a Spanish Ham, named for the curing process, not their location. By the color, I would guess a serrano. The rack is common for this, covering the cut with a cotton cloth.
Not that popular outside of Europe since it can't be refrigerated (ruins the flavor) and usually ends up with a moldy skin.
Since this is the ODB, most will remember the 'race to the moon' frenzy of that era. While commercial flights were a long way off (at the time, they figured by 1986), visionary Howard Hughes knew a good opportunity when he saw one and "sponsored" the rocket at Disneyland in 1955 with his TWA logo plastered on it, later erecting a second one atop the airline's corporate offices.
There never was.
The Democratic-Republic Party split in half in order to crush Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Party from both sides in 1825. It worked so well, they kept it that way & have had either a Democrat or Republican (known for a short time as the Whig Party) in the White House since with no serious competition, All the while misleading the citizens into believing their political bullshit.
The problems today aren't because we elect a Democrat or a Republican into office. It's because we elect Professional Politicians who keep getting richer no matter what happens to the country.
Not who I want to live with, but who I would be able to live with. With that in mind, I would pick Alina. Some of the others I would love to bed, but I can't see putting up with them for very long.