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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Welcome back @Anode. Excellent post and observations. That is exactly how I see it too. Paul brings nothing to the game, Leora or RLC. He has a total free ride. Yes, we can be jealous of Paul that he is fortunate to be a "do nothing" person while enjoying a gorgeous woman but it just boggles my mind how Leora can accept a useless poor excuse of a man. Sadly, Leora's wires are crossed (poor decision maker).
  2. As you can see - you can take up to 2 separate quote selections from two different comments into one like this. It doesn't work when a new topic page is started (Leora & Paul Home Activities #12 to Leora & Paul Home Activities #13).
  3. It is only hard when you fully support a tenant or have sympathies for the person and can easily get defensive. I would be the same if I knew that individual in person. In reality, I only look and follow the cam - just a visual voyeur. Stalking creeps me out and falling in love through the internet is good for nothing. I appreciate the tenants for what they graciously offer us on these "real life voyeur cam sites" and sites like chaturbate and will praise them or criticize them (my right to do so). I keep my distance unless they want my phone number and willing to do naked facetime with me (good luck with that - lol).
  4. You can click the Quote option at the left bottom of the comment or highlight part of the full comment and then the Quote Selection option pops up.
  5. I haven't ignored anyone yet. I like stupid posts that might anger me but, in turn, I like to give it back tenfold. You are okay jugghead (with a few exceptions - lol).
  6. Agree, there are good participants here but there are a few jackass "hit and run" members that don't have a clue what this forum site is all about. If they love Leora so much and want to protect her from a distance then perhaps they would be better off to go to Prague and move in with their lovely couple and show us how they live the "real life" and enjoy the bisexual life by having sex with Leora and nose pickin' "hungry man" Paul. They can enjoy the sweet juices of Leora and the creamy milk of Paul - slurp slurp, yummy.
  7. The Dasha, Sasha, Masha threesome is a wish list of Masha to up her and RLC's so-called TV ratings. She is not just there for a visit but to tease the subscribers/viewers for some much needed action. Masha and Leora are good at their job for themselves and RLC so they do what is necessary to fill the void or "up the ante". Threesomes, foursomes and gangbangs always attract a crowd of gawkers. I wonder if Masha has done a midget guy and/or a midget girl yet? That would be funny to watch but I am sure voyeurs would love to see that.
  8. Like I said, they only appear to show their displeasure about any negative or bad comments which I already know. These idiots and others that do enter the topic to make their smartass rebuttal are gutless, spineless and worthless just like Paul. And that is why they hide behind their sad/confused emojis (which are true facsimiles of themselves) or make a quick comment and high tail it out of here. They are impossible to have reasonable discussions here, hate hearing the truth and a good bet that they are just like Paul. Other members said that if we quit being negative and instead make suggestions for Leora's "show times" that she would consider them to try and please her followers/lovers. Well, zero changes to her repertoire of masturbation or sex with Paul. To change things up and maybe add some laughs to Leora and Paul's boring repetitive sex shows (Leora instigates all of their sex for the cams - very little rea life sex) Leora should buy a big black strapon dildo and forcefully shove it up Paul's tight asshole without any lube. Yeeeeee Haaaaaaw!!! Now that would be definitely worth watching, great for laughs and worthy of videotaping for future enjoyment after a few beers and while having a good wank. Ever wonder how Leora would look like if she was almost naked but only wearing a strapon dildo. Your imagination can go wild with some lesbian fun for Leora or Leora sticking it to dimwit/dumbass. With respect to the emoji fools and other pretend sick Leora lovers that make a worthless stupid comment I say this - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. These idiots need their face splattered with multitudes of cum shots and have Leora lick and swallow all the cum off their faces because she really loves her camcaps forum topic supporters - 🤣🤣🤣.
  9. Or maybe partaking of some personal sextracuricular activities away from Paul.
  10. I would give you two (2) thumbs up if I could. Love watching cock sucking and licking and ball sucking and licking. Nice when the girl is really enjoying and working the cock.
  11. With the one month away from the Leora forum topic I tried watching some of @jimbo4 videos, some videos of Leora or Leora and Paul on some internet porn sites and on Reallifecam but Paul irritates me so much that I couldn't continue to watch. Leora is a fine piece of woman and a beauty to watch even if she does nothing. When Paul is in the picture it is pathetic to watch a train wreck in motion which ends up knocking Leora off her high pedestal that I position her. Leora has to spoon feed Paul with any sex because he is 100% dependent on Leora controlling all the beat. From beginning to end of sex - Paul is useless, emotionless, unappreciative and a poor excuse for a man. This actually leaves my head shaking as to how she even allows Paul in her life. Leora has great amazing attributes but her choice in Paul is not one of them. How any woman can see the value in Paul is beyond me. Leora alone is priceless while the time with Malia was memorable.
