I could never understand the luv for those two. granted, wonderful looking but...
they were cute together from the few minutes I have seen but that's all.
okay, this sounds so out there that it is somewhat funny!!!!
a bottle in the crotch for a UTI???!!!!! a cold bottle for a moments relief??
heating pad under the blanket??
but a uti and back pain=a bad day
the joys of being a soda bottle.
to being an overjoyed soda bottle.
to being a very lonely soda bottle but happy for those few minutes.
amazing how such an innocent thing, as placing a soda bottle can arouse such fantasies, lol
well, I have to say, I still cling to hope with her. she does need to gain some weight back.
glad to see that it seems he's working.
once he gets in, I leave. this has nothing to with him, I tend to do that with any of them, lol.
however, just from the little I have seen of them together, it seems like they don't talk or they just could be okay with it.
I just miss the way she bated at a moments notice. for now, damn, still have those orange shorts.
lol, I almost cut him out but thought, heck, he's there.
almost the same time hiddenwood, along with thousands.
oh well, the couch will never be the same but at least we got a few minutes of the greatest erotic act on the planet.
male and over 13, sometimes because I still like a good fart joke. legs are wide open and most times no underwear. it's just being comfy. but we all have our views, thank the gawd of views, lol.
eh and the gawdess of views :P
what StnCld said, lol
heck, I had no clue, duh!!
heck gonna have to learn how to add other quotes because I meant to add ahustla's.
back to the drawing board!!
wtf!!!! really? this is something you "know" and no guessing? I've been trying to keep an open mind about him but if what you say is TRUE. damn, it's a real shit stew over there.
damn, I should have taken Russian, when I was in the service. gawd, it sucks to only speak one language!!!!!!! next life, I will speak at least 10. guess I should leave notes to me now about it. okay, no more rambling about my lack of.
I have to admit, that I keep a space in my brain, for all of them being some acting group. but just a very small space. I don't look at them have sex because I thought they all went over the top "performance" wise. and to see other people having sex is eh boring.
Lev's drinking reminds me of people I know/knew. he doesn't drink all the time but when he does, he goes all out to reach stupid level even if it takes just a little.
I get the drift that jobs are very hard to come by in parts of Europe and if I was in their age group and there, I would probably give RLC a nod.
Zoya. aaahhhh, Zoya. only really looked at the apt. recently and when she is there. when she was alone for a short time was my most viewing.
I don't understand the language and that makes for many blanks/guessing but her docile behavior with his eh rudeness made me uneasy, so I never really viewed them as a couple much.
I'm a shallow guy, so I just go around hoping to catch a woman "rubbing one out", lol.
???!!!! wtf??!!!! a joke??
from what I understand about RLC, is we get to peep into these people apts, who are are suppose to be living their "normal" lives. granted, it's all not "normal". we are like the fly on the wall. of course, I could be wrong.
just curious, would you say something to the same effect, if he was laying there with his legs opened?
unlady like, lol, funny.