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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. He had good plans, deals to subscribe early and generous payback incentives if you invested $500 or more and one year free subscription if participating. I imagine some individuals bit at his carrot since it was when RLC started to get stale and boring even before the Russian purge. I PM'd him quite often with his updates and gave my suggestions. He had a website set up and supposedly had girls/tenants lined up and eyeing up a fancy house and apartments. He tried to entice angel investors for the big financial backing that he needed for the cams/IT equipment and initial costs for the house/apartments. He even planned on having his own forum with the site similar to what VHTV has. It all sounded good but he was a war vet working as a truck driver so I never thought it would succeed until the time that I would see his site go live. A few years later his son tried to restart the project. I pumped both father and son to push forward but they both wanted early money. They both failed but how much individuals might have lost - I don't know. Tim might have made some money off others but I figure they wouldn't admit their foolishness. The son couldn't get further than posting messages about his possible site on the xcamfan forum. These types of sites or possible sites can't be trusted with your bank account open wide - lol.
  2. Might give Voyeurhouse.com a try since I seem bored of the other sites (no free cams at RLC) and looking for something new and different. If I get access and some pics I will post them and see how it goes.
  3. Xcamfan had a spam of girls posting in PM's today. StnCld316 is aware of it but might happen here with all the new registered members right now. Delete new PM's by multiple girls if you get them very soon.
  4. Yeah same guy and he must have taken in some early subscriptions just like Tim Stoakes did before he bailed out. Just hoping for something different since all these voyeur cam sites have little interest for me other than a few VHTV apartments.
  5. Just looked on internet for VoyeurLife and it still appears registered and active in Nevada (not Florida) as of Nov/21 so it could still be a possible go. The main page is the same original one that was set up but no live action. Could only hope for a new voyeur cam site because VHTV, RLC and camarads are brutal, stale, boring and predictable. Even a new site could be just as shitty but we need more voyeur cam options/competition to force the other sites to improve. Too bad Tim Stoakes couldn't get his VoyeurSun cam site running (he had great plans but he failed miserably). To me VoyeurHouse.com is an unknown site since no one posts comments about it.
  6. Big loss for RLC when comparing the March 2016 numbers to October 2021. At the rate of decline RLC will soon sink as low as Camarads. RLC has lost it's footing or imprint on the voyeur cam sites. They must be making peanuts (money) or losing money by now. What a dramatic fall from grace for RLC. VHTV and voyeurhouse.com have been the beneficiaries of RLC's downfall. But camcaps and xcamfan have received the subsequent collateral damage as a result of being too focused on RLC instead of being all-inclusive in terms of members talking about all the other good voyeur cam sites and general everyday normal discussions about things happening in life and around the world (fuck the talk and arguments about politics). RLC shot themselves in the head, heart and foot but so did camcaps and xcamfan.
  7. Yes, back in the day RLC allowed posting of images on camcaps and xcamfan. Then they forced the DMCA takedown and put a full stop to posting any images. Mind you, you can still find old and recent images posted all over the internet. Are they worried about current and future tenant's privacy by doing the RLC commitment? Fuck, tenants give out their social media accounts so they don't seem too concerned about appearing on RLC. My question is - why does VHTV have no qualms about posting images of their tenants as long as the voyeur-house.tv logo is showing which indeed helps advertise their site? Tenants don't seem to have concerns about appearing on VHTV with images being posted. RLC mentality is brutally flawed and if they want to regain their dominance then they should backpedal and go back to square one which is how they first pushed their site. They alone have "reverse advertised" their site meaning that they discouraged any good positive advertising by preventing any posting of images, stopped or minimized any free cams, constantly putting out an inferior product (poor tenants and shitty returnees) and stopped providing any decent service/feedback/updates to paid subscribers. Not aware of any recent price increases for subscriptions but if they have then it would be the final nail in the coffin. The way RLC is going I can't see it surviving much longer unless they have some kind of game plan but as it stands by now their costs/expenses must be equal to or more than revenue from paid subscriptions. Obviously, since they rely heavily on their long-term tenants and repeat returnees, RLC must not have a willing lineup of possible tenants or just can't pay possible tenants enough compensation to appear as new tenants. A major overhaul and reset could be in the works but doubt it since that is not how RLC has done things from day one. So to put it bluntly - RLC has fucked themselves.
