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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. You probably will sign up if and when Paul visits just to watch her handle a cock and swallow cum again. Obviously Leora will be more horny than Paul. Any action will depend on how Paul opens up in front of the cams again. Wonder how yappy the dog will be and if she will hump a pillow more than Paul humping Leora. Between the two, Leora is more sexually aggressive than laid back Paul. Oh, the anticipation is killing me - lol. If Paul shows up I believe Leora, as a business woman, will try to use the opportunity to draw in more viewers, subscribers and gain any extra bonus money if still offered by RLC. Even Leora haters will peek in since "once a voyeur, always a voyeur".
  2. It is homemade and real life which is refreshing to see as a true voyeur. Big thank you to tannzzapfen to share the pics and videos.
  3. All these women are lesbians so they should have gangbang sex with each other or catfights. I guess they prefer catfights. No surprise when it comes to women.
  4. Kira has always been the sensitive one. Pregnancy has nothing to do with it. Kira has put up with "cold fish" Nina over all these years and continues to cater hand and foot to her so my advice to Kira - "live with it or find a guy who would want to treat you right". Kira is quite known to be an emotional trainwreck because of Nina. Nina cares about only one thing - herself. End of story. If you don't like what I said - "live with it".
  5. I specifically only mentioned THOSE members that speculate. Obviously English isn't your forte so I will forgive you for your remarks. By the way, I guess all these voyeur cam sites are the REAL deal. 🤣
  6. Can get a good rise out of speculation just as much as sex fantasies - 😈🥒 I have a long distant relationship for many years so I know some of what Leora is going through. Leora has it much worse and feel for her.
  7. Hopefully for Leora and Paul it works out for them. Good reply to my "worse case speculation". Just don't know what Putin has up his sleeves but he is one hell of a bastard and doesn't even care about his own troops.
  8. Tell that to yourself and every camcaps member that posts any type of speculation related to RLC and the tenants. Oh wait, then this forum won't exist because it is mainly about speculation - sheesh!!!. Can't pick and choose what is bad or good speculation. Live with it FFS!!!
  9. Everybody and I mean everybody here on camcaps likes to speculate about RLC and the tenants. It is my turn to throw this speculation out there. What if Paul, a reservist, does get called up and has orders to go into Ukraine to fight the Ukrainian soldiers. Now further to that, what if Paul's military leader orders his group to shoot and kill innocent Ukrainian civilians on the spot. If that happens and there is concrete evidence that Paul and his miltary unit are convicted of war cimes and punishable by execution or long term imprisonment then where does that leave Leora? What if Paul and his unit gets wiped out by the tenacious Ukraine fighters. What about Eva, the female humping dog. I suppose Leora and Paul don't know the brutality that Russia has exerted on Ukraine and it's citizens. Maybe Paul has an exemption from serving on the front lines. Leora is Russian. Paul is Russian and a reservist. Leora might be easily accepted by other countries (currently in Prague, Czechosavakia I believe) but maybe not so good for Paul. After the war, will Leora want to move back to heavily sanctioned Russia? The dynamics of the war might add even more complications to the lovebirds future. A lot of different scenarios can play out and that gives plenty of room for speculation which plays into the hands of camcaps - lol.
  10. Pregnant Kira is so scrumpdillyicious - mmmmm.
  11. Maybe next time I will use my soft romantic voice and bat my cute puppy dog eyes. Nah, I will say it as I see it at the time. Generally the forums here, xcamfan and the VHTV Forum are my daily go to since VHTV mostly sucks and RLC is nothing but washed up returnees or old farts except Leora's presence is still refreshing and she is eye candy to me. Got that? At least give me some credit, when I post a few words it gets others to participate in response - LMFAO.
  12. GET WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM!!! This forum is open to anyone and we can bitch and complain about anything and even you FFS!!!.
