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Everything posted by Zwavelaar

  1. La jugada de sentarse en el mejor sitio del sofá cuando "Rita se va a por un Té" no le salió bien a Nora y Rita, con mucha autoridad la puso en su sitio. ... ahora parece que está funcionando como un "Apartamento de chicas solteras" SanPer58 I've always liked your post and wonderful pictures!! But, who really gives a fuck about anything with RLC anymore? I mean NO disrespect to you or any of the other CC members. I'm just tired of RLC and how they conduct their business! Any company/website that is bringing in the cash that they do with such little to offer anymore, can kiss my ass! I've been watching RLC for a long time and I must admit that I totally screwed off a ton of money for nothing with them! This Friday (3 more days) I will be cancelling my membership with RLC due to they're lack of caring for what the patrons of their website really want. I will still check in with CC from time to time, but giving my hard earned money to RLC is NO more! I can't remember exactly what they made/grossed last year but it was eye opening and said allot to me that they are fat and happy and just don't care what any of us think so long as we keep paying them the HIGH monthly fee's that they are asking for. I'm done and I hope allot of you wise up and put and end to they're nonsense!! After Friday, I hope to stay in touch but there is a shit ton of stuff I like to do, and I hope I can get back to that and forget about RLC! Sincerely, LDD You base your argument not on what everyone wants. You base it on what you want! You know that they deliver exactly what you signed up for. I understand that you are frustrated and that RLC turned out to be something less than what you wanted but still.. This is like trashing McDonalds because they don´t serve whopper meals from Burger King. It isn´t in their offer, simple as that. Dont take my post as an attack on you or anything, I just wanted to point it out that RLC is not to blame for delivering what they promised. Read your terms of agreement and I´ll bet you won´t find anything about what you are missing. I hear what you say, Daryalok. Still, I understand the frustration some of us feel while watching the apartments. Of course, RLC doesn't promise us anything other than a peek in the lives of other people. And that is exactly what we get. But, real life is not always the same. Some people have boring lives while others have an interesting and active one. And yes, there are even people who are not staring at their phones all day ;) First, I must give RLC the credits that they created this site. It's a great concept, without a doubt. Nevertheless, often I get the feeling that it is more important for RLC to give the tenants a home than the fact that we pay to be entertained by them. And when I use the word 'entertained' a lot of people on this forum go crazy. Because the tenants don't have to please us. They are not actors, or even worse pornstars :) But why are we watching then? When I read the posts and watch the pictures and videos it's all about entertainment. Lovely Rita topless in the kitchen, Suzan masturbating in the tub, the cute visitors at Nina and Kira getting playful. That is what we want to see. That is entertainment. And no, they don't have to do that just for us. That has to be their normal (real) life. And I'm not only talking about sex. In other words, if you decide to make a website where we can watch other people, let it be interesting people. People who are not addicted to their phones and laptops. Active, creative people. Believe me, these people exist and can be contracted by RLC. But you have to spent money and time to find them. But when you see the new apartments (Egor/Polina and Hector/Suzan), can you really say that they are chosen because they are interesting to follow...and worth our money? So, no RLC made us no promises, but it's weird that a voyeursite (what's in a name) gives us tenants who are hardly worth watching. And still, it's addictive for most of us. It keeps us coming back. And that is the strength of RLC.
  2. I meant it in a sarcastic way :D What can you do about it? Actually I'm glad. This was just the push I needed to quit with RLC. Of course, I enjoyed it at times. But let us be honest, is watching this real life brought to us by RLC worth the 40 dollars a month? I know, I paid it up till now. But when you think about it and be honest with yourself, it's crazy that we do it. But everybody has to decide this for themselves of course. But I will not return to RLC until they actually listen to their members and show us they care about us.
