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Everything posted by Zwavelaar

  1. Jeez, this is becoming an obsession of yours. Kammi is getting in to your head, isn't she? That's why you act like that. Because she now shows her body more in front of the cameras makes her raunchy and slutty? The fact that she not fits your boarding school girl fantasies doesn't mean she is some kind of Jezebel. Funny that you were the one who corrected people on the forum who said nasty things about the girls. And now you are just one of them Please, give it a rest and concentrate on your beautiful girlfriend who you clearly love very much. It will do you good ;D
  2. Or when their employer asked them to change or behave differently for their current assignment. Everything does not have to be worse case scenario ...... Or maybe just when they're in the company of someone they really like and enjoy being with. What was this sudden change in behavior anyway? Yeah, some people here are so weird. As if Kammi came here as a nun and leaves as a prostitute. Come on, the girl hasn't done anything wrong. She is just having fun with a girl she likes. She is not a 10 year old girl anymore but a grown woman with a career. I care for her just as much as the next guy, but don't overdo it. Especially when there is nothing going on.
  3. Have you ever thought that Kamila uses distractions like that to protect herself? I believe she is very happy but is afraid of taking the next step. Things like that give her the opportunity to get out of situations that she is uncomfortable with. To me, she is extremely attracted to Kristy and is not quite ready, for whatever reason, to give in to her desires. I think Kristy is doing an outstanding job of helping Kamila to deal with this issue (her fear) by being extremely patient and understanding and not forcing her to do something and not getting angry at her. I thought her little sexy dance routine was a brilliant way to get Kamila to relax and realize that everything's ok. It was a very loving thing to do IMO. I like Kristy more and more every day. She is a very sensitive and nice person and knows how to use humor to put others at ease. je pense que kristy a vraiment envie de kamila!!! elle lui mets sans arrêt la pression!!! kamila s'en amuse et la laisse faire, jusqu'à une certaine limite!!!! kristy reviens tout le temps à la charge, elle stimule kamila pour la faire céder!!! mais kamila ne cède pas, elle ne veut pas aller plus loin!!! je pense que kamila a une petite amie qui l'attends en Russie, elles se parlent souvent!!! kamila veux rester fidèle à celle qu'elle aime!!! ;) I think kristy really want to kamila !!! she put him constantly pressure !!! kamila has fun and lets make, up to a limit !!!! kristy back all the time to load, it stimulates give kamila to make !!! kamila but do not give in, she will not go further !!! I think kamila has a girlfriend who await in Russia, they often speak !!! kamila want to stay true to that she loves !!! ;) I like your theory, Bookmaster. But I'm just not convinced yet that Kammi actually has these feelings for Kristy (other than friendship). As I said before, she is very hard to read. One moment she is 'into the moment', while the next moment she shows more interest in her phone while Kristy is seriously seducing her. But maybe I'm too sceptical. And we don't even know if she is really in to girls. I like the idea, but what do we know? Ah well, let us just see what happens and enjoy the moments we get :D
  4. I'm beginning to think you're right and I'm wrong.Guess I'll always be a stupid old romantic who believes in love with sex.At 69 it's kind of dumb of me to be so naïve and stupid.Like Tina Turner said,"WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT ANYWAY." There's no fool like an old fool.She's not what I thought she was. Let me get this straight - Kamila is sweet and innocent in your mind until you discover that she may NOT be having the full sexual experience that would cause her to officially be called a lesbian by pretty much everyone on the forum. Then, because she may not have "gone all way", she is no longer innocent? Please help me to understand your logic. Thanks. No, what I'm saying is that the whole innocent thing appears to have been just a big act all along and I believed it.The other guys were right when they said she was not innocent and I was wrong.So lets get the show started.Get out the popcorn and soda.Now do you understand? No, I'm sorry I don't. I must not be thinking clearly right now. How can "the whole innocent thing" be an act just because she may not feel ready to take that relationship to the next level? Unless you think that she is taking advantage of Kristy by caressing her and cuddling with her and kissing her but not "coming through at the end" with a full-blown lesbian sex session taken to orgasm. Personally, I think Kristy is very lucky to be able to get as far as she has been able to. She doesn't seem upset about it to me. I think she realizes that Kamila just doesn't feel "ready" yet to go all the way and is being very loving and