  8. Thanks @Crerigan Sorry Hector - not complaining about you and Marla. I know it is cold there now since I see Marla wearing heavy warm clothes. I just miss seeing her naked or with sexy clothes (even cleavage excites me). You and Marla are a real normal couple to watch. My concern is that the forum chatters here on camcaps are not commenting much about VHTV - they are stuck on brutal RLC. Candy Red of VHTV is a good watch and Jessi & Mars were an excellent real normal couple and we were blessed with their presence until she left to give birth. I know both you and Marla are busy with projects so take your time working through them and hopefully you both succeed in your efforts. Marla is so easy on the eyes and when she is naked - what a body and curves - WOW!!! Hector, you and Marla appear like neighbors next door who I would want to voyeur/watch constantly because you are true real life people that I find exciting. I wish more camcap members would follow Hector & Marla and other "normal real couple" VHTV apartments. Thanks for the reply and good luck with your game project.
  9. A train wreck will happen with them for obvious reasons.
  10. Still like this gorgeous girl but feel sad for her for a variety of reasons.
  11. Perhaps VHTV should rename themselves to Variety-House.tv instead of Voyeur-House.tv since their site stresses variety over anything that resembles the true meaning of voyeurism.
  12. The tenants on RLC control how or what RLC is all about. Now it seems that the tenants control how or what VHTV is all about. Both sites lack any direction or any true sense of voyeurism. Disheartening to see both sites deteriorate so poorly in such a short time. RLC is stilling free falling in a bottomless pit while VHTV keeps slamming itself into a brick wall.
  13. Been on the VHTV Forum and made comments and likes and whatever. Some Moments Operators are control freaks and try to throw their weight around. Lots of gay talk and the fancy for the guys. Big push to be able to watch guys pissing and pics to show it. Forum is overwhelming with many topics and hard to keep track of them all (too many of the same subject). Good place to see pics or images of apartments. VHTV is geared to porn type activities and appears to be going further into the sex shows and forum talkers seem to crave all that (much different crowd - yuck!!!). Just like any forum - members like to disagree with what you say. I avoid arguing or pissing matches. True that I sometimes post comments just to get some reactions but sometimes you need to stir others to participate or just to piss them off (I'm bad)- hehehe. Whichever forum - VHTV, CC or xcamfan - you have to filter what others talk about or just bypass the crap talk and apartments altogether. Personally, I think I do a pretty good job of badmouthing both RLC and VHTV because of their current inferior/poor quality sites compared to years ago. If any tenants are good I do compliment them. True voyeurism is lacking and too much fake/in-your-face performances now.
  14. The daily routine that Leora has played over the many years has the appearance of her not being a normal person. Her lack of friends and no family/guests (other than Paul, Malia and this guy) visiting her over the many years would appear not normal. Masturbation has been her only available show for viewers while currently in this apartment (some finger touching of pussies with Malia) while not having man or woman sex would appear not normal. Her overall boring life over the many years would appear not normal for many (some people do have a similar lifestyle). Considering all the interactions between other tenants and apartments on RLC but not with Leora does appear not normal. Most would agree that Leora being with RLC for so long while only showing herself and her naked body and regular intentional masturbation is not what they expect of a normal voyeur tenant. Members can't believe or think that it is not normal or right that Leora is generally #1 in top thumbnail cams even if she does nothing. I could go on about what Leora does or doesn't do that gives the appearance of Leora not being normal to members and viewers. Sorry to say, but many subscribers must just love watching Leora and are fascinated by her and surely must fantasize good things when they see her. That is their voyeurism pleasure and they might also be addicted to her beauty and presence BUT THAT IS NORMAL. Another thing that is quite normal is that Leora is riding the gravy train. Just imagine or do your own calculations as to how much money Leora has banked over the many years and don't forget that she is Russian and what their economy/jobs/wages are like. In my opinion, and I agree with what @esanders9863said above, that Leora has proven to be a smart businesswoman. She comes across as being intelligent and controls her life, surroundings and her RLC stay exactly the way she wants. She doesn't run a business but everyone can admit - Leora is the boss (her demeanor and all of her actions over the many years proves it). Free apartment and expenses paid while only paying for food and other essentials but banking the remainder of what RLC pays her monthly and bonuses. She had an agenda or action plan from the start and has maintained it. Do the math. Imagine if you got paid a very lucrative wage or monthly salary with bonuses to stay home in a place to do nothing and never have to pay rent/lease/mortgage or utilities (heat, electricity, phone, TV, internet, sewer and others). After 7 to 10 years how much money would you have saved? Yes Leora is fucking boring and repetive for my liking BUT, to me, she is fucking gorgeous, solid body/curves/ass and does excite me when I see her dressed, half naked or naked. Sometimes it is nice to watch her masturbate but more so to just admire her naked body and her facial reactions. She is a thing of beauty and powers up my imagination and fantasies of being with her and doing nice things with her naked body - mmmmmm, yummy. She is a voyeur's dream and quite the sight compared to most, if not all, of the other girls. How many subscribers and camcap members would love to spend an hour, a day, a month or the rest of their life with Leora. You would truly be shocked by how many. She can be boring, appears to be not normal (speaking of her chosen lifestyle) and her bossiness could scare me but LEORA IS WELL LIKED. How do you spell Leora - B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, S-E-X-Y, D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S, and so on .......
