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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Dude - you need to find a hobby. You have too much time to write such long posts. Try needlepoint. 🤣
  2. "Supporting a dumb ass and being taken for a ride at the same time." by" Leora Imphukedshinsky
  3. She's done. Now, will she... A) Eat B) Stare at herself in the mirror C) Watch a movie D) Sleep E) A and C
  4. I think she'll bate. Can't let that outfit go to waste.
  5. She's bored and restless. She can't decide whether to sleep, eat, watch a movie, bate, or continue to vainly stare at herself in that outfit.
  6. She wears that lavender thing well. Would like to see Linda fit in it.
  7. It's obvious Paul lacks in the romance department. But ya'll focus on when they bang, Leora comes. Reason being the emotional side of her takes over to allow her to be turned on. His dick ain't worth much and the effort he puts into their lovemaking is better served as a postal worker. But for some unknown reason, she digs him and it is that emotion that contributes to 90% of her orgasms when they bang.
  8. This was predictable between these two. At least the bathroom bates from earlier in the week were somewhat novel (and cinematic).
  9. Paul. Have no responsibilities. Cooking - done for me. Laundry - done for me. Ironing - done for me Housekeeping - done for me. Buying clothes - done for me. Eat for free. Live rent-free. Banging Leora is the bonus. Dude is taking her for a ride and living the life! He is as stupid as he looks, until you look a little deeper.
  10. It's OK to get lost in speculation as long as you (figuratively) remember to live in reality. Too many who post take these forums seriously. They live their lives vicariously through others. All OK as long as you realize it is fantasy and not YOUR reality.
  11. Paul. Have no responsibilities. Cooking - done for me. Laundry - done for me. Ironing - done for me Housekeeping - done for me. Buying clothes - done for me. Eat for free. Live rent-free. Banging Leora is the bonus. Dude is taking her for a ride and living the life! He is as stupid as he looks, until you look a little deeper.
  12. Paul. Have no responsibilities. Cooking - done for me. Laundry - done for me. Ironing - done for me Housekeeping - done for me. Buying clothes - done for me. Eat for free. Live rent-free. Banging Leora is the bonus. Dude is taking her for a ride and living the life! He is as stupid as he looks, until you look a little deeper.
  13. WAKE UP!! 99% of what your reading is speculation.
  14. Paul spends about 11-12 hrs/day in front of the computer working on...whatever the heck he does to earn his keep. But in reality how much of that time is surfing vs earning a living? For what he does (again, whatever the heck he does), seems to be on the level of Czech minimum wage. I sense he'd make more money working for McDonalds.
  15. Let me add that IMO most men (and women) under 30 don't know squat about romance. I say that as boys/girls are increasingly becoming sexually active in middle school. 13 yr old boys/girls introduced themselves to sex as being an act (and w/ violent undertones). 20 years later, what they interrupt as being romantic (not to mention courting a girl) is much different then when I was dating in the 1980s.
  16. In Tibor's defense, if she would take the initiative, they would have a better sex life. She has been the equivalent to Paul's Leora. Chicks' need to make their guys feel good about themselves (massage the ego a little) the same way women want to be treated with respect from their guys.
  17. I looked at the replay from different angles. If this isn't a Halloween prank, I think she sees...dead people. Seriously though, I think she had some sort of vision, as if either seeing someone dying (who is still alive), or a bad dream that somehow crossed over into her reality. She is sad/crying for 10 minutes, I'm favoring she had some kind of premonition that spooked her.
  18. Watching Leora's last bate, Paul is a selfish baboon. She's about to come and he purposely comes on her face just as the big O arrives. Yes, sometimes that can be 'fun'. But in this situation, it was a selfish act.
  19. Did you just give us too much information? Are you the 8 year old?! 🤣
  20. She isn't sub-servient. Leora has trad-wife qualities (which I find attractive). She cleans up after him, cooks for him (when she feels like cooking), irons his clothes. She's liberal in the sense that she's a quasi-woke 32 year old gal who gets naked and bates for everyone to see. He is more dependent on her financially. What they don't think is coming 0 what happens when her looks start going south, her boobs and butt cheeks droop, and the RLC money will dry up (and she's headline the cam site "RLC for Seniors". 🙂) Seriously, what skills does she AND he have outside the home that can provide for two people if they lived a normal life (i.e. pay market rent, health insurance, etc.). I'm confident they haven't thought what will be of their lives a few short years from now.
  21. A childhood friend had a thriving business (grossing as much as $550,000/yr with two on staff) since 2011 repairing iPods and iPhones in southern California. Now, we know what happened to the iPod. As for iPhones, I don't recall why but demand for repairs fell dramatically since iPhone 11 (2018 - not pandemic-related). His opinion was that the iPhone was no longer an investment. People treated it as if it breaks, just get another (as everything is cloud based). Also phone companies in the US gave an allowance to replace a phone so minimal need to repair. He closed his business start of the pandemic (summer 2020). It was still profitable, it just wasn't making enough money worth continuing.
  22. Pulo: You seem to be one of the biggest Leora fans in this forum. You need to contact people at Guinness Book of World Records and nominate (promote) Leora for the record of having the most masturbation events as an amateur on a live cam site. 11.5 years x 5/week (that's approximately 260 bates/yr) 2,990 bates (and counting). https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/records/the-application-process
  23. Have you seen him (on cam) get physical w/ Leora (we all complain he rarely touches her!). Like anyone who has done a wrong until he repeats it, you give him the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't repeated the action, who is to say he will again...or never will? If it has been 20 years since you cheated on a girlfriend, who is to say it will/will not happen again. We all live in other people's judgement by our past actions. How YOU move on from that is a personal choice.
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