nurturing by not trying to push her into it if she's not ready. Look, I know that you've been catching a lot of heat on here from other forum members, but I'm truly not trying tp be confrontational and add to some of the less than kind posts that you have been receiving. I simply don't know how not being willing to have the complete full lesbian experience makes her less innocent then you thought she was when you believed that she was a pure lesbian. It's not you Bookmaster. I'm on the same page as you. If Kammi wasn't as innocent as he thought, she would have done a lot more. But she does not. And why? Maybe she is not into it (because she is straight), or she won't show her true feelings on camera. Who knows. It happens all the time with this apartment. After a while some people are making up their own stories and fantasies when things are not going as they want (or even expect). And even worse, bashing the girls. As far as I can see, both girls are very close and talk a lot. They know eachother better than we do. And as long as they are comfortable with eachother it's fine by me. Sex or no sex. It doesn't matter to me. I just like them the way they are now ;D
  5. Thank you so much guys, for all these great pictures! The girls are spoiling us! And Euromike, please stick around man. We all appreciate you very much. And Bookmaster, I hope you're right with your 'lesbian' theory. The idea that Kammi and Kristy would eventually make love with eachother (on or off cam) is very nice indeed. But Kammi is very hard to read. What's going on in her head? Is it really just a teasing game for her? She always looks so reserved and cool when Kristy is feeling her up. It was the same when she was with Monica. I'm afraid we will never know. Kammi will always stays a mystery to us. And that is one thing that makes her so appealing ;D Let's hope the girls can stick around for one more month.
  6. Strange indeed. They had all day to go under maintenance. Nobody was home. And now everybody is in, they pull out the plug. That's not very professional and customer friendly to say the least...
  7. Yep, you're absolutely right. The way these girls are interacting with eachother is wonderful to watch. Already these cuties made my monthly contribution to the site worthwhile :)
  8. Or you can just act like a wise man and let it go. Why do you care so much what complete strangers say about you or your girlfriend if you know it's not true?
  9. I always enjoyed your positive energy on this forum, but since you came back most of the time you're complaining and ranting. What happened to you? I really miss the old dfCcap :(
  10. nothing, they're sleeping I can't believe that I leave for less than a half hour and missed everything. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed. :( I can't believe I sign in and the same day I get twister threesome! Didn't want to rub it in dude thought! ;) Oh, that's really cruel. ;D Hahaha! Yeah, these days we cannot even blink an eye or we miss another cute or hot moment between these girls. They were playful for a while in Kammi's bed (nothing special, though) and then they cuddled up and went to sleep. I love these girls :D And for the ones who are complaining that they don't have sex with eachother and that they're fake, please grow up. This isn't a porn site. If you expect them having actual sex, don't waste your time and go to Chaturbate. But you can also enjoy these nice intimate moments. Believe me, they are very rare in this apartment ;) Zwavelaar, I just want to know what constitutes a porn site to you? This site shows anal sex, regular sex, lesbian sex, masturbation, etc etc. They show penetration, they show fingers in the pussy, they show girls getting eaten out, I could go on and on. So please tell me what a porn site is to you!!! This is an X-Rated site, that means it's an adult site, which means it's a porn site! Get real dude and pull your head out of the sand!!!!! But at this site people don't have sex 24 hrs a day like porn sites.Sex is a part of life.This is suppose to be a real life site.Which means sometimes real people get horny and have sex,but it doesn't mean they are obligated to have sex just to please you.All they are really obligated to do is to live their lives as they would if there were no cameras in the apartment.They are not obligated to turn themselves into whores just to please you.If that's what you expect then go to a porn site. Thanks, my friend. I could not have said it better myself :)
  11. And I'm sorry for calling some people immature :) But what I meant to say was that it is tiresome that people calling the girls fake when they are not having actual sex. RLC is not only about the sex. It is a part of life, nothing more. So, these girls can play and tease what they want. They are not hired to have sex for our pleasure. And I know this apartment is not the same as the others. That means less reallife and more staging. But for the first time we now have two beautiful girls who are very intimate with eachother. Let us just enjoy that ;D
