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Everything posted by Zwavelaar

  1. Kammi is so lucky to get all this affection from the guys AND the girls ;D
  2. What? These girls are no lesbians and will never have sex with eachother!? It's all a big tease? OMG! I'm shocked :o What will be the next revelation? That al the tenants actually know that we are watching them? That RLC isn't a real voyeur site after all? It's mindblowing ;D Thanks Sherlock.
  3. Ah, just for a bite to eat and than preparing for another night out...
  4. Thanks again, mate. So, if we can believe all the translations so far (and until someone can prove them wrong I just have to believe them), Kammi had sex with two different guys over the last few days while leaving her boyfriend back home 'hanging on a string' (I'm not sure if this is correct English, but you know what I mean :D) and telling him 'that he can fuck himself' or something like that. No judgment here, but you gotta love this girl ;D
  5. I think it's simple: the first and last one is for our entertainment and the other one for her own pleasure :D
  6. Yeah, I'm with you. Although Kammi and Nora have no chemistry at all. This apartment has turned from 'very entertaining' to 'very boring' in no time. If Kristy leaves us this weekend, this apartment is officially 'dead'.
  7. Yeah, you're right. The girl is still very young and relatively unexperienced in life. She is clearly in a phase where she doesn't quite know what she wants. Of course she enjoys the 'glamour and glitter' in sunny Barcelona. And of course she enjoys the attention she obviously get from the people she meets. She is looking for prince charming (Sergio) but at the same time 'working' on her career (with our photographer). And yes, she will make mistakes and will get hurt. But that's all in the game she is playing right now. But that doesn't mean things will end up badly for her. I would love to see her when she is older, say 35 or so. Just to find out what's become of her.
  8. You're right, my friend. We can not say that enough. Kristy is just a beautiful, sexy and adorable person ;D
  9. Lol! You are the one bringing it up. You said that she is famous in Europe. And other people (including me) are doubting that. Because we are living in Europe and never saw her in important magazines or movies. But your absolutely right, it doesn't matter if she is famous or not.
  10. Nope, me neither. And dfCcap is right. If she is so famous, why is there nothing more of her on the internet? Are there pictures of her in fancy magazines? Any well known movie she is in? But maybe she is famous in Russia? I don't know. But if she is so famous, why is she here for the second time in a row? Showing off her body and masturbation skills just for the money? ;D I love these speculations!
  11. Lol! This photographer sounds like a real perv :D No wonder Kammi was confused.
  12. I don't know when Kristy was back home. She slept in Kammi's bed, though. All alone :-[ But you're absolutely right, RLC has done a pretty good job this time. Bring on some more drama, please! :D
  13. Thanks again for your translation, man. You're the best! So nice to know at least something what's going on in this apartment. But for some of us it will be a reality check when it comes to our angel Kammi :D It turns out she is only human...shocking! ;) She is just another young (Russian) girl trapped in this whole 'modelling' business filled with sleezy guys who take advantage of them. At least, that's the way I see it. But if this is the life she wants...go girl! I mean, a famous photographer who wants 'to say goobye' to one of his models at 3 am? Because he had another meeting earlier...yeah, probably 'saying goodbye' to another model :) On the other hand, it seems like a mayor upgrade from this Sergio fellow with his small apartment and minimum wage :) Ah well, I don't see her leaving Barcelona any time soon. The girl seems mesmerized by this 'lifestyle of the rich and famous'. And that's something she won't find easily back in mother Russia. I can only hope things are working out for her.
  14. Nope. And some people mentioned that she took her bathing suit and sunglasses with her last night. So, don't expect her back any time soon...
  15. If someone is leaving this weekend I hope it will be Kammi. Not that I don't like her, but she is quite boring. Yes, she is beautiful, but that's about it. If it wasn't for Kristy to tease things up, this apartment would have been very boring from the start. More so now Kammi has probably found her 'brave Spanish knight in shining armour' :D The Kammi and Kristy show is over. So it would be great if Kammi can be replaced by another girl with the same spirit (and sexual orientation?) as Kristy. That would be very interesting to watch.
  16. Funny that you (and some others) keep saying that Kammi wants something with Kristy but is too afraid to act because of the cameras. I mean, maybe I missed something, but in my perception she never showed any sexual interest in Kristy. I never see lustful glances or anything that indicates that she is in the least interested in Kristy's body. Sorry, maybe I'm blind, but I don't see it ;D Plus the fact (according to our translators) that she has a boyfriend back home and is now probably dating a guy (Sergio) in Barcelona, gives me the impression that this girl is as 'straight as an arrow' :)
  17. Don't worry, Bookmaster. I think you are a very intelligent, well spoken and reasonable person. Very down to earth. And I'm not the only one, trust me ;D So, I'm not afraid that you will go crazy due to your wild fantasies about these girls ;) The people we are watching are just strangers. Call them actors in a play. And we are the audience. Sometimes we like what we see, and sometimes we are bored as hell. And once in a while we see someone here who actually takes our breath away. And for some people it can be hard to accept that you will never meet this person in real life. That you can only watch this person and will never be able to express your feelings or even have a conversation with him or her. That this person is just a passenger who will never be a real part of your life. Well, that can drive a man insane :) But appreciating and admiring a person is completely normal in my book. I think it's just wonderful when you can feel this for another person. In real life or here... So, don't bother what other people may think. It's not important. If you are able to enjoy certain things in life, you're a rich man ;)
  18. Yeah, you're right. I'm not a fan of tattooed women either. So, let's hope we will get some new girls by the end of the month. I really love these two ladies, but for me it's time for something new :)
  19. Of course it's all about the money. No one will deny that. And especially this apartment is created to gain new members. Simple as that. And yes, by holding back any information about the girls they create some sort of suspense. But that is just the fun part. Now we can speculate and make up our own stories. Keeps this forum alive ;D And for some of us it's worth the money. But people who expect reallife and some nice action will be disappointed most of the time. We have to cherish the scarce moments we get from these girls.
  20. The interaction between the girls is until now pretty onesided. Kristy is the one who 'starts the fire' and Kammi is just reacting (or not). So it would be nice to have two girls with the same spirit in this apartment. But I'm not sure if Monica is the right choice here. I was thinking about one of these stripper girls who were here a while ago with Nora :)
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