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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Getting slow again at times. Sometimes logging in takes forever or not at all. Close it out, wait a while and try again.
  2. You pretty much covered it and most of us see the same thing but the "Leora gives and does while Paul takes and sleeps" scenario makes it appear that Leora settles for what little life can give her. Not jealous of Paul but sad for Leora. Oh well.
  3. Is it as comparable as watching Paul do his daily activities? Linda and Paul both have sleeping down to a science.
  4. Camcaps needs us to keep this site alive - 😆.
  5. And he sponges everything off of Leora including blowjobs.
  6. Paul is a sponge in more ways than one.
  7. He is in good company with 6 other members on my "Ignore" list. They all can talk shit but I won't see it. I am really liking this option since it eliminates their crazy talk.
  8. Great examples. Both camcaps and xcamfan chat room have the same petty talk. I guess for them it males great storylines.
  9. Fuck me, more mental cases here on camcaps than I ever imagined. Now I am starting to wonder why I am even here. Am I one of them too?
  10. All the dildos are man enough for Leora. They stay erect and give her more enjoyment and sex than the "love of her life". Paul is her "man of the apartment" who gives her the ground rules of when and where to do her RLC playground activities.
  11. No response from camarads so I guess it is a "NO".
  12. The above videos are shaky but nice to see her sucking cock.
  13. Dildo won over Paul. They give her the ultimate sexual satisfaction while Paul is just an obligation that comes with the territory. Dildos and her fans are the true loves of Leora's life.
  14. Workin' on it. Just tired of them talking useless shit.
  15. She just needed a break away from T-wrecks and had to switch into something just for you @upyourass
  16. Over several months now I have been putting up with some camcaps members that have some serious mental issues in what they post that are directed at me or just make no sense at all. I finally decided to make full use of the "IGNORE" option and it works wonderful. I like it and I recommend other members to give it a try. It is so peaceful now reading the forum topics and much less shit to look at or read. Let me know if you would like me to add your username to my "ignore" list which is steadily growing - 😆. Also feel free to add me to your own "ignore" list since I won't take it personal. I know that I am a sweetheart but I can also be an asshole at times - 😆. Some members are still searching for their marbles, have damaged brain cells, still sucking on their mother's tits, are born antagonists, are mad at the world, are wimps that make use of the forums to vent their anger or just like to find faults with others in an attempt to make themselves appear better than others. Too many members "love" their cam girl/tenants to the point of defending them to the extreme. Such sick mental cases.
  17. They are updating their site soon but in my opinion the damage is done and I don't expect any significant improvements.
  18. Lately I have seen some contradictory messages by some members. If you talk negative about a tenant or guest that member will put you down for not respecting and appreciating that RLC participant for doing all of us a favor by exposing themselves for our enjoyment. Fair enough but it is an adult porn type site after all. Forums are about commenting positive, negative, speculative and informative opinions or anything that they wish to say. Well, well, well - these same members turn around in other topics or forum sites and call tenants/guests useless cunts and should be booted out or call them lazy do nothing bitches or VD spreaders or sluts/whores/prostitutes or free riders or disappearing acts or whatever else. Observe for yourself. Some members here on camcaps are also on VHTV Forum and xcamfan. the pot calling the kettle black - people should not criticize someone else for a fault that they have themselves
  19. Then why not allow camcaps members to post apartments/tenants images (pics and videos) here in this forum topic? I believe the real reason is that camarads DOES NOT want any posting of images to try and protect their participating tenant's privacy. RLC does not allow posting of images (still done by third party hosting sites) but VHTV encourages posting of images. In the past (years ago) camarads did allow posting of images which did help advertise their site. All free advertising of your product by active subscribers and voyeurs that appreciate these type of sites and appreciate the tenants that get involved with the cams for others to watch and enjoy.
  20. Every day Linda should do some totally naked exercises in front of the cams. It would physically benefit her so much while providing excellent visuals and optimum cam viewing of her body for her adoring fans. So Linda, give it a try and thank you in advance. Go ahead Linda, time to get naked and to
  21. Has anybody seen naked Sasha intentionally shaking or twirling his big dick in front of the cams to show off his meaty endowment. Just asking for a friend - ☺️.
  22. Linda has to be the bread winner so she needs to do her part. She doesn't have to mirror what Leora does BUT she has to do more than what she does now. Fuck, in the past she showed and did quite a lot ore than she does currently. She HAS to kick it up and treat her appreciative fans. Her naked body, big boobs, hungry pussy, big firm butt and asshole are her money makers. Linda, time to get to work for the cams and do it without T-bore.
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