Damn, no confrontation coming. Both profiles have already been deleted.
Such a wasted effort. The genius Aussie in California was believable, then brought down by using a current softcore Russian model. Inexperience or laziness?
A little effort would have produced an obscure Australian porn model that would have fit in with the storyline.
Once you conclude the pics fake, the whole thing unravels since "Dingo David" was pleading not to post any more.
Just plain sloppy in my opinion. I give the whole thing a 3 out of 10.
Gee, you would think a "starving" cat would attack that bowl of food.
But it's all over, the poor thing survived two days alone with only one bowl of food. Now the bleeding hearts can go back to worrying about the whales or baby seals or something.
Unfortunately, Google doesn't translate Aussie, so some of that is totally over my head (is a Seppo not supposed to wear a franger on his doodle?) ???
Did anyone actually see Lina clean or did Mark get fed up & do it himself again? Though wiped off, that table is still too dirty for me to eat on.
And you doing the opposite is better? Easy solution here, if you don't like her, don't watch her.
"Lambasting" the women instead of the men doesn't make you any less of a troll than the others.
Remember, these are people, not dancing monkeys. If normal "ABC" is too boring for your liking, then maybe RLC isn't for you. Lots of sites out there with epic performances without all the mundane shit in between.
That's because as cute as Nora is, lately Alma has been showing more ass, and more ass is "Nº. 1" with me good buddy, hehe ;)
Alma shows more ass because it's twice the size. :P
Stefan - learn how to use a knife you whiny little twit! I don't care if Alma takes the chair & hits you with it, If you cut yourself with a kitchen knife, Your doing it wrong. That's on you and nobody else.
Trickshot - retired chef
We don't want fake barnyard sounds, lol. We want you to lose control and make your own noises. Tender lovemaking is great, but a good old primal fucking is good for the soul! If Hubby can't behave, take charge! Flip him over and play cowgirl. Let him bang the headboard for awhile. Above all, it's got to be enjoyable for both of you. Don't just fake it for his sake. That just creates resentment & contempt in your relationship.
No, Lora's ass isn't as big as Alma's or Ariel's.... yet. But it's been growing noticeably in the few months I've been watching. It's definitely heading for cottage cheese land. :P
Before they removed it, the camera was fogging up so bad it was useless. I don't know if that was their reason for removing it, but it certainly was mine for not caring when they did.
Let's be fair, Kiko is packing a little more than a wee-wee. In my opinion, it's probably the main reason he (& Anton) hasn't gotten a boot to the ass yet.