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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    I know. The last time I had to pee so bad that I was begging people in the lobby to let me go ahead of them. I was shocked when they all said NO!! I thought I was going to die! 🤣

    Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to tell strangers that you have to pee really bad? and how freaking awkward it is after they say NO! Lol

    Yeah!  The nerve of those bastards!   Piss on 'em!😅

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Seriously! I'm starting to wonder if instead of investing the money back into the business it's being used to buy lavish vacations! @Voyeur House TV Almost everyone here is having performance issues with your site. At some point are you going to really address these issues head on or are you going to continue to deflect the issue and pretend it doesn't exist? Enough with the spinning circles and the broken timeline and for goodness sakes do something about the glitchy as hell previews. 

    From your lips to God's ears.  I've been bitching for over a year now and you see where that's got us..🙉

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  3. 12 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    This girl wasn't bad until she removed her Panties and Bent over and showed her ass then I was ready to Barf my Coffee I just Drank. 

    This girl should be locked up for terrorizing people.  :biggrin:

    What has been seen cannot be unseen!!!!

    cat scare GIF

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  4. Whatever started this falling out?  I thought it might have begun that night Bree had the 3-hour tryst with the guest that Drew tried to film.  I noticed Bree had sex in the kitchen while staring at Drew in the living room and I thought: "Here it goes".  I think I was right.  they seemed to have less than anything to say to each other since then.. Too bad.  They were one of my favorite couples..

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  5. On 2/24/2018 at 6:12 PM, Sparkles said:

    And i agree.. that's why i didn't say all of them :cool:

    Hmmmm, I would say that Henry and Mira are pretty authentic.  Indeed, they are simply pervs.  That's why I like them so much! I believe Violet and Jeff are real, as are Lexy and Pete. Indeed, Darci, Misty,  Zoe,  Anastasia,  Em, Grace, Clair, Clara; I could go on.   A lot of people think  these people stage but I think they are mostly exhibitionists who simply don't give a rat's ass who sees them having a good time.  I'll bet a few of them get off thinking we are watching. I consider VH too be a voyeur site more than RLC.  I think the majority of the girls at RLC are in effect, cam girls.  They disdain the subscribers and it is strictly a money thing.  Does VH have "cam girls"?  Of course.  Conversely, life just seems to be a bit more real at VH.  Does anyone doubt Alan and Nina's drama?  Drew or Bree's?  Candy or Deans? Nope, as pretty as the girls are at RLC and as nice as the apartments are, I'll VH for realism. It just seems to be more gritty and real to me...

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    The new democratic platform for 2018 mid terms, 

    1. Roll back the 2017 tax cuts

    2. Open borders, limit ICE control, Make the lottery permanent, Amnesty for almost 12 million Illegal immigrant's. 

    3. Roll back into effect the mandatory health insurance penalties.


    Now what citizen in their right mind wants or agrees with this platform ?

    I believe they have just sealed the death of the democratic party.

    Funny, I just read the Democratic Platform as put out by party leaders and they say they want to:

    1.  Rebuild the infrastructure

    2. Institute paid family leave

    3.  Put together a new independent agency to tackle the high drug prices (we pay the highest drug prices in the world)

    4.  Stop unpoliced corporate mergers

    5.  Provide protection for Daca People

    6.  Address the student loan crisis

    7.  Work on the single payer option.

    What citizen in their right mind would not agree to this platform?

    I believe the republicans have already sealed the death of their party.  In began when they started to put party above people and the law..

  7. 1 minute ago, jabbath1987 said:


    I saw that too Jabbath.  Ya know, I shouldn't bitch so much.  After all, outside of the site frequently buffering so much you can't watch it.  Cheap apartments for some of their stars.  Poor lighting and cam placement in many of the partments and a couple of God-awful ugly participants, this is a great site!!!  Seriously, I get so frustrated because this site has the potential to become hands down the best voyeur site on the web and they just can't seem or just don't want to address a few glaring deficiencies.  I know you, I and many others have suggested a few cures and we are simply ignored.  I am anyways.  I suspect because it might cost them a dime of two.  I know if i ran my business like this I'd most likely be on the verge of bankruptcy.  I listen and respond to my customers ideas and suggestions.  I don't implement most of them but I at least have the courtesy to respond to them.  My responding makes my people feel like they are a part of my business and they are.  After all, they are the ones that are paying me.

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  8. Just now, BenCoudon said:

    every time I raise a ticket their only solution is to send me a link that they want enter my PC to check my connection

    I also have problems viewing archives or timeline.  Ok for 10 seconds, then it skips 1 or 2 minutes  and sometimes goes backwards for 3 or 4 minutes

    Quite annoying

    They have been trying that crap for at least the last 6-months.  Funny, none of the other cam sites have problems this bad..  I continue to believe they need to upgrade their servers.  They are overloading, but it is becoming painfully obvious they don't give a rat's ass so we either quit subscribing or just continue bitching.  I generally get quicker results when I bitch about buffering on their twitter feed.  Everybody can see it then..  😎

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