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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. have argued again, if someone understands Russian to explain it to us
  2. They have made peace, I am happy for them
  3. Viki is not here, she will have gone to her mother's house
  4. We got two lesbians and they fight us, we're miserable
  5. I do not think it's about that, he was with the camera and the mobile phone, suddenly he left the webcam and focused on the cell phone and after a while he started crying.
  6. I did not see them arguing, will it have something to do with the spooky daddy?
  7. Kate has come home alone and it seems that Viki will appear. Last night Viki was crying and for the first time they slept separately. I do not know what's happening but something happens
  8. This afternoon he has been looking at a gift catalog. Now it's time to get the money to buy them.
  9. So creepy seems to me Daddy as the normality with which Kate seems to accept that behavior. As I said yesterday, certain attitudes may explain other things
  10. Well, I'm going to dream that I give Viki a massage, good night and happy Christmas to all voyeurs of good will.
  11. I am 60 and two daughters, it does not occur to me to give them massages in the ass. Maybe seeing these kinds of behaviors in the father understand other things
  12. I must be old or outdated but there are behaviors that do not seem very normal
  13. This man is awakening my vocation as a masseuse
  14. Anyway I'm also starting to think that these girls spend too much time away from home, but well ... as long as I continue to find Viki so outrageously pretty, I think I'm going to forgive him
  15. Neither of them is at their best physically, Vicki is in her red week and Katie seems to have discomfort in the back, regardless of the exhaustion with which she comes home every day. I guess that is influencing the frequency of their relationships. Anyway I agree that it would be nice to receive a visit from time to time, but for my taste, neither daddy nor mommy are interesting, I do not understand how attractive you see them.
  16. Lo siento !!!!!, gracias por la corrección
  17. It could be, but Kate's case is weirder, she gets home really tired, gives the feeling of having a harder day than combing heads
  18. Viki is a lesbian and I am straight, Viki is a hairdresser and I am bald ... My heart is broken
  19. What we know is that your business is sex, is not it?
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