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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. I remind you that we have been talking for days about this man's behaviors that do not seem very normal in a father-daughter relationship.
  2. Precisely I ask because Jeka also said that she was not aware of her lesbian relationship, if one thing seems not to be true, as on the other hand it was quite incredible, should we believe the rest?
  3. Question: if it was not true that I did not know the relationship of the girls, would it be true that he is the father of one of them?
  4. And talking about discussions, how can someone argue with a girl like this? I would say yes to everything
  5. It is appreciated after a week full of discussions. Hopefully it lasts
  6. You have not lost anything, but I think it's the new zoophilia section, two girls and two birds
  7. We already have two birds, one in the cage and one in the house, I hope one will fly soon
  8. It is true that the apartment has gone from more to less and that the problem is Kate, Viki seems to have the clearest ideas about what they are doing. It's a shame because I think that with a partner who also had them Viki would give much more of himself. As they do not improve their relationship, Izzy does not enter more into play and the masseur daddy does not reduce his appearances, the future of this apartment I see it black.
  9. The house has plenty of dad and girls, although they are attractive (particularly Viki), they are a little flat, they lack a point of passion, at least for my taste
  10. I am attracted to lesbians, but this was not what I expected
  11. I pass to Mira and Henry who have visitors and much more march than this couple of Siberians and their strange partner
  12. I subscribe to VHT for this apartment and I'm already regretting it, I do not think I'll renew the subscription
  13. I do not seem very normal, starting with the relationship that seems to have with them, I do not touch the ass to my daughter or her friends lie on the floor in panties for me to do a massage ... I will have bad luck
  14. Actually the relationship of these girls with this man can be called at least strange and for those who have paid to see a lesbian relationship a nuisance
  15. Right, I love Viki, I wish him something better
  16. If at least daddy finished the job he would have his morbid
  17. I really do not understand, does not this man have a wife? no home? I want to see a lesbian apartment and the daddy of one of them is there every day. And now it's up to Viki ... Is this the fool who does not know what he is and what his daughter does?
  18. We already have daddy back at home, they should include him in the credits Viki & Kate & the creepy daddy
  19. Kate seems always exhausted, I do not know if she has any health problems
  20. We'll see how they come back today, take a few days to fight daily, Kate seems upset with something and Viki seems not to understand his partner and be a bit sick of his attitude, there are times when they seem to have made amends and suddenly return to discuss , the problem seems to be deeper than a casual discussion for any nonsense, let's hope the sun comes out
  21. As usual, a lot of choreography and no real action
  22. And the couple very entertained on the sofa
  23. Arthur y Nicole son una pareja de Camarads
  24. New discussion, this starts to look bad
  25. The fact is that between daddy, mommy and discussions, we have ten days without bringing any joy to our eyes
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