nora which are the 2 that had sex in the apt ! Just LOL And Btw i'd like to remind you that those two apt are "girls in vacation" so it's normal/real that the girls don't have a regular ( boring ) life like the other apartment because they are not in " normal condition" they are in vacation ... And i still don't understand why you torture yourself by watching those apartements when they are 14 others normal/real apartments full of openess ? and only 3 or 2 apartments that are fake , teasing, not showing any openess ?
  15. Dear Mr.Box you are all about respecing each other opinion but once again you only see yours as valid. B1 & B2 & K&k IMHO were created to be an alternative to the (boring) couple apartment. Where poeple that are not interested of watching 2 poeple having sex everyday without any change can still find some interest of watching RLC. The girls change every 1 to 3 month so that there are no routine ... But no you still try to persuade everyone that this apartment should become an other couple apartement ... and i'll say once again i think lots of poeple here ( like me ) are not against dude being there as long as they don't overstay or disrupt the other girls ...
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