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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 1 minute ago, ashleyxyz said:

    I had sad feelings about Serena sometimes. When we saw Misty with all the 50 different guys, we knew she was in total charge of what was going on. I didnt feel the same sometimes with Serena, i dont think she wamted to f George or some of other loser guys that stopped in amd f"d her and left. The sex with Alan when Nina was away seemed to be from orders from the top. Ma bye she head enough of it. Just my opinion, so nobody go down my throat for it!


    You may be right.  Conversely,  yesterday she was having fun at Kira's but maybe that was because she wanted to and not because she had to..

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  2. 2 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Is that why she left? They are quarreling about something?

    Apparently, they had a big fight during the world cup.  Someone mentioned Serena and left and I didn't believe but sure enough, a couple days later it was on Twitter Serena had left the project..

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  3. Ya think they rare there, George and the tech guy, because the views are way down after Serena left?  After, it is about the money to support the apartment.  Serena did add a lot to the apartment.  Her personality was infectious and she was always up for some action.  Wish her and Nina would kiss and make up.  :sad:

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  4. Henry Mira, Henry; if you read this please try to do something about the side bedroom cams.  They are too far away and there is a blind spot along the wall perpendicular to the door.  Also, the #2 living room cam now shows the dining room.  I think it would be much better if it was placed closer to  and facing the couch in the living room.  I would view this apartment far more often but I think the cams, especially the bedroom cams, are way too far away from the action.   All in all it is a great apartment with a lot of action.  I just think the cam placement could be a bit better.  

    BTW, I think you guys are going to make great managers..😅

  5. I remember right before Serena left  the project she and Nina seemed to have had a big fight.  A couple of people said they thought she was leaving then and I thought not.  Apparently, I was wrong.  I too wonder what the fight was about and why she left.  I do miss her.😡

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  6. On 7/11/2018 at 11:58 PM, doctor_housky said:

    I was reading the comments and I realized that MOST of the people here that comment stupid shit (oh, you know who you are), have no fucking idea what a "voyeur" is. 97% are here for the fucking pure porn that this site promotes. Simple as that. With that said, can someone tell me why in the fucking hell should I pay ... what is it now? $29 a month to see people fucking? There is plenty of free fucking porn on the wild, wild internet. FREE! And guess what? No drama either! 

    No doubt you are the only smart one in here.. Since we obviously do not belong around one who believes he is a legend in his own mind;  may I suggest you take your genius ass over to chaturbate and watch all the porn you want for free?  The rest of us ":stupid shits" will hang around here and try not to lord over each other with our supposed obvious superior intellect.  

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