  3. For those who are curious, this is the friendly mail I received yesterday from RLC: Hello, Your account has been blocked permanently for the User Agreement violation. Section 'IV. Restrictions on Use of Sites', par: (A) duplicate a Site or any of the Materials contained therein; © use the Sites or any of the Materials contained therein for any commercial purpose, or for any public display or public performance; (D) record videos, take screenshots, restream, sell, rent, lease, license, sublicense, transfer, distribute, re-transmit, time-share, ...; DMCA Request: Remove all illegal content immediately -- Support Team, reallifecam.com You gotta love them ;D
  4. You shouldn't use this host for pictures, that's the way to get banned It wasn't the image host that got him banned, it was this post: Quote from: Zwavelaar on April 18, 2015, 09:55:41 AM Yes untill now RLC managed to fuck up an awesome concept. Well, there are whispers that next month a similar site wil be launched. Let's hope that this will change something. It might be one of your sarcastic jokes, my venomous friend :D But thinking about it, it makes no sense that the pictures are still up. If they banned me because of the pictures they would have removed them, right? So, I'm really confused now. But I can't imagine that a company like RLC is banning people because they write certain things on a forum. Ah well, more reason to spent my money and my time on other things. I'm sorry to his this Zwavelaar, you will still be around CC right? Did they say how long you were banned for? That's really sad that RLC banned you because you posted a few pictures! No, they actually didn't say anything. They only block your account. So, if you log in, you get the message: 'Access is restricted. This account is banned.' And that's it. Thanks for all the money you paid us and now bugger off :D And yes, I will still check this forum now and then. But not as active as before. I'm done with everything that has to do with RLC right now. But I enjoy you guys too much, so I will stick around for a while ;)
  5. Just find out that my account is banned by RLC. So, they are still monitoring this forum. Must be the pictures I uploaded today. There can be no other reason. Sad but true. Well, they just lost a passionate member who had some critique (like most of us) but was enjoying the ride. But a company who treats his members like this, is not worth my money. I mostly enjoyed the discussions with you all, here on CC. But, all good things come to an end. Keep up the faith and so long guys!
  6. Kamila, Monica, Alisa and Rita. Wow, together in one apartment. It's worth the try, RLC! :D
  7. (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  8. nora est certainement plus intéressante que toutes les autres locataires avec qui je me fait réellement chier, 24h sur 24!!!! voir des filles sur leur téléphone sans interruption me fait vite zapper!!! nora au moins, a une vraie vie, son travail pour les autres filles est hors caméra!!! elle a des passions, un vrai travail et est agréable à regarder!! les gars veulent tellement du cul, que chaque fille qui n'a pas de sexe avec sa copine, c'est la faute de nora!! nia n'est pas nue dans la maison, c'est la faute de nora!! une fille attrape un rhume, c'est la faute de nora!!! les filles ne se masturbent pas comme des chiennes chaque soir, c'est parce que kiko est là!!! actuellement, 500 astéroïdes menacent la planète, c'est certainement la faute de nora?!! continuez à vous emmerder à mater des jenny et leur putain de téléphone, et laissez quennie tranquille!! elle au moins est naturel et a un cerveau!!! >:( Sorry corboblanc, but nothing you say has anything to do with my post. It doens't say that Nora is the cause of all the problems in the apartment. I'm only giving my opinion about her. And that is the freedom I have on this forum. For me, Nora is not more interesting than the other girls. If she is having a real job or a interesting real life than that is something I haven't noticed yet. Some people say that, but I'm only interested in what I actually see. Fact is that you cannot compare her with the other girls. Nora is a veteran on RLC. She knows how it works and is okay with the cameras. And she has the opportunity to invite her partner (who is also used to do this kind of stuff) into the apartment to have sex. So, of course she will act more real and has more action than the other girls. But it's not a fair competition. But I must say, when Kiko is not around she doesn't give us any more action than the other girls. Ah well, this is a discussion nobody will ever win. But I respect your opinion.
