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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I'll give her credit - she tried (and she is horny!).
  2. Not sure of the back story for this gif but...don't women 'stand on their heads' after sex when they want to conceive?
  3. I remember when the cats were kittens. Not sure about anyone else here but I THOROUGHLY enjoyed seeing those cats play with each other (and their curiosity) during the first few months of their lives.
  4. I discussed this topic (people's unhealthy obsession of Leora) 4-5 weeks ago with plenty of trash thrown my way. It's like liberals fighting a cause based strictly on emotion. *I* still think its a BIG problem based on the posts in this forum. And other trhan bringing it up for discussion, not much anyone (the Sysop) can do. For my part, it was just an observation but heaven forbid if some of these obsessive people ever found out where Leora lived,....
  5. Chick in the living room is a screamer. She woke up the entire building.
  6. Brunette appears to be the first gal who has loosened up. Also, Layne is a genius (not pictured). He knows how to set the pace and when to elevate to the next level.
  7. They are all 'lit'. Either someone is going to have to take the initiative (soon) or it is just going to be a soft-core love-fest. Either way, I'm OK with it. Sometimes playful innocence doesn't need to be played out.
  8. I think its also cultural. From what I have observed, Russian men are more aggressive (combative) with women. Could be some women are passive because if they become more demanding, things can get physical (in a non-passionate way).
  9. They are trying it again...but it buffers every other second. VHTV needs to upgrade to a better speed/faster server.
  10. Foursome fail! It looked promising (clumsy, but promising). Then the tatted knucklehead was trying to direct 'traffic'. Chick in red panties started to feel ignored and she got up, got dressed and...fail.
  11. I have video from today of these two rascals. If anyone has recent Maya/Stepan clips, hit me up. Happy ending for both.
  12. People who believe in the ROBIN HOOD mentality don't consider it stealing.
  13. I think that's cop-out reasoning people to use for purposely not wanting to conform to society's unwritten rules. Maybe this is an extreme example, but why not commit crimes? Why not use a Robin Hood mentality to steal from the rich to give to the poor (aka being a Liberal). :) SInce we're talking about "moral" expectations....
  14. I agree 100%! Problem is too many 18-34 yr olds don't understand boundaries and commitments. Or maybe I should say they don't want to put the effort into boundaries and commitments; therefore they live there lives without established moral and ethical guidelines.
  15. Here's video of the fuckathon Yuri & golfer06 posted pictures of (well done!). First 2 videos (in one upload on the first link) is one session. 3rd file (which is the second link below) is their second session (which re-ignited 120 seconds after their first session). 4th file (the last link) is their third session (which re-ignited 90 seconds after their 2nd session). Dude either took a purple pill or he's super-human. Never lost his mojo. (should be two files in this link) (All Pictures and Videos Posted on VHTV Boards must be Posted using the Attachment Feature Only. Any Third Party Uploads are Removed) You can thank me now. :) SYSOP: You removed the links. Can't use the ATTACHMENT FEATURE if I am limited to 146MB
  16. BULLSHIT! If she ever logged in, why would she use "several" names? And assuming she identified herself using one of those aliases, then why use an alias?! And your comment of not rising to my goading is absurd. I'm not provoking you. I'm just calling your comments as BULLSHIT. You need the Sysop to come forward and save face (or have a pie thrown in your face). Too many holes in your story.
  17. I'll give you brownie points for trying. Your problem is you can't PROVE it. Unless the SysOp can verify her presence on CamCaps, you're spewing BULLSHIT. You're stirring a pot that doesn't exist. That also means (IMO), you've lost credibility as a member on CC.
  18. BULLSHIT! Unless you're the SysOp, I don't know whether or not she had an account and IF she did, if she cancelled it. Until the SysOp can verify she has posted on-line, I'm calling BULLSHIT.
  19. The potential for VH (and RLC) to make $$$ is HUGE!! Think about it...their customers are world-wide. It's not like opening a laundry where logically, only those living within a 5-6 block radius *may* use your services. Same applies to a car mechanic, a small grocery story or a restaurant (i.e. pizza or burgers). But when the Internet is your 'neighborhood',.... Ka-Ching!
  20. Thanks. But for them its just sex (and a free place to live). IMO for those who think otherwise, then watching them is as if you're looking in a mirror. Good topic to discuss but this isn't the right forum (or is it?).
  21. You misunderstand. I posted videos when I was (and was not) a member. I chose not to renew for the reasons I explained earlier.
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