  15. VHTV and RLC are voyeur cam sites (real or fake or both - you decide for yourself). Voyeur is to look. Delving into tenants personalities, personal life inside and outside of VHTV or RLC is total fucking bullshit and full of fucking speculation. Fuck the facts, rumors or guesses. You have eyes - enjoy looking at the females or males - your choice. All the stupid talk about tenants has ruined camcaps, xcamfan and the VHTV forum. Camcaps and xcamfan will struggle to survive just like RLC. Martina is a hot vivacious girl with an excellent body and sex drive - that's all I care about. Members sure like talking crap and love arguing - both mindless exercises and laughable.
  16. I have been with xcamfan since Jan 2015, signed up with camcaps about 2 months ago and recently been following the VHTV forum. Currently the way things are with RLC and VHTV, in my opinion, all the three forums are bad for various reasons. Common problem with all three is that there is so much garbage talk and it is allowed, I think, so members keep participating one way or another. If mods or whoever is in charge clamps down on how or what is said then there would not be many left. These forums are suffering because of RLC and VHTV both putting out inferior/ unrealistic voyeur apartments. RLC talk is mainly about "speculation" while VHTV talk is mainly about "porn style activities". I want to read the forums (CC and VHTV) and chat room (xcamfan) but all the shit talk and infighting is unbearable, childish, pathetic, disrespectable and generally off topic - gives me a fucking headache trying to follow stuff. Talk is one thing but females clothed or naked is all I need for my voyeurism to kick into gear. Sex is bonus but not my main focus. THE TEASE is what I look for when I watch the women and when my imagination gets going then my voyeur experience is at full throttle. Sadly the forums are not the way CC and xcamfan were many years ago. Can't seeing the forums improving or more participation unless RLC greatly improves. Both CC and xcamfan rarely discuss VHTV. Few of us regularly post pics of VHTV apartments at xcamfan since RLC doesn't allow posting of images (them useless fucking bastards).
  17. Nelly and all of the RLC tenants are in the crash and burn mode just like the RLC owners. Downward spiral of no return. The end is near.
  18. Best of luck with the surgery and stay strong and positive throughout your long recovery. Last year I had to help my brother after he broke both his hip socket and pelvis after a fall at work. Confined to bed and wheelchair and then a walker. In between he passed out from major blood clots in his lungs that almost killed him. I found him passed out within minutes when I heard a noise that wasn't normal and had a difficult time getting him conscious from falling to the floor. With his injuries and being limited with mobility he was on blood thinners for a month but the doctor didn't prescribe them for his full length of recovery. Ambulance/paramedics had difficulty getting him to the hospital. Was quite the ordeal. Had therapy to regain foot and body strength but he took the needed time to heal. He fully recovered and back doing his regular job for over a year now. This post is to give you hope and courage to work through everything and look ahead to better days and a good life. Strong words of advice and warning - ensure you are given blood thinners to prevent blood clots (can be fatal) and perhaps stay on them the rest of your life at a lower dose. Doctors were surprised and amazed that the blood clots didn't kill him plus I hear about others that had died from blood clots due to accidents (they were not given blood thinners). Yes, I saved my brothers life because if I didn't check up on him within minutes that I did he would have died. The "what if I didn't scenario" still bothers me mentally because I would have had to live with the guilt of him dying if I didn't check up on him. Thankfully your wife was there and you are getting good care. Ensure you are prescribed blood thinners. Inactivity and being bedridden can cause blood clots so talk with your doctors about this to reassure yourself. Good luck with the surgeries and wishing you a full recovery. .....Doug
  19. People have to realize that you can be your own doctor. If after eating hot spicy food and it burns your asshole when shitting then quit eating it or downsize it. If after eating tomato sauce or acidic food and you get heartburn soon after then quit eating that stuff or minimize it. If drinking a lot of milk or food that is made up with milk ingredients and you later get sharp stomach pain then there is a chance you have sensitivity to lactose (lactose intolerance). Obviously when you try a sample of a food that you are not sure that you like it but gag while eating it you stop immediately. Pay attention to what you put in your body (food and liquids) and correlate it to any subsequent discomfort soon after. If you eat a balanced diet of nutritional food you shouldn't need daily vitamins or supplements. Eating a changeable diet every day could cause your body to disagree with too much variety. In terms of a cold and flu and other repetitive health issues - need to dress accordingly for the outside weather and also inside temperatures/condtions. Why inside condtions? If you use an air conditioner and you