  9. Around 6 o'clock in the morning. So, I think she will not be very active today ;D
  10. Eso no quiere decir que se lleven bien, simplemente son compañeras de apartamento y se cruzan en el camino quieran o no, el problema de este apartamento siempre ha sido Nora, ella es muy antisocial y eso se lo transmite a las demás inquilinas que acaban actuando como actua ella sin realmente quererlo, todo sería muy diferente sin Nora y vaticino que todo sería fantastico porque sería gente natural, compañeras de piso que realmente pudieran ser amigas como ocurre en muchos muchos casos en la vida real. When I'm watching her on the couch all seems to be normal. They seem to be more like two friends than two girls who live in the same appartment without any contact. You're right, these are the moments we want to see in this apartment :D
  11. Moi aussi, parce que la version RLC Avril 2015 s'adresse à des enfants préadolescent. Je ne parle même plus de cet appartement et les règles de gamin imposés par cette sorcière Nora. Je ne suis plus à l'âge de collectionner des photos de nu et les garder consciencieusement sur mon disque dur. Rita son jeu peu fonctionner pour une semaine mais à la longue cela devient ennuyeux. Jenny la doublure de Michael Jackson, est une Covergirls elle peut même se lever à 2h30 du matin pour aller travailler et revenir à 5h L'autre je ne veux même plus prononcer son pseudo je n'en parle même pas. Quant à Polina et son mec, là nous sommes au collège et à la découverte du corps Suzan et son schizophrène, nous touchons le fond Bye Bye RLC Yes, untill now RLC managed to fuck up an awesome concept. Well, there are whispers that next month a similar site wil be launched. Let's hope that this will change something. ;D ;D Si esto es cierto es una gran noticia pero podrias detallar mas, donde vistes la noticia? nombre pagina? yo se de una llamada voyeurlifehouse que no llego a empezar pero por la publicidad que daban tenia muy buena pinta, repito si esto es cierto RLC-ESTAFADORES tendran cancelaciones masivas y luego que no lloren, se lo ganaron a pulso. ;) ;) Don't 'cheerio' to early, my friend ;) Let us first see what will happen. From what I know: the site will start with 3 apartments. Launchdate 1-5-2015. I don't know how many camera's there are for each apartment. And if the quality is similar to RLC. But there will be a lot more action, according to the owner of the site. The first 3 months for free and after that 10 dollars per month. And there will probably be another site, more similar to RLC. But I don't know much about that at the moment. So, I hope this will be a wake up call for RLC. They had their chance and blew it.
  12. No, it's certainly not only you ;D In this particular apartment we have to be lucky if the girls have that 'click' with eachother or not. In the couples apartments it's easy. They know eachother and they like/love eachother. At least I hope so :) With the last girls, we were extremely lucky with Kammi and Monica. At times they were so close it was a pure joy to watch them. But now it's different. The girls are talking more to eachother than in the first weeks, but it's not enough to make it interesting. This apartment needs a director. First find the right girls who are free spirits and are up for a laugh and a nice conversation. Trust me, they exist You would think that Nora had a certain role in this apartment. She is the one that is here to stay. Some say she is a mentor or a guide for the girls. But I don't see that. She lives her own life just like he other girls. And she is certainly not the person who is making things more interesting. She would be the person who initiate some events in the apartment. Play a game of charades or truth or dare (just kidding). Why not? They did something like that at the end of last year. With the girls, Kiko and Nora's sister. They played charades and had a nice party. That was fun to watch. Give us paying members something to enjoy. It's too easy to put some young girls in an apartment (in a foreign country) who are strangers to eachother and that's it. That's not working most of the time. I know I'm repeating myself. But that's because it's such a shame that the apartment doesn't get the love from RLC that it deserves. They started it, but lost their faith (or they already earned their money). Only if RLC believes again in the Golden Girls and is willing to make some efforts, it can be something worthwhile.
  13. Moi aussi, parce que la version RLC Avril 2015 s'adresse à des enfants préadolescent. Je ne parle même plus de cet appartement et les règles de gamin imposés par cette sorcière Nora. Je ne suis plus à l'âge de collectionner des photos de nu et les garder consciencieusement sur mon disque dur. Rita son jeu peu fonctionner pour une semaine mais à la longue cela devient ennuyeux. Jenny la doublure de Michael Jackson, est une Covergirls elle peut même se lever à 2h30 du matin pour aller travailler et revenir à 5h L'autre je ne veux même plus prononcer son pseudo je n'en parle même pas. Quant à Polina et son mec, là nous sommes au collège et à la découverte du corps Suzan et son schizophrène, nous touchons le fond Bye Bye RLC Yes, untill now RLC managed to fuck up an awesome concept. Well, there are whispers that next month a similar site wil be launched. Let's hope that this will change something.
