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Everything posted by Zwavelaar

  1. I think those pics are for her potential customers I agree. I don't think they have anything to do with vanity (selfies) pics. actually, I more in addition to doubts about how some of these girls are financing their lives! the nighttime shooting, it ' is not a lot! and yet they live very easily... ??? :-\ Yes, I am with you on that corboblanc. I mean, none of the girls we have seen so far were actually 'working their asses off'. Especially Kammi (luckily for us) ;D But seriously, I would really like to know how these girls earn their money. And I don't believe they are all models. Alisa and Lilu were dancers as far as I know. But all the others? Do they have a sugar daddy? Or is RLC paying them so well? Ah, I'm afraid that will all remain a mystery to us. But it's still intruiging :)
  2. Yes, you're right my friend. If she can loosen up she can definitely surprise us. Let's hope she will do that in the coming weeks.
  3. Well, I must admit that I'm still trying hard to like her. I'm still trying to see just more than her fake looks, and still trying to get to know her better as a person. If that's even possible here on RLC. But you know what I mean. But she doesn't give us the chance. I really felt sorry for her when she was crying (don't know the reason why she was so sad). She is clearly very unhappy and uncomfortable. Maybe it's just her stay here on RLC or perhaps it's more than that. But I'm no psychiatrist :D Yesterday she went into the kitchen to get some food. Rita was there already. And I must say Rita was very friendly to her and seemed to appreciate her company. But Jenny only said a few words, took the plate with her food and went to her room again. I mean, come on... And that's really a shame. When she was with Rita some days ago, they were talking and laughing. And she actually looked very nice when she smiled ;D But at this moment, I wouldn't be sad to see her go. She will not change in the next few weeks. I honestly don't believe that.
  4. No they have to stay even if it's only for their guests. Well, perhaps RLC can keep this apartment as a 'Party House'. Every weekend new people having a party. That would be a nice experiment ;D
  5. I agree with you that this apartment is the most interesting on RLC. We see different girls come and go, and that's exciting. We see more surprises than in the other apartments. But I don't consider Nora as the glue that hold this apartment together. Especially when Kiko is visiting her. These moments are the worst in my opinion. And I don't dislike Nora, but I don't see her as an important person. Without her this apartment cannot exist? I don't believe that. And as you said yourself, it's always nice to see new girls. So, why not 3 new girls everytime? Ah well, we all have our own opinions about this subject. And of course this isn't real life. How could it be when the tenants know that they are being watched? Especially in this apartment. The girls only stay for a short while, so the chance of seeing them act normal is very little. But sometimes we are lucky ;) How we would act in a house full of cameras is not relevant. We don't choose to live that way. The people who sign a contract with RLC know the consequences. Or at least, they would have. I understand that the girls don't want to be all over the internet while masturbating. But hidden showers for example are unacceptable in my opinion. Even in this apartment. But so far I'm enjoying it. But I think that with a few changes (see my earlier post) this apartment could be better.
  6. It's not easy to find out what's really going on in this apartment. Is Nora indeed the evil witch watching every move the other girls make and killing the vibe with her rules? One say she does, others say she is innocent. I don't know, so I need solid proof before I point the finger. For me, the only sure thing is that Kiko has to stay away. Or any other strange guy. This will influence the behaviour of the girls big time. I really don't understand why RLC accept this. For me it doesn't make sense if there were really any houserules. I mean, what's better for RLC than topless girls walking around the apartment? That's the kind of stuff people want to see, and where people want to spent money on. So, why would RLC limit the girls in their behaviour and actions? It will only cost money because a lot of members will leave. So for me it's hard to believe that this is RLC's strategy for this apartment. The reason why the girls aren't masturbating in front of the camera could be that they don't want their 'beavershot' all over the internet. These are young modern girls who know how this works. Sometimes they give us something to chew on. Kammi with her hidden bottlesessions and now Rita with her topless show. I think it's amazing and I enjoy every moment of it, but I don't expect them to go any further than that. If that happens once in a while, we are lucky. So, of course it's frustrating if we suspect them to do naughty things behind the cameras or in hidden rooms. But that will happen a lot in this apartment. We all know that. But try to enjoy the precious things that will happen in front of our eyes. We or RLC cannot force the girls to do anything out in the open...or RLC have to cast girls who have no problems with that. What about the future of this apartment? I said it earlier, for me it's important that there is some chemistry between the girls. So, give us three new girls who are here to have fun. Enjoy eachother's company and the beautiful city Barcelona. And not the freeloaders who lock themsleves in their room all day and leave after a month. Bring the girls at the same time to the apartment and let them explore it together. This can work. All of them are new so they need eachother to make it work. And I think that we as paying members, have at least the right to see girls who really want to make an effort. Having fun, talking and laughing with eachother. Playing games, I don't know :D If this doesn't happen and every time we will see girls staring at their phones 24/7 and ignoring eachother, this apartment has no purpose. If we are only waiting for the showersessions and the possibility of a hidden masturbationscene it will be deadly boring in no time. It can work, we have seen it before. Maybe not as much as we wanted, but we witnessed some good times in this apartment :) But the casting of the girls is one of the most important things. Now, we all know that this department (if there is any) of RLC is not the most impressive of them all. But let's hope things will get better. Ah well, so many different opinions ;D
  7. And that's why I keep coming back to this apartment. Most of the time it's kinda boring and then BANG! out of the blue something unexpected is happening! We love you Rita ;D Sigh...I just wish Kammi was with her. Imagine, the two of them topless on the couch ;) I hope RLC will soon replace Jenny. Maybe we are Lucky with a new girl. Thanks to all of you who posted pictures and video's of this memorable moment.
