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Posts posted by mic351

  1. I swear to God. Camera placement is bad. Lighting is bad.  Filters are f**ked up..  Doesn't VH have anyone that knows how to set up an apartment?  Jesus people!  How about walking on the wild side and put out a quality apartment for once.  Gorgeous active women and you still manage to make it shit!!!  I shouldn't bitch anymore.  I should be used to it. With VH it is SNAFU to  the max!!:angry:

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  2. 1 minute ago, At7 said:

    I feel like drunkenly, or stupidly, these guys put the ski masks on knowing they are gonna fuck Selma. And then they could always deny it afterwards to whichever girl  lol . Kind of like when zack became more serious with jade, he put on a  ski mask and then fucked Courtney. Just my opinion 

    Might be lite B&D or role playing burglars or kidnappers...

  3. Just now, fasterboss said:

    I just do not like the way these guys treat the girls, they are able to be getting a bj and watching the cell phone,

    I do not like this house, I just have nothing against ruby to get involved with other people.

    at pete lexy's house was much more interesting

    I agree with you there.  But she seems to be liking it so when and where, as long as she's willing, to me, makes no difference.  Again, I agree these assholes think they are God's gift to women..  

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  4. 15 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Just pathetic. I won't post any caps of this 🤦‍♂️

    I find the double standard here a bit pathetic and misogynist.  When Calvin was getting double teamed by Juliette and Ruby you all thought it was the Ritz and couldn't wait to post the caps.  Now that Ruby is getting double teamed (which she seems to enjoy) all of the sudden it is pathetic and no posting of caps.  What the hell is the difference?  

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  5. 3 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    So when will the house change to Kate,Andrew since they no longer are a couple?? 

    Who cares?  The lighting and camera angles in the living room are so fricking bad I gave up on this apartment already.  I am almost ready to give up on VH.  Who the hell plans out these apartments and lighting anyways?😬😧

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