  12. And I can second that. She did masturbate. Again, it was a short session, but her orgasm was undeniable ;D
  13. Let's watch closely in the future and compare notes.I would love to see the beautiful Kami have sex with someone,but I want it to be 100% consentual and I do not want to see her being used. It may well be what u say, but it was Kami who kissed Kristy on the lips, perhaps for show-who really knows yet for sure? I appreciate your concern with Kammi's wellbeing, but I think things will not go that far. Nora's behaviour with Kristy was way over the top, I agree with you. That is just not how she normally acts. She clearly feels like an outcast right now. Everytime she forced herself between them on the sofa you can see that Kristy is not amused. So, I'm not concerned that Kristy is using Kammi. And Nora is not an evil stepmother ;) I think that this playful acts and innocent intimacy between the girls will continue till Kammi is leaving (probably next week). But I agree with you, if someone hurts Kammi, we will personally pay this apartment a visit and rescue her ;D
  14. The kiss was not more than a peck on the lips for a nanosecond :D It had no sexual intension. A picture of it captures the same as a video, trust me.
  15. nothing, they're sleeping I can't believe that I leave for less than a half hour and missed everything. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed. :( I can't believe I sign in and the same day I get twister threesome! Didn't want to rub it in dude thought! ;) Oh, that's really cruel. ;D Hahaha! Yeah, these days we cannot even blink an eye or we miss another cute or hot moment between these girls. They were playful for a while in Kammi's bed (nothing special, though) and then they cuddled up and went to sleep. I love these girls :D And for the ones who are complaining that they don't have sex with eachother and that they're fake, please grow up. This isn't a porn site. If you expect them having actual sex, don't waste your time and go to Chaturbate. But you can also enjoy these nice intimate moments. Believe me, they are very rare in this apartment ;)
  16. Very true. I don't know what certain people expect when they join RLC. Do they really think it's a porn site? Some posters here are crossing the line (in my opinion) by calling Kammi a whore and some other girls prostitutes without any proof or good explanation. I mean, what the hell? It's okay to ventilate your thoughts on the tenants, but treat them with respect. We don't know nothing about the girls. I really enjoy the interaction between Kammi and Kristy. I don't want them to put on a show just for us (like the whole twister thing last night). And of course I'm aware it's not all reallife what is happening here. RLC has to earn money, so they do everything to please their customers (and gain some new ones). Ah well, some people just seem to have a very strong imagination ;D For me, this relationship between the girls is enough right now. It's more than I expected when Kammi returned.
  17. That's because there are already several videos of Kammi masturbating. I love the girl but if you seen it once or twice, it's not so appealing anymore :) The first time she did it though (when she was here with Monica), this forum exploded ;) But after that, it is the same routine. But in the attachment section must be plenty of videos of her pleasuring herself on the bed and in the bathtub. And Kristy just masturbated for a few minutes and fully under the blanket. She seems very confident with her body but I don't think we will see her masturbating fully naked and in front of the camera. Just my thoughts on that...
  18. Well, actually that is I don't believe so, but they may have somewhere that is hidden (inside or outside the apartment). They definitely did not make love on camera. That's why everyone is complaining. :) AND that is part of the suspense and reason RLC wants you to become a member............to make sure you never miss anything. The story continues ! Did they or didn't they ? Are they or aren't they Lez? Keep watching.............but we may never see the answers on camera. (Like Nora and Kristy taking pictures of Kami's bare ass with the thong pulled aside ! Actually this is the case from the beginning of this apartment. Will they do it or will they not. First it was only about the masturbation but since Kammi joined RLC it is also about the girl on girl action. Silly, I know, but it keeps it interesting ;D Her first 'girlfriend' in the house was Monica. They were very close, but didn't do anything. Then, for a very short time, it was Rita. And now it is Kristy. I must say, I never saw Kammi so affectionate with anybody in the house. But we must remember she is not a porn actress. It's madness to blame her for not having sex in front of the camera. Why would she? I like this girl a lot. So I enjoy every cute moment she has with Kristy. Why complaining when two beautiful girls share some intimacy? This is all we gonna get, trust me :) Kammi is too sensible to lose control. And we all know it's over before we know it. It's only for a month. And then we have to watch Nora and Kiko again.