set it too low or too cold then don't be surprised if you get chilly and shivers and a cold. If you use a fan and it blows strong air on you then it can cause you to feel varying body temperatures and could make you sick. Even heat, humidity or dampness in your home can give you health issues. Regulating or optimizing your home environment is critical for your daily health. Even people that you socialize with can contribute to you catching what they have. Protect yourself when close to them. Learn to know your own body and if you have sensitivities to food, liquids or your surroundings. If need be, write down EVERYTHING that you eat, drink, condiments, spices and whatever else for two or three weeks daily and pay attention to your bowel movements (type of shitting and any issues) and peeing (if burning, strong odor or color) and any pain, discomfort or feel like puking or whatever that is not normal. Only then will you be able to make some good revelations of what could be causing you issues. Obviously Leora doesn't pay attention to what she does. Even certain medications can give side affects. I find that Leora moves quite fast around her place but also comes and goes quite often. She needs to slow down and dress properly when going outside. Much of what I am saying is from my personal experience and observations. I am 62 and not on any medication, don't take any vitamins or whatever else and in good health (according to my doctor and myself). The only issues I have is joint pain which is all work related (physically hard on my legs, knees and shoulder joints) or from doing sports when I was young.
  20. I have noticed that no one at camcaps seems to follow VoyeurHouse.com or comfortable posting comments about this site. It appears that most, if not all, apartments lack any fans, if you look at the dates of anything posted. Surprising since the Alexa internet traffic numbers are steadily improving so people are giving this site a lot more attention lately. VHTV has over 30 apartments but mainly porn style while RLC now offers nothing. Just figure some camcaps members would give VoyeurHouse.com a good look over. Personally I haven't checked any apartments and wonder how this site is. Even VHTV doesn't get much coverage or comments while Camarads gets next to nothing. Have people given up on the voyeurism kick?
  21. Ema & Lia - are there two identical twins because I only ever see one girl and believe it is Ema. I keep checking this site daily for 30 seconds and "nothing to see here, move on". RLC and Camarads are competing for the worst voyeur cam site - sheeeesh!!!.
  22. I sense that VHTV is also contributing to their recent downslide according to the Alexa site traffic numbers. I see that VHTV talk is not too popular or regular on either camcaps or xcamfan. Personally I find VHTV is pushing more the porn stuff every day especially having current of former porn stars as tenants and/or guests. This takes away from any voyeur thrills. Also, too many young immature kids that are pathetic to watch. For some of these kids, I think grandmas and grandpas are more sexually active. Most VHTV apartments (about 80%) I don't even look at. I think VHTV managers/owners use to interact with camcaps members here on this site but looks like they use their own forum to chat with camcaps members. Both RLC and VHTV owners/managers have their own ideas as to what voyeurs want or don't even know what the definition of voyeurism is. To me, they are fucking clueless and end up hurting their own sites. Over the last year but more so recently four (4) sites have been negatively affected by the lack of or change in the type of voyeurism activity. #1 - RLC is the biggest loser #2 - even with RLC's recent decline VHTV is losing ground or viewers too according to the interner traffic numbers #3 - camcaps has a lot less participants now (some walked away or join the VHTV forum) #4 - xcamfan always had low paricipants but now it is significantly less. The one (1) big gainer, surprisingly, has been voyeurhouse.com (other voyeur cam site) according to the Alexa internet traffic numbers. Ninety (90) days ago they were at # 242,610 but today they are at # 136,175. Voyeurism as we know it is a thing of the past in terms of these voyeur cam sites but for most of us we can still manage to find women in public or wherever that can gives us that specific thrill or treat. Nudity and/or sex is good to see but, for me, to just look at a fully clothed female or hear her laugh or stare into her eyes while talking to her or watch her lick a spoon or see the shape of her ass in tight fitting jeans/leggings or watch her run her fingers through her hair or see the back of her neck or when she touches my arm with her hand or hear her pee or see her talking with another female (my lesbian thoughts kick in - lol) or observe her lips or watch her run towards me with her big boobs bouncing away in her top/sweater or see her nipples poking her top/shirt or see cleavage or see hair sticking out of her bikini bottom or accidentally see the top of the crack of her ass as she squatted to reach something and her pants slid down a bit or see her bare legs or see a slight camel toe or see her belly button or ........ As you can see women are appreciated and well looked at by me - lol.
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