  14. That is actually a good question. What is real life? The people who are defending the way RLC is doing it, always say: 'This is real life, if you want more action visit a pornsite.' But, who is deciding what real life is? I mean, if RLC is putting a swingers couple in one of the apartments who have a party every weekend with other couples, it is real life for them. Maybe not for you and me, but it is real for this couple. Or is 'real life' the lives of the majority? To be honest, I am not interested in watching people who are living the same (boring) life as I do :) Let's face it. We all joined this site because we wanted to see some different lifestyles. Lifestyles with more action and dynamics than our own lives. People who have other perspectives. And sex and nudity is a big part of these actions. Sex sells, we all know that. So, I think it's possible to change things without making it a regular pornsite. Why can't RLC find us more active tenants. And why not...with an interesting social (and sex) life. We want to see people who are different and do exciting things, right? That is fun to watch. Not our own lives, we know that one. And I'm not only talking about sex. But let us have some creative tenants. Who we can watch as they are working on something. People who actually have friends that are visiting them. That kind of stuff. People who have a goal in their lives. This forum comes alive when there are visitors in one of the apartments or when there is some naughty action. So, that is something we like to see. And please, give us tenants who speak English. For this apartment the only important thing is the casting of the girls. We all know that we won't see any hardcore action. Especially whit Nora and Kiko around. So, RLC has to make more efforts in getting the right girls. With Jenny they thought, well if we put a barbiedoll with big boobies (sorry, Jenny) in this apartment, the guys will be satisfied. Because that is what they want...but hey, we are not a pornsite Well, yes and no. Of course we want cute or hot looking girls. But I rather see less hotter girls who are interacting with eachother than hot girls who ignore their roommates. It would be nice if the next girls are already friends. Than we have this interaction right away. Well, I'm curious about the future of this apartment and of RLC. But watching some of the other apartments (Lucas/Veronica, Egor/Polina, Hector/Suzan, Carina/Sabrina), it seems that RLC is making their money too easy and is getting lazy.
  15. Well, I must admit...I guess I'm wrong about Jenny. She can be a fun girl. She and Rita seem to be very friendly now. That's a very good sign. And Jenny, although you are not my type...you are adorable when you smile :D They are a great 'couple' right now. Hopefully this will remain untill they leave us.
  16. Well, I'm sure there is a market for wannabe models too :)
  17. Thanks for the information, gipfler! Wow, that's serious money, though :D And only because you got the looks for it. So unfair
  18. Well, if so than her reign will not last long. When Her Majesty's visa is expired she will be banished from the Kingdom and return to the Dark Lands she came from ;D
  19. I think those pics are for her potential customers I agree. I don't think they have anything to do with vanity (selfies) pics. actually, I more in addition to doubts about how some of these girls are financing their lives! the nighttime shooting, it ' is not a lot! and yet they live very easily... ??? :-\ Yes, I am with you on that corboblanc. I mean, none of the girls we have seen so far were actually 'working their asses off'. Especially Kammi (luckily for us) ;D But seriously, I would really like to know how these girls earn their money. And I don't believe they are all models. Alisa and Lilu were dancers as far as I know. But all the others? Do they have a sugar daddy? Or is RLC paying them so well? Ah, I'm afraid that will all remain a mystery to us. But it's still intruiging :)
  20. Yes, you're right my friend. If she can loosen up she can definitely surprise us. Let's hope she will do that in the coming weeks.
  21. Well, I must admit that I'm still trying hard to like her. I'm still trying to see just more than her fake looks, and still trying to get to know her better as a person. If that's even possible here on RLC. But you know what I mean. But she doesn't give us the chance. I really felt sorry for her when she was crying (don't know the reason why she was so sad). She is clearly very unhappy and uncomfortable. Maybe it's just her stay here on RLC or perhaps it's more than that. But I'm no psychiatrist :D Yesterday she went into the kitchen to get some food. Rita was there already. And I must say Rita was very friendly to her and seemed to appreciate her company. But Jenny only said a few words, took the plate with her food and went to her room again. I mean, come on... And that's really a shame. When she was with Rita some days ago, they were talking and laughing. And she actually looked very nice when she smiled ;D But at this moment, I wouldn't be sad to see her go. She will not change in the next few weeks. I honestly don't believe that.
