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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. So with this wholesale clearance sale of RLC tenants will this soon end up being " same shit, different day"? Forum members act like hungry piranhas on a feeding frenzy of fresh nubile tenants (of a young woman - sexually attractive). Bon Appetit.
  2. And the off-topic arguing in the forum topics continues. Makes for a tough read or no read and less participation by members who might want to post decent comments. Oh well, mods not doing their homework.
  3. I will add that both Leora and Linda can easily have an infinite lineup of men and women waiting at their door for their turn. Fuck me, I would gladly take sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths and so on - 🤣
  4. It is called speculation and generally means nothing to the participants. That is what this forum is about. Compliment, criticize and make suggestions or what might be happening or happen but that's it. Tenants control their beat. I always thought that Linda can be somewhat like Leora and work the cams for more bonus money but not possible. Will they soon leave RLC? Looks like it but not in a hurry yet.
  5. It was great watching her and Malia - slow action but erotic as fuck. You knew it wouldn't get intense but the imagination filled in the blanks for what I was wishing for (the actual type of voyeur tease action). Leora deserves a multitude of men to get a better wide range of experience and her fill - one at a time or a gangbang. She can also be an active lesbian because once you go pussy you don't back away. Leora would be a great bisexual to watch in action. Her beauty and sex would be dynamite. I believe Linda should be bisexual too. She doesn't seem to have a career so she should dedicate her daily routine with sex which is great exercise.
  6. Gotta love a woman that thoroughly enjoys masturbating and feeling up her own body (pussy, ass and boobs). She must have quite the hot pussy always ready for a workout. I bet she would go crazy if she had another woman to play with. Since she had the blindfold on covering her eyes I was waiting to see if you would splatter her with your cum. This is more real life than RLC.
  7. I like Leora but Paul is a major eyesore and I can't watch them. Another real life couple but unreal matchup that is beyond trying to figure out how it came to be and continues to be. Shake my two heads at Leora. One head for disbelief while the other head is for "here it is, come and get it" - lol.
  8. Isn't this what you like and want from L & T - real life? - haha. They are quite bipolar in their relationship of late and beyond trying to figure them out.
  9. Always nice watching a woman lick and suck cock. Very good side view of her.
  10. Seems to be some built up animosity towards each other. Could be the frustrations with RLC that some get their panties/knickers in a knot. Even arguing about screenshots - sheesh!!!
  11. Starting to observe some forum topics getting pretty toxic with members calling others queer, racists and other uncalled-for descriptions. Not a true friendly forum. Too much back and forth fighting between members which pretty much causes off topic discussions and doesn't make for a good read. Apartments/tenants are almost unwatchable and now this forum is getting disgusting to even bother with. Getting as bad as the VHTV Forum which isn't a good thing. As a side note, to me, RLC, VHTV and camarads are all fighting for last place - same type of tenants, boring tenants, tenants hiding or disappearing, fake intentional shit for the cams and tenants always on the phone even when having sex. Tenants do nothing but forum members provide storylines to make them appear active (all speculation for nothing). All these so-called real life voyeur cam sites sure have lost their way but members hang on and try to add more to the participants which is futile. Oh yeah, keep asking for possible useless returnees. WHY!!!!!!
  12. Part of me says that Linda would be better off with someone like Paul (Leora & Paul) because of his laziness and boring life which would match how Linda has been over the last year or so. Another part of me says that Linda needs someone like Elon (Sophia, Elon, Claudia apartment on VHTV) and his big salami/schlong/dong/weapon of mass destruction which he uses quite often each day. Elon does give his female women lots of attention and even enjoys the men and their cocks and asses (he is bisexual). Also, I think Linda would benefit from some female friends for someone to talk with AND partake of some lesbian sex. Linda and Tibor are quite distant of late but still having the odd occasional sex does add to the confusion of what is happening. Nice of RLC to let us speculate until the lights are turned out. I don't think Linda really knows what she wants and could be what bothers Tibor and has caused him to change. They go from common ground to uncommon ground.
  13. You really make me hungry for some ass and pussy.
  14. Such a good girl, always wanting to give her pussy a good workout. Nice natural boobs. You both make a very good team by doing these real life voyeur videos. Thank You. Danke.
  15. How's that? Two puppies each swinging in a big melon. Puppies and melons - just a swingin'.
  16. Grow her pubes long enough so that she could braid or dreadlock them - 😄.
  17. Well, with my careful astute observations I see a very obvious resemblance between Linda and Leora. They both have their man in their life and both guys pretty much work from home. So they live and able to see each other within the RLC walls 24/7. From what I see is that both Linda and Leora are still loners. Each of the girls spend little actual time with their man. They rarely hug, kiss and be close or within arms reach of each other. Tibor works on his computer for hours on end while Paul works on his computer and phone for maybe 1 or 2 hours but then sleeps for probably 20 out of 24 hours a day (bit of exaggeration but to emphasize his sleep pattern). Give Tibor credit for actually doing long hours of work but Paul's work is a joke. Both Linda and Leora have to find things to do by themselves while their man is miles apart from them (figuratively speaking). Leora bides the time doing housework, cam teases and masturbation shows for the cams. Poor Linda is bored silly and mostly appears depressed. Both women have a weird living arrangement with their man of the house - 🤣.
