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Everything posted by wathou

  1. everytimes belle is speaking with someone i always think that she is pissed but no it's just the way she speaks
  2. Who gives a fuck about why they did what they did last night ? they did it and it was great and btw i don't think irma "used" stella xD Stella was the one giving ^^'
  3. yhea so terrible i don't understand why they just don't look at their phone together without even talking to each other that'd be more fun
  4. i always mix the name up too much "a" ^^' belle is the only name that doesn't end by an "a" i guess it's rlc brand ^^
  5. i watched until around 1:30 but i was watching tv and didn't recorded anything i was counting on the replay too :X i seriously don't understand what's up with rlc those days there is more failure than good content ...
  6. oh ok i didn't refresh the page in a while ^^' that's reassuring i taught they wouldn't respond to my e-mails i guess it's just the support is on vacation then ^^
  7. That's not nice that's normal they are charing us 30$ for that function where their competition doesn't charge an extra buck for it ... So it's more than understandable that they are not cheap by giving "free" extra days. It's not like the content was up to the price right now ...
  8. i e-mailed them too but i think rlc support is on vacation xD i send them an e-mail about the dust on cam 8 in angelina's room and they didn't responded yet :X
  9. this is not the right thread, but it's because b1 has 3 free-cams downstairs and b2 has 0. that's why ^^'
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