  8. I rarely watch this couple anymore. It seems that the Golden Days are over. When Dasha was a carefree woman who would not hesitate pleasuring herself (and us :D) while watching porn on her laptop. But it seems that Demid was not happy about it. That's why she stopped doing it. But that's just me guessing :) Now we get only excited when they're gone and the guests take over the apartment. I like Dasha, but maybe it's time for some changes.
  9. I'm sad to see you go. I enjoyed your company here on CC. But I understand why you need a (hopefully) short vacation. I had the same with Kammi for a while. Sometimes these girls can drive you crazy...in a positive and negative way. It's difficult at times to put it in the right perspective. Good luck and hope to see you soon!
  10. He means the 'improvised tent' in the room. At least that is what I call it :) That is blocking camera 2. So, if anyone is lying on the couch it is not visible for us. But maybe it's temporary and they will take it away. Blocking cameras? Improved tent? They had a bed sheet washed and it was drying.. Come on! :) All I say is that it LOOKS like an improvised tent and that it blocks the camera right now. I don't say that they block the camera on purpose or that it will be there forever. So...
  11. Just playing the devil's advocate: she and Kammi started that beautiful massage scene in the livingroom and in her bedroom ;)
  12. He means the 'improvised tent' in the room. At least that is what I call it :) That is blocking camera 2. So, if anyone is lying on the couch it is not visible for us. But maybe it's temporary and they will take it away.
  13. Please, stop calling each other names because of having different opinions. That's why this forum was created. We are all entitled to say the things we want without being called assholes, fukwits or worse. It will not be the first time that a forum is being closed because of this. And we don't want that, do we? And I know some of the comments are rude and disrespectful. But just ignore them and they will stop posting. I respect you dfCcap, and agree with most of your posts. So I hope you meant this is a 'funny' way. And yes, despite the fact that she is not my type, deep in my heart I hope that Jenny will prove me wrong and will become the new Kammi ;) Maybe you should have followed your own advise and ignored dfCcap's comments. Normally you would be right, sillybilly. But I know dfCcap is a decent and reasonable person, so therefore I feel the need to respond. But if it was someone else, indeed I wouldn't have wasted my time.
  14. You're absolutely right. It's never nice to see a girl crying. Same happened with Kammi. Especially because we don't know what the reason is. And we can't comfort them (and I don't mean that in a creepy way). The only thing we can do is watch. And that is hard sometimes. Hopefully things will change for her. Maybe Rita can put a smile on her face. She did that before :) LA SEULE CHOSE QUE VOUS DEVEZ FAIRE: C'est de la laisser tranquille, S'il vous plaît soyez un peu humain elles ou ils ne sont pas de bêtes de cirque. I don't remember treating them like circus animals in one of my posts. But maybe you can refresh my memory ;) No, the tenants aren't circus animals, but what do you mean by 'leaving them alone'? Can't we dicuss them in this forum or can we only say nice things? I'm afraid both of these options are not realistic. The people in the apartments know that they will be watched and therefore be judged and criticised. That is just a human thing to do. You are not different in that aspect. The only difference is that some of us will directly post their opinion here, while others keep it to themselves. This forum is created to give the members a place to talk about the different apartments. And some do this in a nice way while others are just rude and annoying. But that is something you can't avoid. Maybe it's something for the moderators of this forum. So it's easy to say 'leave them alone, they are not circus animals', but this RLC project and this forum is all about watching and discussing the lives of other people. That being said, I agree with you that sometimes we have to think twice before we give our opinion on one of the tenants or a situation created by RLC. And that's hard sometimes :D
  15. You're absolutely right. It's never nice to see a girl crying. Same happened with Kammi. Especially because we don't know what the reason is. And we can't comfort them (and I don't mean that in a creepy way). The only thing we can do is watch. And that is hard sometimes. Hopefully things will change for her. Maybe Rita can put a smile on her face. She did that before :)
  16. I wanted you to have a chance to diss her in a new thread... And so what if i started a new thread, its not like there is a set limit of threads that can be created... me just thinks you like to complain all the time. No, it's not a problem to create a new thread. But it seems to me that the only purpose for this thread is creating a new controversy between those who love Nora and Kiko and those who dislike them. And we honestly don't need that right now. There are enough threads about this subject. I understand that you want your 15 minutes of fame on this forum. But this is not the way to achieve that. Just saying.