  18. Always nice to sexually abuse or play with your own body. Just feeling yourself up and masturbating the pussy until you have good orgasms. Applies to guys too. Jerking off and letting your cum explode feels so good.
  19. This is a forum for those that want to comment (good or bad or indifferent) about a tenant or apartment. This includes any positives, negatives, speculation and perhaps some advice or suggestions that could help that tenant. They don't converse so this is a one-sided discussion by us. As far as being a porn star (your words) to me she appears on a porn site and limited to enjoying sex with her partner only (just like Leora & Paul). And respect to her fans, they decide for themselves how they want to refer to Linda and with respect to this forum those fans remain anonymous and silent. Only a few comment here. Linda has choices and can live the way she chooses but currently her real life is in front of porn cams for the world to see and hopefully enjoy. I have the right to pick and choose who I want to talk about and what I want to say. To me, once participating on these type of adult porn voyeur cam sites the participants ARE NOT living their real life 100%. Might be 10%, 30%, 60%, or whatever but never more than 90% since the cams do indeed dictate some kind of fake/intentional sex to please the subscribers and RLC. The original RLC concept when they first started was pretty damn close to 100% real life with tenants having sex when they wanted, showed nudity when dressing undressing or having a bath or shower and sometimes undercover sex when shy or hesitant. Plus there were only 3 to 6 cams available per apartment. A free expenses paid apartment with many cams to be boring and not show nudity and sex on an adult porn site? I don't think so.
  20. Linda, RLC is a REAL LIFE VOYEUR ADULT PORN CAM SITE, not a REAL LIFE VOYEUR CAM SITE. Move your naked ass. SIMPLE!!! Give Leora some competition since she is getting boring and repetitious.
  21. Her body can be a moneymaker for her and RLC. Leora does it without screwing around so she can replicate the "show time" performances just as exciting, provocative and be amazing eye candy. Flaunt it, Linda. She can dress so sexily and can make a man or woman hungry for her female attributes.
  22. @jugghead I agree with everything that you talk about. Not a tattoo person but she is quite the looker with a great solid feminine body. I watched some older videos of both of them dancing and playing around and seeing the fun they were having and observing how happy she was. She is nowhere near that today or over the past year. Yes, you are dead right - she is basically a loner now and Tibor needs to make time for her and with her. Too much distance apart even though they are in the same apartment. Tibor has built a wall between them because of his work. By exercising alone does lack another person's motivation and just the fact having someone to participate with and have fun with makes the time so enjoyable. Too bad Linda couldn't connect with her fans for some much needed support and feelings of love. Not sure if she is able to read camcaps (it might help her if she had some nice comments or feedback about her RLC presence). If she would be comfortable working the cams like Leora does on a daily basis I would bet that Linda would regain and gain new followers of her. She has it but doesn't show it ( mainly shows off her big boobs and butt cheeks). Constantly being totally naked and doing a variety of masturbation shows for the RLC cams would definitely grab more viewers and get talked about. She ain't shy, maybe hesitant about her weight gain (awesome built body) and maybe unwilling to do solo shows. Linda, give it a short trial to see the response from the viewers and RLC data (viewer hits, thumbnail position, added subscribers). Either Tibor becomes a more fun, active and playful husband or Linda needs to spread her legs for her adoring fans. Perhaps she should ask for a more financially lucrative "performance" deal with RLC similar to what Leora must have. Leora has Paul now so Leora has occasional limited sex with Paul but she still tries to masturbate for her loyal fans. Well, Linda has Tibor around with limited sex and basically no masturbation (undercover masturbation doesn't count). If Linda was able to bring in more money via RLC then it could speed up their future life plans and put less pressure on Tibor with his own work/businesses that is taking a lot of his time apart from his wife. My advice to RLC and Linda - sign a financial/bonus incentive plan for increased "performances". A win for RLC, a win for Linda and a BIG WIN for her adoring fans who would love to see more of her.
  23. Staying in bed is okay if she did daily masturbations and naked in-your-face closeup poses to the cams so viewers can really appreciate her goodies (ass, bumhole, pussy and big titties) just like how Leora does it. She really needs to bond with her viewers/admirers. Linda can let Tibor do his thing at his desk while she treats her fans which would give her something to do and probably make her more money from RLC.
  24. What is a sedentary lifestyle? The exact definition of a sedentary lifestyle is when someone spends six or more hours per day sitting or lying down, and they lack significant physical movement in their daily life. Sedentary lifestyles increase all causes of mortality, double the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity, and increase the risks of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression and anxiety.
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