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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. I bet if Paul was given a blowup doll he wouldn't know what to do with it. Sadly, the blowup doll would have to make the first move so
  2. Leora is too clueless to realize that Paul rules the roost. Every day Leora has to work (live her daily routine and do cam teases/shows) around Paul. She has to be mindful of what Paul does or needs and spend time babying him before she can satisfy her adoring followers. Leora might be looked at as a Queen but she has her place next to King Paul (he walks like he owns the place). Paul will let Leora know when it is time for his blowjob.
  3. Would sooner see Leora having sex with hedgehog Ron Jeremy than with Paul - FFS!!!
  4. Well, real life marriage problems. Not ideal for an actual voyeur cam porn site.
  5. Excellent, Bravo, Superb, Magnificent. Vielen Dank Did she smile at the end of both cock sucking videos? Sure looked like it to me. Great real life couple showing us their real life sex. BEAUTIFUL!!!
  6. works for me - blowjob by Linda would be appreciated.
  7. Gay as in happy. These guys are the life of the party - just watch them go.
  8. Paul laying beside Leora while watching something on her laptop. Paul busy picking his nose and flicking the snot balls on the bed. Paul is still the champion Booger King of RLC. Leora gets to lay on Paul's nose crumbs. Leora picked a winner with Paul who continues to pick his daily supply of dried nasal mucus.
  9. Linda and Tibor sharing snacks/pastry at the living room table. Can't get any better than that - lol.
  10. More of the same crap with name calling too. The c**t word and others are used to describe tenants and members. I guess I should get use to it because the same nonsense happens on xcamfan and the VHTV Forum.
  11. I bet she is good eating. Lovely orgasmic girl enjoying sex.
  12. Leora. Lora, Irma. Suzan. Maya, Adriana and Linda
  13. That is because he is a lost cause. Leora needs to give her head a shake and wake the fuck up.
  14. We see it. But does she? Probably not or she has serious insecurities to make any changes to her sad boring life with Paul.
  15. I think they have known each other from high school days and perhaps both shy and nervous around others. Such a terrible match up from the start and can't seem to break apart. It appears that they need each other for whatever reasons but Paul needs Leora (a mother to him) more than Leora needs Paul (an understanding man in her life - 🤣). Only they know why they need and love each other. Us outsiders just don't see the connection and why Leora accepts his "do nothing boring life". As is right now with RLC - Leora is a stay-at-home, work-from-home mother/wife to Paul while having sex with her son/husband - 🤣🤣🤣. In all appearances that is what it looks like to me. Paul is just a grown up child.
  16. Both Linda and Leora have amazing bodies, both gorgeous women and appear to be easy going lovable girls but lack the proper attention, love and don't get the variety of sex that they rightly deserve. Paul is a boring fuck while Tibor hardly gives Linda the time of day. I think Linda and Leora should meet up and support each other and give it a good lesbian try at sex. Imagine Leora and Linda both naked and going at it. That would be an amazing sight.
  17. Yeah, what is wrong with using a real cock. Paul can be easily replaced by fake cocks - so fucking sad. Other than his creamy milk (cum) offering why even have Paul there? Bring in guys like @Gregg that would gladly do anal on Leora.
  18. I was one of them but on xcamfan. When I joined camcaps it was only Leora in Prague. Probably the only good thing or positive observation that I will give Paul credit for - he provides the creamy milk (cum) for Leora to lick, taste and swallow. I like when she smacks her lips for the enjoyment of receiving Paul's cum. When I first saw a closeup video of Leora devouring Paul's cum load I thought I was having a heart attack with my heart beating fast and my cock rock hard and ready to explode. What a beautiful site of our precious Leora thoroughly enjoying Paul's cum. Any cum swallowing woman is damn right in my books. Would love to see her enjoying cum from other guys and tasting and swallowing other girl's juices and even squirts. Leora can do so much more but Paul holds her back. Imagine Paul being a cuckhold partner? When it comes to sex Paul is emotionless and unimaginative. If Paul had to watch Leora having sex with another man he would more than likely go ballistic again. WHAT IS CUCKOLDING? Cuckholding is the act in which a man or woman enjoys watching their partner having sex with another person The word 'cuckold' is based on the cuckoo bird, which disguises its eggs in other birds' nests and leaves them to take care of the hatchlings. Traditionally, a 'cuckold' described the husband of an adulterous wife, and it was designed to be a humiliating label. According to research 58 per cent of men and one in three women have fantasised about cuckolding.
  19. Leora knows that her masturbations are repetitive. She knows that having Malia kept her fans busy watching her. Now Paul is her new toy. Most have gotten tired of Paul and the quick repetitious sex (sex - if you want to call it that). So, I think Leora needs to add another script to her cam shows fairly soon to keep the RLC fire going. Anticipation is what Leora provides - very slow build up to something different. What will it be?
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