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Everything posted by Howard

  1. No longer a member. I'm 1/2 way around the world from RLC. My work schedule changed and as I only followed two channels (Maya & Leora), what free time I had I saw very little activity on either channel.
  2. ^^^^^^^^^^ What he said. But if you use Bandicam and hide your ID #, you'll be fine. I posted many vids from RLC and was never banned. IMO, *I* think people who said they were banned because RLC can read code embedded in their feeds....I have doubts about it. *I* think RLC "planted" people to write some posts to scare away others who were members posting clips from the site.
  3. Nice pics - here's the video. IMO, if these two are an example of today's generation, then society is FUCKED! She self-interrupted a blow job looking at her phone a couple times. And dude was too busy playing a video game while getting head. This was just sex. They'll smoke out within a few months. Trump has more affection for Obama then these two have for each other. http://sendvid.com/sc9crpoi
  4. Hmm...I wonder if those are plain or BBQ Pringles?
  5. She use to take better care of herself come bedtime. She'd clean up, wear a nightie - something that would 'impress' Stepan. Now she goes to bed disheveled, wears socks or a well worn t-shirt w/ granny panties. Still like her a lot but she's making it difficult to remain interested in the channel.
  6. Just throwing it out there... She's gained a good 10 lbs. Look at her from 3-4 years ago and compare to today. Now, I think she looks great but maybe she feels she has a body issue. Also, could be that its cold in Russia this time of year. All in all, I certainly wish she'd go back to her old ways.
  7. Consider this: Of the last two inhibitions thee couple had, one has been conquered (getting nekkid in front of one another). Last inhibition is group sex. If the two girls are into it, dudes will gladly play along. But it is up to the wimmin.
  8. All the cams are covered. Last time that happened Stepan covered the cams because Maya was terribly ill Anyone have a clue whats going on?
  9. She's inviting him to play but the poor guy, his wiener is shriveled. Too much play makes dude have limpitis.
  10. Layla's insatiable appetite for sex makes Leora look frigid.
  11. I think Layla & Eric (and a couple others) at VH are the new flavor of the month.
  12. You get the last word. But if you are implying that I'm close-minded, I can't help but see the irony of that coming from you (i.e.: your name).
  13. There's an adage that when debating or discussing a subject, once someone either yells, insults or makes it personal, he/she has lost the argument.
  14. ...and that's how we differ. Of course I was generalizing but lets take your example of K & K. Whose to say their parents are not 'damaged' - a product of the "MTV" society? Truth is, and enough history has passed that the information is available, since the late 1960s, when the 'free love' revolution came to be, the moral and ethical decay of society has gone downhill. In Europe, nudity was always more 'free' than the states. But not casual sex. Casual sex as we know it today started in the mid 1960s with the "free love, hippie' movement that originated in the San Francisco area (Haight-Ashbury: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_of_Love). Like a virus, it was the 'to hell with values' and the 'lets fuck and I'll find out your name' mentality that really was the seed for many things wrong with society today and as we go forward - no matter what country you live in. Haight-Ashbury planted the seed for selfishness and diminishing personal values...and society hasn't been the same since. You call that progress?! Same can be said for homosexuality. It's not genetic. For every medical doctor who claims (no scientific evidence) that its genetic, there is a shrink or sociologist that differs. IMO its foundation is based on gender confusion (which is not biological but mental/psychological). But I digress and that topic can be discussed another time. The issue is not that sex is taboo. It's that kids/young adults no longer associate sex with romance or love. Sex is no longer something special but something to do when you're bored (i.e.: Eric and Layla). Sex is no longer about mutual gratification but about being selfish. How many times have we seen couples where the guy cums on a woman's stomach then goes to clean up - while either she is left unsatisfied or has to take matters in her own hands! Its unfortunate but the word 'sex' replaced the word 'love' when it comes to relationships. Sex is love when it comes to K&K, Leora and Paul, Maya and Stepan. You can see any couple's behaviors on RLC and VH to know which are in a committed, long term relationship and which won't last long. Those that are committed make love and obviously those that are not, have sex. Sex has become an activity. Personal values are almost non-existent. Being selfish is a continuing trend. These are bad thing as far as societal evolution is concerned.
  15. I have to jump in on this discussion. Generally speaking, Mike is right. Early 'editions' of RLC was about relationships (current examples are Maya & Stepan, Leora & Paul, Nina & Kira). Folks who went about their daily routine, came home, ate dinner, watched TV, etc. Currents tastes is now all about sex - casual sex (usually without romance). Voyeur House TV has taken it to the extreme (IMO) with couples banging morning, noon & night. Its all about banging (which obviously does not make for a healthy relationship). But viewership wants sex and sex is what you'll get. What's unfortunate about this situation is you have couples who have no direction in life. They are all about the hear-and-now. Sex on-line (w/ no or very little romance) in exchange for free lodging and a small monthly salary. Do you think they'll have any regrets having their hoo-haas exposed forever on the internet as they mature? So...what have we learned? What *I* have learned is (and I'm generalizing), current generation is fucked-up in the head. Not sure if its social media to blame, poor parental upbringing, divorced parents or ??? *I* have always felt that since MTV first came to television, there has been a moral and ethical decay of each generation on a continuing downhill spiral (if you're over 35, you'll understand what I mean). The crowd I hang with, not one would do (or behave) remotely how these folk behave. Probably because we came from a strong parental base, were disciplined when we needed to be, went to church or synagogue on a semi-regular basis and were taught to live today with an eye on the future. But,...society now only wants you to live in the present - its all about (your) money. From the viewer's perspective, we just want to see banging. Instant banging means you'll pay money...NOW! Society (maybe humanity) is no longer concerned that most of these folks have no direction in life and quite possibly will either be in jail or dead by the time they reach 30. "We" just want your money and do whatever it takes (no matter the damage it may cause) to get inside your wallet. Lastly, I have no objection to the premise. I just think most people don't have their heads on straight to see (or know) what the bigger picture is.
  16. This generation is really FUCKED-UP! I have a hunch 3 of the 4 in this picture will either be in prison or dead before they reach 30.
  17. Upload the file at www.myairbridge.com or www.sendvid.com then post the link in the forum.
  18. She also has war paint on her face! Looks like she's going for a job interview (yea....right!) :-)
  19. I agree. Where's the mystery? Spontaneity? No way can he (and maybe she) keep up screwing 3..4..5x/day without it affecting them both physically and mentally. If she's truly a nymphomaniac, she'll eventually spit him out and go on to the next one. If its he who can't stop, h'll dick will eventually go into traction.
  20. These two don't usually drink to extreme. Anyone know if the excess alcohol was in part a celebration? Was is because of bad news? Or just decided to liquor-up because they could? One thing we can determine with 99.5% certainty is Maya is not pregnant. (but Stepan may soon have carpal tunnel if he continues playing computer games).
  21. Fun time in the LR. https://mab.to/JtNYE3ovH
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