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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. RLC will continue to ride the money train as long as paid subscribers stay addicted to the site. A whole lotta bitchin' about the tenants and that any recent changes have resulted in the same old same old. Even with more apartments/houses it only magnified how shitty the RLC product is. Complaining in the forums or sending messages directly to RLC is so laughable. Subscribers have to know that the only way RLC will positively react is based on subscriber numbers and revenue. CLOSE YOUR FUCKING WALLET or CANCEL ASAP. Explain to RLC why you won't renew or will cancel your subscription. Be direct and show disappointment. One, two or a hundred subscribers quitting won't make a difference as new dumbasses decide to subscribe. Only a mass exodus of subscribers will get their attention. Take a pause for the cause. Tell yourself that if you cancel or not renew and take a three month sabbatical or break from RLC that you won't really miss anything at the way things are right now. Too many gutless stubborn subscribers that can't break their addiction to RLC. Perhaps the behavior of the tenants is the way it always will be. If so, then subscribers should "put up with it or shut up with the constant complaining or jump off the train wreck. SIMPLE!!!
  2. I prefer watching your "real life" videos than watching Leora trying to have sex with boring pathetic emotionless Paul. Real couple, real sex, real emotions and really exciting to watch the action.
  3. This Political section is overkill and waste of time to try and follow it. Since this topic of Politics is a free-for-all which does get nasty but acceptable then I am surprised that camcaps doesn't allow a Religion topic too. That's all we need to bring out the worst of people. Even the topic of guns seems to help condone gun violence with the appearance of advertising all the types of legal/illegal weapons FFS!!!. I am a peace/love/nudity/sex kind of guy that hurts no one. No place in society for wars, violence, spousal abuse, hatred or disrespect. Imagine a totally naked society. Any naked person of any nationality works for me - happy, happy, happy. Don't really see much naked fighting other than naked porn videos (wrestling, fighting, etc.) or the odd weirdos fighting while drunk and naked or women catfighting and ripping off each other's clothes (good to watch for the upcoming nudity - lol). So my answer to all the problems in this world is to "just get naked already".
  4. Got that right and they try to set us straight or tell us to go check out porn sites instead - them dumb fucks.
  5. Gotta laugh at members here on camcaps, on xcamfan and on VHTV Forum that refuse to accept the fact that these voyeur cam sites ARE porn sites FFS!!! No children under 18 years of age are allowed to be on cam, all kinds of nudity plus sex, masturbation and other adult content. Porn is porn no matter how you slice it. These voyeur cam sites are not PG rated or for children to view (funny though how some members behave like children in these forums). These voyeur cam sites are not like all the porn sites as we know it but normal, fake or intentional nudity and sex in front of obvious cameras is fucking porn. It may not be 24/7 porn but with the use of cams it provides the viewers to watch participants do their daily activities which could include nudity and sex. This is the same as members thinking that all these voyeur cam sites have participants living their "real life" in front of the cams - haha. Perhaps some resemblance of their real life but since the participants obviously know that the cams are there they will, at times, provide fake or intentional activities to satisfy the paid subscribers and viewers. So if you want to look at it - these voyeur cam sites provide real/fake/intentional adult porn type activities.
  6. Got me hard pretty quick. Beautiful sight watching women giving a guy some special attention.
  7. I bet if Paul was given a blowup doll he wouldn't know what to do with it. Sadly, the blowup doll would have to make the first move so
  8. Leora is too clueless to realize that Paul rules the roost. Every day Leora has to work (live her daily routine and do cam teases/shows) around Paul. She has to be mindful of what Paul does or needs and spend time babying him before she can satisfy her adoring followers. Leora might be looked at as a Queen but she has her place next to King Paul (he walks like he owns the place). Paul will let Leora know when it is time for his blowjob.
  9. Would sooner see Leora having sex with hedgehog Ron Jeremy than with Paul - FFS!!!
  10. Well, real life marriage problems. Not ideal for an actual voyeur cam porn site.
  11. Excellent, Bravo, Superb, Magnificent. Vielen Dank Did she smile at the end of both cock sucking videos? Sure looked like it to me. Great real life couple showing us their real life sex. BEAUTIFUL!!!
  12. works for me - blowjob by Linda would be appreciated.
  13. Gay as in happy. These guys are the life of the party - just watch them go.
  14. Paul laying beside Leora while watching something on her laptop. Paul busy picking his nose and flicking the snot balls on the bed. Paul is still the champion Booger King of RLC. Leora gets to lay on Paul's nose crumbs. Leora picked a winner with Paul who continues to pick his daily supply of dried nasal mucus.
  15. Linda and Tibor sharing snacks/pastry at the living room table. Can't get any better than that - lol.
  16. More of the same crap with name calling too. The c**t word and others are used to describe tenants and members. I guess I should get use to it because the same nonsense happens on xcamfan and the VHTV Forum.
  17. I bet she is good eating. Lovely orgasmic girl enjoying sex.
  18. Leora. Lora, Irma. Suzan. Maya, Adriana and Linda
  19. That is because he is a lost cause. Leora needs to give her head a shake and wake the fuck up.
  20. We see it. But does she? Probably not or she has serious insecurities to make any changes to her sad boring life with Paul.
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