Of course nothing is 100% unless information comes straight from them, but since they all have the same name, logic would dictate that Vika is Kiko's sister.
The cage usually stays behind the couch, but the bunny has been outside a lot of the time. It hops up to the window from time to time and checks out what's going on in the living room.
Damn! Your fuckin uploaded server is SHIT! look for other servers! This fuckin shit allows only 1 download per hour!
I agree!
Both of you need to shut the fuck up. If you don't like the host, don't download it. You haven't contributed shit, but you two leeches want to bitch about someone's upload because you have to wait an hour between them. BOO FUCKING HOO!!!
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I don't think there was a time before women screwed around with their hair. Before electricity, they heated irons in the fire (made of "iron" of course) and before that, between two hot flat rocks out of the tribal fire.
Under these circumstances, yes, a month would be a long time. To follow this direction, you would have RLC tenants registering on camcaps before their apartment was even vacant. Since the previous tenant's departure was abrupt and unexpected due to a nervous/emotional breakdown and not a planned move-out, this scenario is highly unlikely.
Not a lot of skimming necessary, both dates are a couple of clicks away if you know where to look. Hey, you need to do at least a little detective work or it's not as fun finding the answer. Don't worry, we won't take points off until you've recovered a little.
'What' seems more appropriate. I'm not sure if any of us really know. All we see is 'The Great & Powerful Oz!', we don't get to peek behind the curtain.
You need to work her into the voyeur world. "Hey Honey, look what I found!" works well, just like you'd say on the cute puppy site. Then lead the discussion, "I could never do that" or "Could you imagine _____ doing this?" Start out with Maya's Pikachu pajamas or Nora & Kiko's different socks fetish. Show her one of the fights, if your wife is the soap opera type, converting to this shouldn't be hard.
Then again, she might hit you over the head with your keyboard! lol
It looks like you didn't post them on here, but used a different site then posted links here. Since all the shots are gone now, that means RLC filed a complaint with imgur. Your email wasn't needed, just your IP. Which I'm sure they were more than happy to give up.