Me thinks the female guest is thinking this has gone on far enough. The guy on the other hand, can't wait to get a load of Layla's tits. I'm afraid nothing is going to come out of tonight but it will be interesting to see how the dynamic plays out..
I'm the eternal optimist Amy. I'm thinking they went out for drinks and may be back... We might see a round two. Most likely not but like I said, I'm the eternal optimist.
I don't know, I do know Layla is fucking her brains out right now... "I also note from your past posts you'd bitch if you were hung with a new rope. Why do you even subscribe? It seems as if no apartment makes you happy. Fuck it! I'd not waste my money. Unless of course your primary objective is to make as miserable as you are...
Am I right in assuming the cams went down right after the fight? Ya gotta give it to Anna. she takes all that shit from Alex and the cams never go down. She just keeps right on trucking. My respect grows for her daily. Anyways, are the cams going to be down for days now? Are we waiting for the old crew to come back? Are Grisha and Maria a thing of the past? Will they get their own apartment? Come on guys! Enquiring minds want to know!!!
Towels covering the bathroom cam again. I'm new to voyeur-villa; does this happen often at this site? This apartment? From the comments I take it this apartment is a bust?
TY Amy. Be advised, I have never tried to contact, look for, talk to, or even have an interest in any participant in any cam site. My wife and I are voyeurs and into soft swing only. So I know where you are coming from. I see way, way too many individuals get themselves emotionally involved with these people and I can't figure out why. People, this is entertainment, pure and simple and only!
It looks like everyone wants to play except for the boyfriend of the blond. He embarrassed and insecure so he tries to keep a lock on his girl. Gotta let her do what she likes little boy. It ain't always about you/. Poor little boy...