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Everything posted by Howard

  1. BTW, this exercise in foreplay is reminiscent how Karol & Kos get their motor running.
  2. I thought they were wearing white as a sign of their purity and innocence.
  3. Why/what are they celebrating? Is there a reason for the partying or is it an RLC sponsored event?
  4. Whatever "problem" they had was no different then any newly married couple. Stop with this kind of crap.
  5. One more thing for everyone: 98% of what you read here that people say they "heard' is bull. Study their behavior (aside from their hotness) and it will tell you more about the person then what someone says they heard an apartment dweller say. For example, someone with multiple tatts (especially those with firearms, crosses or skulls), and tatts going beyond the sleeve line and multiple piercings most likely had a bad childhood/upbringing. Rebellious to where a conventional future is not in the cards. You can make assumptions moving forward.
  6. Did you watch her relax in the tub yesterday for an hour? Looks like a girl who is more aware of herself then 95% of the lost souls in the apartment,
  7. This dude Karma is with is a keeper. Any guy who hasn't made a move on her after 5 minutes means something special to her (or he's gay).
  8. Often guys can't get/stay hard due to stress. Assuming he doesn't have a medical issue, what stress does he have in his life???
  9. She's jumping on his dick and the dude can't stay hard. He either needs to see a doctor or he's secretly bisexual and allows his mind to wonder.
  10. She turned her back to him and dude still not getting the message. Reminds me when I was 16, horny and cuddling w/ my girlfriend hoping to get some action knowing she was on her period and she'd have nothing to do with me.
  11. That's a loaded question because what she does for Paul wouldn't work for me (doesn't necessarily work for Paul, either). IMO, her skills are a 6 out of 10. She doesn't know (or concentrate) where his sensitive areas are, which is (partly) why he needs to finish himself off. Licking his balls never got him off. She blows him as if its continuous foreplay and she doesn't know how to round the bases and bring it home.
  12. What is Karma doing in the apartment (or on RLC)?! She seems to have her act together. No crazy tatts or wild piercings. No drama. Pretty. In the short time she's been in the apartment, she appears to be of stable mind (doesn't seem to be 'damaged goods'). It's as if she's too good a person to be hanging with most of these "live-for-the-day' people.
  13. After this morning's wake-up call, no doubt Leora reads the forum (I can't recall she ever awakened Paul with a handie as was 'suggested' here a short time ago).
  14. CONSPIRACY THEORY: Pulo Filipe is an RLC plant. No other explanation for how much you watch RLC and comment. Look at your posts from the past 60+ days and there is a pattern to your posts. Your posts don't miss a bate...as if the RLC scripts tell Leora to bate between 20:00 - 23:00 hours which is almost a sure thing. But today, she bated early and only YOU were aware of this. Only an RLC employee paid to watch all the cameras would know this. Time for you to cum clean Pulo.
  15. Respectfully ddhm, couldn't disagree more. She/he/it had some kind of trauma early in life that was never addressed (and needs to be addressed) That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
  16. I might switch over to Linda and Tibor. At least there I know they are NOT going to bang. 🤣
  17. She's fucking weird. Yea...I said it. All you woke nimrods can bite the big one (whew...that feels better).
  18. So far I have to say this is poorly scripted. By now, someone's face should be buried in the other's muff. Bad, bad script.
  19. That's not sex. It's pathetic effort from Paul.
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