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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Kitty...was she the gal with that bad boob job? Her boobs always pointed west (or east)???
  2. I am guesstimating that of L&Ps last 12 sexual encounters (which covers about the last six weeks), each time Paul stuck his dick in her mouth. No more effort from him, besides getting a stiffie, has been involved. He lays on his back, Leora gets on her knees and inserts into mouth. When he's tired of HIS position (its hard work laying on your back being serviced), he straddles her chest so once again, he sticks his weiner in her mouth. He's a lazy dumbfuck fool...or his he. Maybe I'm jealous. Of course if I acted as he does w/ my girlfriend, I'd hear about it. or...maybe the biggest fool is LEORA for putting up with his shit! I'm realizing her self-esteem...or self-worth must be terribly low to tolerate his shit. I use to think her love for him is blind. No...she thinks so little of herself that not only does she accept him for what he is, she has to be the money-maker to keep him for what he is.
  3. She seems to wear the pants in the relationship when often she seems she would rather not. She can survive/thrive w/o him while he would have a struggle if they went their separate ways. On a side issue, this relationship has similarities to Leora and Paul. She's the authority in the relationship while he seems to do little other that supply a dick and conversation.
  4. I think something traumatic happened to her a couple years ago. But even if you go back a few years when they first came to RLC, she was never overly sexual. Tibor would be the aggressor and most of the time she would lay there like a dead fish until he finished. Big difference between then and now are 20 lbs. Still looks desirable, just more of her to desire.
  5. The sexual tension between these two is unbearable.
  6. Yea...on Wednesday. Dude is only good for 2x/week (and that is when Leora initiates intimacy).
  7. Paul doesn't have much to deepthroat.
  8. Paul working hard pleasing Leora....not.
  9. Look like she was having a breakdown a few hours ago. Standing naked in the kitchen, motionless and crying. Leaves the apartment for work, comes back a few hours later, bundles herself in a robe/wrap and has been sitting motionless in the kitchen for 30+ minutes.
  10. Not empowerment. She needs viewership (aka money).
  11. I have a slow cooking roast in the oven. I wonder which will be done first.
  12. She broke down the 4th wall a few years ago when she was bating in the guest room of the old apartment. With knucklehead napping in the living room and "oblivious" to what she was doing (as the door was closed), as soon as she came, knucklehead opened the door. As if in shame, Leora reached for the door and closed it on him. Fourth wall fell down (he knew ahead what she was going to do - knucklehead forgot as he awoke from his nap). Let her stare in the camera as if she's thinking only of you while bating. If that keeps the fantasy alive, so be it. She's 32. Bating on camera for 12+ years. She's living her future. Why she hasn't done Chaturbate or other adult-oriented activities to supplement the income is puzzling (and she does NOT watch porn). Even if she would sign her nighties and sell them on-line,(plenty of you would pay twice for what she bought them for), I'd consider thinking of her as a businesswoman. For Leora, it's rinse and repeat. You can set the clock for when she'll leave in the afternoon, return, back to bed, clean house, bate (and what two days of the week knucklehead would let her suck his weiner) She's an enigma.
  13. It's Groundhog Day at casa Leora. The least she could do is watch porn as she bates. Difficult to take believe her sincerity when she's watching a 'television' drama on the laptop as she bates.
  14. The sloth looks like he can be the ringleader of a cult. I think he has her in some kind of spell. Too much oral can't be pleasurable (five orgasms in 90 minutes) and she doesn't seem to be the 'always-horny' type. When he's downtown, she often rolls her eyes as if 'how much longer' vs this is enjoyable. Also, their pillow talk is non-existent. It's a matter of being in an embrace until they are comatose. Yet...it seems to work for them (question is why haven't they moved in together?).
  15. Leora bates herself to orgasm while Paul jacks off on her chest. Paul waits 20 seconds after Leora came to cream on her chest. Question: This behavior from him is common. Is this a Paul think or a Russian thing (or a dude thing)? He comes on her chest with pride as if he is doing HER the favor leaving a a present for her to clean up (or showing how much he cares for her).
  16. Bate #3,247 in progress. In case you missed it, you can either refer to any of the previous 3,246 available on-line, or wait for an encore tomorrow. Footnote: Even the dog is bored (you can hear her snoring).
  17. Paul isn't a man's man. He's a piece of furniture (like a Lazy boy recliner). Not sure what any girl could/would see in him. Not engaging. Not a provider. Not sensitive. Not a romantic. This apartment is proof that love is blind.
  18. Close this thread (and maybe the Leora forum should go on hiatus). This apartment has been like Groundhog Day for most of the past three years.
  19. Leora would be OK being a traditional 'wife' (domestic goddess). Unfortunately for her, she has a knucklehead of a boyfriend who isn't the breadwinner and takes advantage of the relationship.
  20. He left on his own, or they broke up as a couple? Either way, she found another dick to tease within a couple weeks (if it took that long).
  21. Their cuddling after sex - Paul is such a romantic!
  22. For those who care (and most probably do not), Max Ragner has let his RLC subscription expire and left the forum (for his mental health). I mention this as a serious note: RLC (and no offense to CamCaps), can screw with your mental health if you let it. Max realized it and did something about it. Not going to tell you how to lead your lives, but once in a while give yourself a reality check. Maybe NOT log in several times a week and occupy your time more constructively (especially if you are a lazy turd - you know who you are). Anyway, just stay in the game of life for the long haul.
  23. She's pretty. She has a good body. ...and you can see her other 3,000 on-camera masturbations from the past 12 years floating on the internet (when she was younger, prettier, and more innocent).
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