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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

    Gee, I thought that, that was the whole idea! :dodgy:

    Clean up America, kill a Dumbocrat. If we could just get Kalifornia to slide into the Pacific, we would have 90% of the battle won.

    Sorry Rodent. We'll rescue you before it happens. 

    Gee,  I got a better idea!  How's about we take these Repuke Tax Dodgers, Traitors, and Russian Assets and throw their collective asses in prison.  Now that would make America great again!!

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    Once Jeff and Violet left Mira and Henry fast became my favorite couple.  I also thought they were the most caring managers of the lot.  Being in front of the cameras 24/7 can't be easy and has to be stressful.  Couple that with the fact one or both might be under the weather is a perfectly good reason to take a break.  Hell, even leave the project if that's what it takes.  That being said, I am very sorry to see they may be leaving or they are having problems.  Moreover it is really VH's place to let us know they were taking a break/leaving.  Upon reflection it looks like I was calling them out and I wasn't. I was calling out VH.  I apologize for the poor wording of my last post... *Sigh* I'm not going to have anymore favorites.  Seems like they are the ones that leave..😢

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  3. And to say I complain a lot you would be right..  Conversely, I don't give a rat's ass if the participants are trying to pick up a few rubles on cam.  I care about the quality of the lighting, cam placement, cam quality, etc..  It's voyeur site for God's sake!  Sexual entertainment is what I'm looking for.  Moreover, if'n I don't like the show, I simply change apartments.  What a novel f**king idea!!😩

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  4. 2 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:



    Most likely Sia has found a boyfriend who does not wish to participate in the project and has moved in with him.  IMO she never seemed to be very excited about being in the apartment or sleeping on the couch in the first place.  All we can do is wish her well. 

  5. VH  needs to get its s**t together.  The site is supposed to have 40 online apartments and as of right now, over 20% of these apartments are offline, for one reason or another.  It seems as if there is no tech support outside of that at the main hub and as such, you have managers that really have no idea relative to good lighting, camera placement, quality of cameras, or even quality of participants and/or their apartments.  Indeed, one of the most attractive couples this site has had was installed in a ghetto apartment such that they were afraid to have guests or even go out together for groceries and then dropped from VH because their views were down.  In my humble opinion, they should have dropped the manager!  As such, I firmly believe if there is not there should be a firm set of guidelines for the managers to adhere in choosing apartments, participants, camera placement, camera quality, lighting, and just how much the manager's cut of the proceeds can be.  Failure to follow these guidelines should call for the removal of that manager.  Believe me, I do not doubt for a second that new managers for this type of business would be hard to find!

    That someone agrees to participate should not mean automatic acceptance.  Conversely, I do not believe there is a set cut managers can take and a greedy manager will surely cause good and attractive participants to leave the project.  Vetting should be done relative to both managers and participants.

    I know I am down to watching about 7 apartments while the others I find incredibly boring or the participants leave something to be desired physically speaking (I know, I know, one man's/woman's wine is another's poisoning but come on, you have some really less than desirable apartments open).  I firmly believe also that managers should be given a set of guidelines to give the participants regarding what is acceptable behaviour.  Such as no hiding off cam.  No mole sex.  No hard drugs.  No violent behaviour.  And first and foremost, they should be entertaining.  After all, the subscribers are really paying for quality entertainment.  Shouldn't they get what they are paying for?

    VH has been online for  a protracted period of time now.  While they have hasten to add additional apartments, in my mind, with the exception of the North American Servers, they have done little, if anything to improve the overall quality of the site or the participants herein.  Come on VH, we deserve better and you are certainly capable of better.  I've seen you do better even if for a moment..

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  6. Just now, miscvoyeur said:

    There's nothing that states that anyone will be forced to leave if they don't become profitable. That decision is entirely up to management and the tenants.

    That may be true but do you really think a tenant is going to be around for very long if they are losing both the manager and VH money?

  7. Roberta used to be one of my favorites but bad cam placement, poor lighting, and hiding from cams or "mole sex" has caused me to take this apartment off my favorites list.  I rarely check in anymore and notice this apartment is rarely, if ever, on the top six list. I know that participants can hide if they want but we can choose not to view if we want also.  Eventually the apartment will become non profitable and the participants will be forced to leave.   Participants should realize that maintaining an income and keeping an apartment is ultimately  in the hands of the subs and once you've lost subs, it is twice as hard to get them back.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, ipiratemedia said:

    217293_1832117996233_6820203_n.jpg.d1554d0605968f6d23c78001ca8967f4.jpg  0   11.5 kB

    LMAO! I do day trading, So, I'm fortunate to tune in once in a while. I have to focus when it comes time to do the deed. (trading) And I know Howard is around. Lol. Is because of you Mic, I decided to look into these Apartments, rather than debate a fellow Marine. There's No room in my heart for hate when it comes to you n' other Veterans. We all suffer ours loses. And I lost the only thing that matters to me here. I'll leave it at that.Joey

    Brother, because we disagree on certains topics does not mean I would ever hate you or even dislike you.  For better or worse you are always going to be my brother.  No one outside of the corps will ever take that away from us.

    Semper Fi!

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  9. 5 minutes ago, ipiratemedia said:

    This is all about Leora NOT Pavel! (so I was told by Howard back in 17) I cannot understand why people keep bringing up News as old as the crust in their underwear's. OK, I'm jumping ahead of myself. We have Newbies, and they want to love Leora wildly. They don't want words, but inarticulate cries, meaningless, from the bottom of Leora's most first being. They want Leora to splayed out on the table for their feast and taste Leora to see what she's all about. They want to liberate her heart and each vacant need. They search the depths of Leora, Like oceans, emotions whirl shades of affection. So, Leora can't be overbooked, only under-read. She is delicate as a lily, flawless like a pearl in sea blur threads of tapestry which colors my world.

    217293_1832117996233_6820203_n.jpg.c444c1efc209bf117b7f24a370befd53.jpg  0   11.5 kB


    Dude, you got way too much time on your hands in trying  to analyze people in this place.. :biggrin:

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