  22. No they have to stay even if it's only for their guests. Well, perhaps RLC can keep this apartment as a 'Party House'. Every weekend new people having a party. That would be a nice experiment ;D
  23. I agree with you that this apartment is the most interesting on RLC. We see different girls come and go, and that's exciting. We see more surprises than in the other apartments. But I don't consider Nora as the glue that hold this apartment together. Especially when Kiko is visiting her. These moments are the worst in my opinion. And I don't dislike Nora, but I don't see her as an important person. Without her this apartment cannot exist? I don't believe that. And as you said yourself, it's always nice to see new girls. So, why not 3 new girls everytime? Ah well, we all have our own opinions about this subject. And of course this isn't real life. How could it be when the tenants know that they are being watched? Especially in this apartment. The girls only stay for a short while, so the chance of seeing them act normal is very little. But sometimes we are lucky ;) How we would act in a house full of cameras is not relevant. We don't choose to live that way. The people who sign a contract with RLC know the consequences. Or at least, they would have. I understand that the girls don't want to be all over the internet while masturbating. But hidden showers for example are unacceptable in my opinion. Even in this apartment. But so far I'm enjoying it. But I think that with a few changes (see my earlier post) this apartment could be better.
  24. It's not easy to find out what's really going on in this apartment. Is Nora indeed the evil witch watching every move the other girls make and killing the vibe with her rules? One say she does, others say she is innocent. I don't know, so I need solid proof before I point the finger. For me, the only sure thing is that Kiko has to stay away. Or any other strange guy. This will influence the behaviour of the girls big time. I really don't understand why RLC accept this. For me it doesn't make sense if there were really any houserules. I mean, what's better for RLC than topless girls walking around the apartment? That's the kind of stuff people want to see, and where people want to spent money on. So, why would RLC limit the girls in their behaviour and actions? It will only cost money because a lot of members will leave. So for me it's hard to believe that this is RLC's strategy for this apartment. The reason why the girls aren't masturbating in front of the camera could be that they don't want their 'beavershot' all over the internet. These are young modern girls who know how this works. Sometimes they give us something to chew on. Kammi with her hidden bottlesessions and now Rita with her topless show. I think it's amazing and I enjoy every moment of it, but I don't expect them to go any further than that. If that happens once in a while, we are lucky. So, of course it's frustrating if we suspect them to do naughty things behind the cameras or in hidden rooms. But that will happen a lot in this apartment. We all know that. But try to enjoy the precious things that will happen in front of our eyes. We or RLC cannot force the girls to do anything out in the open...or RLC have to cast girls who have no problems with that. What about the future of this apartment? I said it earlier, for me it's important that there is some chemistry between the girls. So, give us three new girls who are here to have fun. Enjoy eachother's company and the beautiful city Barcelona. And not the freeloaders who lock themsleves in their room all day and leave after a month. Bring the girls at the same time to the apartment and let them explore it together. This can work. All of them are new so they need eachother to make it work. And I think that we as paying members, have at least the right to see girls who really want to make an effort. Having fun, talking and laughing with eachother. Playing games, I don't know :D If this doesn't happen and every time we will see girls staring at their phones 24/7 and ignoring eachother, this apartment has no purpose. If we are only waiting for the showersessions and the possibility of a hidden masturbationscene it will be deadly boring in no time. It can work, we have seen it before. Maybe not as much as we wanted, but we witnessed some good times in this apartment :) But the casting of the girls is one of the most important things. Now, we all know that this department (if there is any) of RLC is not the most impressive of them all. But let's hope things will get better. Ah well, so many different opinions ;D
  25. And that's why I keep coming back to this apartment. Most of the time it's kinda boring and then BANG! out of the blue something unexpected is happening! We love you Rita ;D Sigh...I just wish Kammi was with her. Imagine, the two of them topless on the couch ;) I hope RLC will soon replace Jenny. Maybe we are Lucky with a new girl. Thanks to all of you who posted pictures and video's of this memorable moment.
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