  13. She is damn hot. Way better than any of the Barca bimbos. Anytime you see Leora fully dressed, sexily dressed with skimpy outfits, half naked and totally naked is a great day and with maximum viewing pleasure. Don't care for her repetitive masturbation scenes but she is quite the "looker" as she performs for her audience. I guess the fact that she enjoys and gets excited about being an exhibitionist plus she must have quite the fantasies and imaginations going through her lovely head that they all help her with her masturbation shows for herself and the horny bastards watching. Watching her suck Paul's cock was a huge treat and swallowing his cum was the pinnacle of her prowess.
  14. I get to see videos of bedroom, bathroom and other rooms from nice posters. Some are old and some are new. Enough said. FUCK RLC!!!
  15. I gave up on RLC. Whenever I brought the site up and saw a free room with a lazy ass or ugly tenant I quickly closed it out. How anybody will pay for the crappy site is beyond me. Get more RLC nudity or sex snapshots on porn video sites. FUCK RLC!!! Their best years are well behind them.
  16. Bottom line - money talks. The VHTV CEO admitted that in a reply post to me so we all know what generates tons of money - nudity, masturbation, sex and swinger/gangbang porn style activities. Boring and minimal sex activities by tenants usually means "exit, stage right". Just look at the high revolving door turnover of participants which is quite similar to premature ejaculation - lol.
  17. That is the management style playbook that many businesses and employers use. First, show who is boss and put down the employee's ideas. Second, later use the ideas that employees suggested earlier and take credit for it. Damn useless overpaid dumbass cocksuckers and bag lickers
  18. Agree with all your posts about the Moments Operators and potential Forum Leaders. Since the Russia/Ukraine war started the VHTV higher ups have been less visible in the forum so the wannabees have puffed out their chest to show who is in charge or the better person - so funny. They are clambering over each other and hammering each other. Nutcases. At least I don't pay for any sites or follow any cam girls. As a voyeur - I just look at the women that get naked. All free for me. Since the war started it now started a war in the VHTV FORUM - lol. There are some good members but they too get tired of the off-topic discussions. VHTV owner/higher ups are to blame in allowing this turmoil to happen within the forum. But I guess it creates participation which is lacking at camcaps and xcamfan.
  19. Her pussy is so close to my face that I can almost taste it - lol. Amazing closeups.
  20. I work and then after my shift I relax by looking at all three forums. Xcamfan is generally tame but complaints about boring tenants. Camcaps is usually regurgitation talk about the usual apartments - blah blah blah - but nothing new. VHTV Forum is head shaking. Bella topic is fairly long about the poor treatment of a dog visiting in her apartment. Off topic again but key control freaks keep it going and bickering back and forth. Just too much unnecessary bullshit with this forum in most topics. At least with chaturbate or other cam sites offering girls/mature women for easy viewing is so good on the eyes and no crazy talk or any talk for that matter. It is all visual for this voyeur - lol. All the forums are too cliquish now compared to 3 or 4 years ago.
  21. They all stroke their own ego. Think they are the cream of the crop. To me, basically VHTV Forum is a free-for-all so the "experts" can step in and show who is boss. They sure can give it but definitely can't take it. If you try to put them in their place - they get defensive and ask for Kaya or VHTV CEO to back them. The VHTV Forum is uncontrolled chaos that lacks etiquette and respect. Most Moment Operators are in direct contact with some participants so think they are better than others and "special". The VHTV Forum is a very tough read because of all the shit stupid talk. Voyeurism is a thing of the past. It is all about getting involved in the participants personal life away from the cams. All three forum sites - xcamfan chat room, camcaps forum topics and the vhtv forum - bitch about the tenants for various reasons. Seems to be less about appreciating and admiring the beauty of the girls and couples. More about finding faults. These forum sites, especially the vhtv forum, wakes me up to the reality that their are many people out there that are closed minded, aggressive in nature and forcefully "beg to differ" with what others say. Jabbath, Ukpolska and others are quick to use the man face_palming emoji when they don't like your post. Fucking idiots. I have harsh words for them but, so far, I bite my tongue. My joy is women and naked women - mmmmm. Their presence is a major gift.
  22. Quite the arguing going on in this topic. Some in the VHTV forum are decent but others are brutal and condescending.
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