I will miss her in the apt
with the others
because regardless of the cuteness of all
Nora's bedroom was where the REAL stuff was going on
minus Kiko, nothing against him
just really liked to see Nora bate.
The only thing I've noticed
about her "rubbing one out"
is that she's willing to try something different.
To me, she has matured, in some aspects, toward
"rubbing one out".
When it comes to bating, nothing wrong with trying or
adding something different, in the quest for pleasure.
I hope she has a good to great time
every time. :drool:
When she begins to "rub one out"
I put on a bib and ready for dinner :drool:
As I said in the video section
She could lose some of the theatrics
but it's all good, if it's all good for her.
Next life, I'm going to be pleasure!!!