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Posts posted by mic351

  1. I gotta tell ya; I'm about confused as hell.  With so many people moving in and out the whole site is becoming like a "no tell hotel".  Maybe VH should simply rent out the apartments by the week, or day.  For instance, are  Candy and Dean moving into Lexy and Pete's temporarily?  What's with Whitney at Patrick and Clair's?  Did she leave Cleo and Axel's place?  Is she "couch crashing?  Is Nina going to stay with Alan or is she going to simply fuck around whenever she feels like it?   Not that I mind,  just asking.  YOu get my drift.  Unless you live on the site, like Jabbath (no offense Jab).  Or maybe spend the whole day here or on Twitter, ya really got no f**king way of know what the hell's going on over at VH..😀😀:huh:

    In a way that might be a plus.  After a while one gets tired and bored with the same-o same-o; unless of course it is a premier couple like Jeff and Violet.  BTW, whatever happened to Jeff and Violet?  Did they leave the project for good?  I might have.  After-all, they constantly wound up in shit hole apartments while far, far, less deserving couples would wind up in a decent place.  No way can you treat a premium couple like that and expect them to stay.  Can't says I blame them if they left for good but I know Ashley, Amy and I miss the hell out of them..:cry::heart::sad:

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  2. 8 minutes ago, photog32 said:

    So why was Em such a good partner and girlfriend?  She cheated on her boyfriend at least twice, she was anti-social, she was rude to her housemates Lexy and Pete, she went thru Lisa's things, she seem to be rather lazy.  What makes her such a good catch?

    Because she has a sweet ass and when she's in the mood, she f**ks like a rabid mink!!:biggrin:  With those qualities, at VH the anti-social ones can be forgiven..😀

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  3. 2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Who? Are there any problems at the moment?

    I meant to say realm 11.  A few minutes ago someone was having sex in the bedroom, according the the preview cams, but the realm is not ready to open or come online.  Very stupid to put a preview up and the realm is not ready to come on line


  4. 6 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

    alan's biggest problem is that he is so emotionally attached to nina. the only other girl that comes close to getting him to his full potential was edda!

    I'd have to disagree with you there Golfer.  I thought he reached his max more than once with Serena.  ☺️ 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Voyeur House TV said:

    That's funny to read 😄

    We definitely need to put more elements with triangle shape everywhere at the website too. Just to light up more conspiracy theories about how bad we are 

    Yeah!  Well I heard you guys colluded with the Haitian Government to build your North American Servers there.   Now I know why the buffering was so bad when you guys got the NA servers online.  Dam Haitians never could run the internet!!!😀😜 Bet you got the Haitian Secret Service  doing your lighting and camera placement to... AH HA!!!!  I finally figured it out!!!!!🐹  Quick!  Someone tell Drumpf!!  Perhaps he'll slap tariffs on the Haitian Internet!  Would make about as much sense as slapping tariffs on the Canadians.. Oh wait!  He already threatened to do that..🐀

  6. 2 minutes ago, Oldstalker said:

    The game is called Bingo (needless to say a British invention I believe and hugely popular here in the first half of the last century [before my time]) ; numbers 1- 99 or 100 and when your "card" is filled you are a winner.👍

    It is also a good game for stripping/forfeit games as (like cards) it produces even more random winners.

    Actually, the game dates back to the mid 1500's in Italy. (Needless to say an Italian invention) "Lo Guico del Lotto" or the Italian Lottery was the big fad.  People would have cards with numbered squares on them and the winning numbers would be pulled out of a sack.  Google is your friend..😀

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    God look at the women there now..................I ain't making no comment lol

    will just say one thing....don't undress please ???

    I think they are in the Ukraine.  It's nice to know they feed their women well over there.  Wow!!😀

  8. 6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    So, what is the advantage of purchasing through CC versus VHTV directly if you can only accept major credit cards? Doesn't VH accept all major credit cards and verotel? 

    This issue with PayPal is a big problem then unless they are still doing it on the side. I'm not sure. 

    I might also add that I think by buying VH through this site you are supporting not only VH but CC also.  I'm not sure if CC even gets a cut but I'm sure VH knows where the subs are coming from and it only seems natural that some degree of reciprocity would be normal..  

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