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Everything posted by wathou

  1. i guess i was wrong, i think i'm gonna back at not talking about him. Sorry if i hurt anyone feelings. And i want irma gone because i hope when she'll be gone he will be too, if not i think it's going to be the end of the rlc journey for me. And about the whole leader thing i think irma is no leader right now ( she is always on her phone or busy with him) the only two poeple that seemed to have genuine fun at the two last "party" were gina & stella. I actually don't care about a leader, i just want to see girls having fun party in the apt that's all. (like the party during summer, and i'm not talking about the lesbian thing ^^').
  2. i pray the rlc god everyday for it i mean they can see him as much asthey want for all i care but if they could take that nasty/ugly/creepy buiness outside the apt that'd be great
  3. i think the present was for the finger/pussy eating night. and now i guess she is off with him. i never taught i had to writte this one day ...
  4. he promised her a new iphone for pics i guess he is paying his fee ... And they are not even hiding it, what's next ... or should i say who's next ... it's getting really disturbing to watch i whish rlc would put a stop to this madness
  5. i used to never watch leora but damn don't know what's up with here these days, she dances & her bates are just amazing this morning's bate was the best i have seen on rlc so far ^^'
  6. For once i have to say i agree with you Mr.box "the paint show" doesn't do anything for me anymore :X I only see two possible reason why the girls do it : 1. to attract new members ( since it's always on the free cams) 2. they really like doing that
  7. For once i'd like to have a new girl(s) i'v been so disapointed by previous girls coming back that i rather see some new girls, and perhaps girls that are as great if not better than the old ones :) but i think rlc should stop casting one girl at the time it's always better when a girl is with at least one friend :)
  8. Damn i wouldn't have beleive it last night if someone would have tell me " there will be haters tomorrow" ( except Mr.Box but it's understandable from him " no dick no fun" xD). We live in a strange world :)
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