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Everything posted by Howard

  1. No worries. When one has to quote the "voice of reason and logic", I understand. :-)
  2. Leave me out of this!! :) But since you brought me back into the conversation, yes, there are some who seem not to know the difference between fantasy & reality. And for those who have crossed over into their own realm, it's unfortunate. These people have much deeper issues that first need to be addressed before they can come back and understand the difference between fantasy & reality. And before some feel the need to jump on me, I read people well (as well as one can in cyberspace). I can tell (read) the difference between 'role playing' and what people actually believe. Those "believers",...those are the ones that I am sympathetic towards. BTW, those who complain that Leora has changed, I hope she has!! It's called growth. All the 'seasoned' RLCers have changed. Yes, less sex/bating. Main reason being couples together for some time rely less on sex to show their love to their b/f or g/f. Reasons go deeper than that but you get the jest (FWIW, the antithesis to this would be Eric & Layla at VH-TV); who jump each other's bones any chance they get. Most likely they will fizzle out in a few months). I also think while all are exhibitionists, that too fades in time. IMO Leora would use a vibrator every time she bates (or she'd introduce it to her weekly lovemaking w/ Paul) if she truly enjoyed its' use. But she's a manual-stimulation kinda of gal. I think she uses that thing to appease the audience and knows better to use it only on selected occasions. Howard out (dropping my mic).
  3. While on this topic, I'm surprised 98% of the guys/gals on all of these channels don't use birth control methods (early withdrawal doesn't count). I'm assuming most of the gals are not on the pill as its cost prohibitive (if they could afford it, they wouldn't be shacking up for free letting the world see them bang). I would never bang (whether in a committed or non-committed relationship) without at least a rubber or if the gal was on the pill. Nothing is fool-proof if you want to bang but.....someone needs to tell Eric unloading in the palm of his hand does not constitute using birth control :)
  4. I hear ya...but I wouldn't classify her as being trapped. With every relationship there are compromises to be made. Her compromise is a lack of romance/sex and intelligent banter for security and peace of mind.
  5. Kinda agree with you but don't think she feels trapped. She loves the guy. She feels very secure with him. It seems to me he doesn't satisfy her intellectually or sexually (not that Leora is a thespian but she is highly sexual). I think she likes to be romanced (which is one reason she buys/wears so many negliges/teddys). But those things usually don't interest Paul. In fact, after a few years (4...5 years???) watching these two, I still don't know what interests him other than the Internet. I don't think I've ever seen him read a book or newspaper But love can conquer that Leora isn't satisfied. Keep in mind they've been together since they were teenagers (in fact, I think she is a year older than Paul). Her love for him may not be a complete, fulfilling love (at least for me). But I know of couples who have less then they have emotionally/sexually and have been 'happily' married for 30+ years. Just my two cents.
  6. Amen! Just got wacked by the bleeding heart liberals with an additional tax on each gallon of gas plus additional fees to register each car (every year). And while I'm not a smoker, those who light up have to pay an additional $2.00 per pack (total of about $7.80 per pack of cigs). For all those who think we're "living the life" out here in Kalifornia, not necessary the case. You must make $$$$$ to afford to live here (would rather be in Colorado or Arizona but that's for another discussion).
  7. Either its sunny in mother Russia or Leora has been hitting the tanning salon.
  8. I'm surprised he doesn't use it as a moisturizer or hair conditioner.
  9. DISCLAIMER: Video has intermittent lag time. VHTV needs to "up" their streaming (problem isn't on my end). Not the best video (Anna trying to bate but she finds what is on her phone more interesting). But for those starving for some Anna, it is better then nothin'. Anna_2017-04-05.mp4
  10. Paul doesn't have much of a sex drive; which is why you see Leora bate as frequently as she does. Among many observations, I see these two as a seasoned couple (much like Maya & Stepan). They've been together for so long that their love goes much deeper then sex (possibility to the disappointment of Leora). They do something many couples no longer do: Communicate with each other. Talk about this, that and the other (although I can't imagine having an interesting conversation w/ Paul). As been previously discussed, Leora prefers to sleep with the light on (which is why she is usually in the LR).
  11. This issue is if you're going to start something, you better finish it. These knuckleheads started something but their minds went limp and couldn't finish. Fail.
  12. Looks like the dog may be the only one seeing any action tonight.
  13. If Candy really wanted to do something, it would already have begun.
  14. They are taking waaay too long to have some fun. Unless....this ends up a snuff film. :)
  15. First one that came to mind was The Dead Kennedys (I think I'm dating myself). It's a Holiday in Cambodia,....
  16. FWIW...I took my (then) girlfriend to see the Go-Go's when they played the Whiskey on Sunset Blvd in L.A. Great show (and great sex when we got home). :)
  17. Just my two cents: 99% of your posts are asking for either video or photos. IMO its obnoxious to ask when you haven't posted anything to share. Contribute appropriately and your chances for reciprocation are enhanced.
  18. I agree. With the exception of straight couples Leora & Paul, Maya & Stepan and Nelly & Bogden, the rest are all just FUCKERS.
  19. I said long ago - Leora needs a session with Sasha. He'd pound, pound and pound her some more to where she couldn't walk straight for a week.
  20. The question is....is it bad timing as to why we don't see them do the 'polka dance' or have they just scaled back? I remember when they were good for 4-5x/week (sometimes 2x the same night).
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