  19. Yeah, I hope so too my friend. It will be a very tough moment when we have to so say goodbye to Kammi once again :(
  20. Lol! Yep, tonight it's Popcorn time again! And I just love soap operas 8)
  21. I would just express my gratitude to euromike69 and all the other posters here for all these beautiful pictures. Finally this apartment is alive again! ;D
  22. Well, I think if they actually 'did it' only to please the customers or beacuse they got paid, it would be fake. But now, they didn't do it because they don't want it. Seems pretty genuine to me ;) And yes, maybe they're teasing us, but who is complaining?
  23. I really think people should just enjoy the moments we get from these girls instead of complaining why they don't bang eachother right in front of the camera. I never saw Kammi this affectionate with another girl. Even with Monica it was more a platonic relationship (even during the maintenance ;)) So, this is a very unexpected change in her behaviour. And even if it is just a tease to lure new members into the trap of RLC (which I don't believe myself) it looks pretty damn hot from where I'm sitting ;D This is how this apartment should be. This is how it can work. And this is how I like it. Again, enjoy these precious moments. Soon, Kammi will leave us again and I'm afraid this apartment will be as boring as before (even with the lovely Kristy) :)
  24. Funny that you mention the word tomboy. I always thought of that when I watched Kammi. Of course she is a feminine girl, but the way she acted was not always very lady like. The way she ate (mouth full), the way she sat on the couch (legs spread), the way she dressed when she went out (jeans and hoody). And she didn't pay too much atention to her looks. No make up, except when she was going out at night. And when she was intimite with Monica, she was always the 'cool dude' who acted like she didn't noticed when Monica was flirting with her. When Monica cut herself in the kitchen though (and was acting very girly), it was Kammi who rushed upstairs to get a plaster for her. And that is why I liked her so much. She was just Kammi. If she would cut her hair and dressed more manly, she could be mistaken for a (very cute) young man. Speaking of a tomboy ;) And that made her interesting to watch. Very natural. The same goes for Rita. And that makes her more interesting. More natural to look at. Jenny however is still acting like the girly girl with all the gestures that fit into that role. And I find that pretty boring. Even after the sex I think she is one of the least interesting characters on RLC right now. I'm curious what will happen this month. Will there be new girls or will they stay a while longer?
  25. Although I'm not a paying member anymore, the way RLC is treating this apartment (and with that, Kammi's legacy) annoys the hell outta me. Why? Because I know this can work. This apartment can be the best of all time on RLC. If...RLC is willing to make some changes. Just begin with a clean slate. Replace all three of them and search for three new girls who are: - not too camera shy; - good at socializing; - have the same interest or background; - or they are friends allready and know eachother. No 'supervision' from an elder tenant and certainly no couples. Just three girls. Remember, we only have them for a short periode of time. Let's see how this works out. But as long as RLC is dumping new girls randomly in this house, we will mostly be disappointend. There is no love from RLC for this apartment, only the insatiable hunger for more money. And that's a real shame. Someone mentioned the amount of money RLC is making with this website. And although it seems a lot, I'm not impressed. I mean, this project is quite unique and with more effort and love towards the customers, RLC can easily double this amount. But probably they think it's enough to ignore the complaints. And I know posting this on a forum won't change a thing. But it's nice to get it off your chest :D Well, let's hope that the new girls surprise us. And you never know...maybe RLC listened to us and we will see a familiar face ;)
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