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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. It is clear that the only safe option is Betty
  2. In all these meetings Mira conveys me a great sense of boredom
  3. If you like board games, it was indeed an amazing night ... I prefer the bedding games
  4. After yesterday's disappointment Betty is a safe value
  5. If they feel like fucking I admire their patience
  6. I understand. Sometimes love does more harm than alcohol
  7. I feel sorry to see a beautiful young girl in that state. I must be getting old.
  8. Probably has problems that alcohol has brought to the surface
  9. What happens after spending the afternoon drinking vodka without stopping
  10. They're drinking a bottle of vodka between the three of them. You have to be Russian to get that
  11. Maybe not repeat, but we will be eternally grateful, was unforgettable
  12. Last week Henry was absent and she (surprisingly for me) did not receive anyone to rejoice in her solitude. In your opinion, was it a matter of fidelity? If the pact between them was "we do it together, or we don't," last night was not coherent.
  13. Survey: Was it the wine or the songs of Betty?
  14. Well if I were Henry tonight I wouldn't open the door absolutely anybody
  15. It gives the impression that they are waiting for someone to say: Action!!!!
  16. Betty is the mature blonde who likes to sing
  17. Of course I would like to be in the situation in which he is tonight, however do not forget that there are many people who have everything and yet is terribly insecure, I do not say that the case ... but could
  18. can not comment so strongly of someone who only see a while on the internet and do not understand what it says, I have only feelings. Or you are more clever or have more information than me, in any case receives my admiration for most of the comments you make
  19. Maybe Henry is afraid to bring him to look too attractive male couples ... is another possibility
  20. They should have disguised themselves as schoolgirls to sing Chungachanga
  21. The truth, I prefer when Henry puts Led Zeppelin
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