  17. Please, stop calling each other names because of having different opinions. That's why this forum was created. We are all entitled to say the things we want without being called assholes, fukwits or worse. It will not be the first time that a forum is being closed because of this. And we don't want that, do we? And I know some of the comments are rude and disrespectful. But just ignore them and they will stop posting. I respect you dfCcap, and agree with most of your posts. So I hope you meant this is a 'funny' way. And yes, despite the fact that she is not my type, deep in my heart I hope that Jenny will prove me wrong and will become the new Kammi ;)
  18. From the beginning this apartment was introduced only to get new premiummembers. Imagine, three young Russian girls in one apartment. And with the first girls, Sofie and Lilu slept in the same bed. So, a lot of people thought this was going to be the best apartment on RLC ever! Well, not long after, all the girls got their own bedrooms and there was no action what so ever. A simple but effective strategy from RLC. And this intention (seducing new members) has not changed today. It almost seems that giving the girls a place to stay during their time in Barcelona is more important for RLC then the people who actually pay them and expect to get something in return. As others said earlier, we can't expect the girls masturbating just for our entertainment. That would be wrong, but we may expect them to act normal during their stay in the apartment. So, take a shower and change clothes just as you do in a world without camera's. That is the least we may expect from them. And if they can't handle it, they don't fit in this project. Simple. But we saw that it is possible to have fun watching these Golden Girls. If you have just the right people. And even then it isn't partytime 24/7, but there is something for us to enjoy. This apartment can be very interesting with just a few changes. Put in three new girls at the same time in the house. Let them explore the apartment together. That will connect them. No 'older' tenants who ignore the newbies. And cast only girls who are willing to act normal and communicate with eachother, the social ones like Kammi and Rita. And no headmistress. Just the three girls. The normal couples here have not much to say to one another after all those years. But these girls are fresh and have their own stories to tell eachother. Sadly we can't understand it, but it's nice to see them talk and laugh with eachother. That's a start. At this moment things are very bad. Jenny isn't the right girl for this apartment. And it's a pity for Rita. She seems like a nice, funny and lighthearted girl. And the fact that Nora and Kiko are reunited in this apartment, is not a positive thing. The girls just feel like intruders in stead of tenants. For the future of this apartment it is important that the girls 'own' it. That they can act freely and feel at home. But, I'm very sceptical regarding any changes. RLC is earning a lot of money and we all know these companies like Google and Microsoft. They just don't give a damn...
  19. Oh, come on guys! Now you got me all teared up :-X (The Image Content is No Longer Available and has been Removed)
  20. I actually feel sorry for this girl. She is clearly not happy in this apartment. Maybe she just needed a place to stay and the fact that it was free made her do it. But that is not something we pay for, is it? And now she is just playing her part as if it was a Shakespearean drama. She is wearing a mask and just act like the secure girl. The girl who doesn't care what the world thinks of her. But the fact that she is so obsessed with her looks, tells a different story. Right now, she is completely fake. Too scared to loosen up and act like the real Jenny. So let's hope we will meet the real Jenny before she leaves. It would be nice to see more of her personality and not only her (fake) looks. Unfortunately she and Rita seem to have nothing in common. A (close) friendship like Kammi and Monica had is not likely to happen. And Nora is too busy with Kiko at the moment. Overall, my expectations are low when it comes to these girls. Rita seems a lovely girl. But I would like to see some connection between them. Now we are all just waiting for a masturbation- or showerscene. And that's a pity, because this apartment could be so much more. If the casting of the girls was done better, than maybe... Well, let us just cherish the nice moments we had and hope for more to come :)
  21. Jenny looks like a nice girl. It's sad though that a lot of young girls nowadays are so insecure about themselves. Why all the make up and fake eyelashes, lips and boobs? I'm certain she would be beautiful just without all these 'adjustments'. And let's hope she will loosen up a bit. She seems terrified right now with all those cameras. It all depends on the other girls if she will have fun in this apartment or not (and if the girls have fun, we also have fun, right?). If they ignore eachother, it will be boring. That's why it would be better (at least in my opinion) if RLC invites three new girls in the apartment. So they enter at the same time. That way they have already something in common. It's all new for them and they can explore the apartment together. Just like sorority girls. So, no headmistress who awaits them, no houserules (I mean, we are talking about adults here). Just three new girls in the apartment, arriving together (and leaving together). That could be more interesting. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's always easy to complain and think that you can do a better job than RLC ;)
  22. Kammi was a natural beauty...these girls are hard to find ;)
  23. And they succeeded! ;D Would be so nice to earn your money with just showing your bra and thong. I mean, if I do the same thing, I surely will be arrested instead of getting paid.
  24. I haven't seen the new girl yet in all her glory. So I don't know if she's pretty and all. But what's more important (at least for me) is if she is friendly towards the other girls. Would be nice if we see the same chemistry as we saw between Kammi and Monica. That would be fun to watch. The last thing I want to watch is three girls locked up in their own rooms, staring at their phones and laptops all day. But we will see how it goes :)
  25. Well, that is indeed what this apartment is: just a hotel for young Russian girls who seek their fortune in the Free World. And after a month they go home again and we welcome the new tenants. It's always been the same from the beginning. And sometimes we are lucky and sometimes we are disappointed. See it as an adventure. So, if you don't like this concept...just ignore it. It's not getting any better than this :)
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