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Everything posted by Pepe

  1. Hate to say but chances of her bating alone will be slim to none as long as he's home unless he gets a job and from the looks of it won't be anytime soon. He can barely break away from the laptop except to eat and sleep.
  2. Rumor has it there's a certain squirrel who resides on these forums whose known to get in her nickers from time to time. ?
  3. I agree with all the above... No wait... What did they say?
  4. Ahhh yes, how soon I forgot in my old feeble mind. We need to concentrate all our efforts getting the nose picking penguin waddling dude out of the apartment for a while. I've been writing Putin letters for over a month now with no results.. Hmm wonder if I just stop putting my sent on the envelopes. And yes where the hell is that damn croc when we need him.
  5. As long as I am around squirrel you'll always have competition ?
  6. I have tried but both of them seem to think I am cat. Paul wants to pet me cause that's all he knows what do with a pussy and the scooter runs around barking and trying to hump me.
  7. Hopefully in June he will have to leave for a few weeks again if we're lucky.
  8. Also chasing the squirrel and skunk around on the balcony helps burn calories too. ?
  9. I would do it on camera for all to see. Thank you for that clarification
  10. This apartment is on its way out if the dynamics don't change soon.
  11. Obviously someone doesn't understand the concept of this Web site it's for the users to post content and discuss things whether it be about tennants or Leora furry tailed friends etc...
  12. I was just wondering this myself recently. So I watched solely for understanding the "human behavior of course" my guess is when she's in the bathroom for a long time out of camera view, occasionally you'll get a glimpse of her on camera 5 standing at the sink momentarily then out of view again. My guess she shaves by the toilet and then walks over to the sink rinses off razor and then continues to shave. Either that or she's taking one hell of dump.
  13. You must take into consideration they are in a culture some what different than us her in the US. It's very likely she may shower or just wash up where ever it is she's staying overnight and putting the same clothes back on or it could be she's working in a different city where she has to travel several hours to and from. I assure you there's nothing nefarious going on.
  14. Never thought I would agree but yes it's time for them to move on. As of May my subscription runs out to RLC and I will not renew not that matters to anyone here. I stopped posting for the most part on cc as things are not like they was in the beginning.
  15. Actually there was two calls one was to Paul and the last one was to her/his mother. No they're are not brother and sister. Your right on age Leora is a year older than Paul though.
  16. This girl has been there several times will call her Ema she's Leora best friend she also visited their old apartment too.
  17. Pepe

    Pre mod picture posts.

    What about about adding a few more mods to cover different time zones different from what we have maybe to cover when the others are sleeping or that have jobs like some of us. I am on here most everyday. Time zone for me is - 5. I work nights but would be glad to help when I can.
  18. I can neither confirm or deny anything posted here,but I will say there are things I know about all this I shouldn't. I don't want disappeared as squirrel soon will be. I heard everything was filmed up in Canada and it's all run by StnCld316.
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