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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Read the previous today posts and you will understand why.. and imagine.. today she is better compared with yesterday (guess vera was called to rescue her again)

    I was drunker than a hound last night (big celebration) and don't remember seeing the storyline.  After reading the last two pages of posts I understand..  Forgive me for stating the obvious but sometimes ignorance is bliss..:confused:

    • Like 1
  2. Ahhh, VH doesn't want anyone to know how shitty their service is tonight..  I tweeted them (not public) and complained about their shitty service tonight and they blocked me... I did not put it out in the public like I used to but I guess when you can't provide quality service, you want to make sure the word doesn't get out.. Like I give a shit..  There's plenty of ways to let people know when they have fucked up.  Even if they don't want the public to know..  Either bring your site up to par VH or fucking own it!!  It is maddening as hell when you take my money and on the same day I can't get into your site..

  3. 4 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    Totally uneccessary to put photos of Ella & Isacc on Emma's page and comments not good, sorry @groomy but many people like well built girls.

    I would venture the point that "obese"  is far different than "well built".  I  am not trying to slam the new girl, I am simply calling it like I see it..  My opinion doesn't necessarily have to agree with yours.. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/11/2018 at 7:10 PM, StnCld316 said:

    RLC is also known to have buffering issues at certain times.  The Barcelona Apartments are like that when to many watch the same thing.

    Sorry old friend, the buffering issues at VH far, far outstrip the buffering issues at RLC...

  5. 21 hours ago, StnCld316 said:


    Once VH gets that Miami, Florida Apartment up and going. It will be a blessing for the English Speaking Clientele. They finally get a language they can understand and relate to.

    Once VH does something about the buffering, quality of cams and placement, and quality of apartments, they will be on top for good.  I use RLC when the buffering gets so bad at VH viewing is next to impossible.  Which means I use RLC often.  They may have arrogant ass models and they may have terrible service but at least their cams work most of the time..

    • Like 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    What about what the Main Stream Media is doing to that office, What about what the these prema donna athletes are doing to that office ?

    If you are an American, it is not who sits in the oval office chair, but what that office represents to the American people.

    I have the utmost respect for that office.  I simply have no respect for the man that sits in it now.  I don't think the athletes are doing anything to that office.  I also believe the main stream media's influence is far over stated.  Do you believe all they put out?  Yeah.  Me neither.  I get most of my US News online or from the BBC believe it or not..  I pay absolutely no attention to Faux News; and very little to MSNBC or CNN.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Obstructing justice?That's exactly what Comey and the Obama Administration did in the Hillary Clinton investigation. Anyone who believes that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to rig our election is a complete and total idiot. Mueller's real purpose has never been to investigate Russian meddling in our election.His real purpose from the beginning has been to remove Donald Trump from office. 

    Funny, I think anybody who doesn't believe the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians is a complete and total idiot.   Trumps own action brought about the appointment of a special counsel .  His asking Comey to halt the investigation of Flynn and his firing of Comey (In which he later admitted was because of "that Russian Thing") 

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