  12. Well, my one month of self-imposed cone of silence for this topic has come to an end. Pretty obvious that without @Anode, @RAME and myself posting daily comments that this topic has become complacent. Where are the members that are such lovers of Leora and Leora & Paul and all their gushy lovey-dovey comments? Some camcaps participants they are!!! They only appear when they dislike some of our comments that we have the right to post. The Leora lovers rarely post in the Fan Page Leora. Another thing - has Leora upped her game and did some "new" performances because of less negative talk? Absolutely not. Nothing changed. So, bottom line - whatever we post in this topic has nothing to do with how Leora does her real life activities and her intentional teases and performances. By the way, RLC is a voyeur cam site so watch it with your eyes and listen with your ears and treat it as such. The forum is separate from RLC in such a way that this is a site for comments which can be positive, negative or neutral. When camcaps members make negative or discouraging comments about a tenant or apartment the righteous members say "if you don't like it - follow different apartments or go look at porn on the internet". Well the same applies to camcaps members that don't like our comments - follow other topics or leave camcaps altogether. Remember, feel free to use the "ignore button" feature which definitely won't hurt my feelings.
  13. Pretty good take on Leora. We watched her grow into a fine looking woman while being the consummate exhibitionist and her hunger for sex has increased but the quality and variety of sex is missing immensely (pretty much the same routine plus Paul has no imagination or knowledge of how to add more spice or adventure to their meagre sex life). With Linda and Tibor any sex now is forced and disheartening.
  14. To me, with all the added pics it appears overwhelming. Might take a bit to get use to.
  15. I guess you can say that this couple went from "real/fake life" (real life mixed in with performing their normal couple sex life for the cams as part of their RLC contract) to real life (dull marriage and some weird sex but unfortunately for them the cams happen to be there). Marriage falling apart, unhappy tenants, very little for viewers. Leora has an ideal setup - living her boring real life (and now even worse with Paul) while intentionally performing for the cams. A combination Real/Fake life which Leora appears very happy to do for herself and her fans.
  16. Makes it difficult to see which forum topics might have something new to look at. Will take more time searching for what I prefer to look at so I will follow less topics now. Scrolling the "all activity" option is too time consuming so more porn site searches now (real porn instead of RLC's fake porn).
  17. So with this wholesale clearance sale of RLC tenants will this soon end up being " same shit, different day"? Forum members act like hungry piranhas on a feeding frenzy of fresh nubile tenants (of a young woman - sexually attractive). Bon Appetit.
  18. And the off-topic arguing in the forum topics continues. Makes for a tough read or no read and less participation by members who might want to post decent comments. Oh well, mods not doing their homework.
  19. I will add that both Leora and Linda can easily have an infinite lineup of men and women waiting at their door for their turn. Fuck me, I would gladly take sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths and so on - 🤣
  20. It is called speculation and generally means nothing to the participants. That is what this forum is about. Compliment, criticize and make suggestions or what might be happening or happen but that's it. Tenants control their beat. I always thought that Linda can be somewhat like Leora and work the cams for more bonus money but not possible. Will they soon leave RLC? Looks like it but not in a hurry yet.
  21. It was great watching her and Malia - slow action but erotic as fuck. You knew it wouldn't get intense but the imagination filled in the blanks for what I was wishing for (the actual type of voyeur tease action). Leora deserves a multitude of men to get a better wide range of experience and her fill - one at a time or a gangbang. She can also be an active lesbian because once you go pussy you don't back away. Leora would be a great bisexual to watch in action. Her beauty and sex would be dynamite. I believe Linda should be bisexual too. She doesn't seem to have a career so she should dedicate her daily routine with sex which is great exercise.
  22. Gotta love a woman that thoroughly enjoys masturbating and feeling up her own body (pussy, ass and boobs). She must have quite the hot pussy always ready for a workout. I bet she would go crazy if she had another woman to play with. Since she had the blindfold on covering her eyes I was waiting to see if you would splatter her with your cum. This is more real life than RLC.
  23. I like Leora but Paul is a major eyesore and I can't watch them. Another real life couple but unreal matchup that is beyond trying to figure out how it came to be and continues to be. Shake my two heads at Leora. One head for disbelief while the other head is for "here it is, come and get it" - lol.
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