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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I wouldn't go that far. She's cute. good body, sexual, likes to "keep house". She's the new flavor at RLC. I don't think her appeal will fade much after a while. But she is giving Leora competition.
  2. Leora is liking her role as 'housewife' since Paul came to the apartment. A little surprise she isn't cooking/baking more often.
  3. Can't figure the girl out - strange daily habits. Dude gets to sleep between 10P -12P. Ariela does things in the kitchen and gets to bed at 6AM. Sleeps for about 5-6 hours. When she's up, she's on the phone. When she sleeps, she's dreaming she's on the phone. Naked as a jaybird trying on clothes in front of a male friend. He wants to bang her. She sees him as a friend. He sticks around hoping the tables will turn. Not gonna happen. Poor dude - either he likes blue balls or he's gay.
  4. Please!!! Anyone's biggest monthly expense (unless you still live with mom and dad) is housing. She's going to give up FREE room and board, FREE furnishings (and possibly a food & nightie stipend) to open a beauty shop?! She can do that now (or 5 years ago) and still be on RLC. Venera and Lion seem to have day jobs, yet still entertain friends (and the home viewer). I believe very, very little what people here say of what they hear/interpret on camera. She has NO CLUE what it takes to be a typical day worker, putting in 8 hours. Being naked and bating on camera is not the same as going to a location and putting in 8 hours. And as a business owner, you work 12+ hours every day of the week to get the business running. I like her - more so now that she reunited with Paul (vs her fake lesbianism with Malia). But most of what she plans for her future involves lace or sheer evening wear (more for her enjoyment than the home viewer).
  5. They've lived under the RLC roof for 10 year - proof they don't think long term. I don't think they look beyond 12 hours. Otherwise, Leora (or Paul) would meal plan each week (at the very least). Their meal-planning consist of using Uber Eats. Bating is planned per RLC agreement. Romance is never planned. Whenever Leora can get little Paul to pop a chubby, she's all over it.
  6. That's what happens when you come out of your momma's ass (o).
  7. Paul was always in the plan. Covid got in the way. If she was to stray from Paul, she would have no problem finding a dude. All that gibberish about Leora and a dude from outside,..that was platonic. That they easily picked up (when Paul arrived) to when she left mother Russia,...these two are meant to be together. She's a happy puppy being in a relationship.. I think career-wise, Paul is lost.
  8. She's gained a few but still looks good. But most comments surround the lack of sex and intimacy, not to mention her movements (activity) have become like a 90 year old women needed hip replacement surgery.
  9. Don't entirely disagree. But she has responsibilities to RLC and the viewers. Other then walking around in a teddy and having sex/bating, she does lead a charmed life. It will be a looong time before she can afford a house w/ a picket fence. Not sure if they think about future financial independence.
  10. I have a hunch Leora will make Paul roleplay in the not-to-distant future. He will put on a funny hat and ring the doorbell, carrying a (empty) pizza box. #DingDong
  11. Looks like she's gonna rub one out. If only her rubbing could benefit the environment, all liberals would be teaching their 5 year old non-gender units how to masturbate.
  12. Disagree. The computer is only a tool for Paul to generate some income. Leora supports this endeavor as this is what he knows how to do. Would he make more money bagging groceries (part time) at the local market? Probably. But that's not what he chooses to do.
  13. Leora & Paul don't seem the social type, or at least a couple that would host a dinner. The head scratcher (for me) is everyone at Venera & Lions see the cameras and must know the show these two put on. *I* would find it uncomfortable knowing my closest friends see my most initimate moments. Of course those who live on-cams are of a different breed.
  14. I wouldn't say she's a slave. My g/f has similarities to Leora. Tough we share most household chores (from cooking to laundry, and so on), there are things she does that I don't do (i.e. clean house). And there are things I do she does not (handyman stuff, pay the bills). In Leora's case, it is a head scratcher what was does Paul bring to the relationship. From what I see, it's mostly moral/emotional support (which was lacking in mother Russia)....and while most of us may do more to make our relationships work, what Paul does is enough to make her happy.
  15. Well...they have personal needs. Could be why they'll bang under the covers and not over the covers. I'm open to reasons why this channel has taken a dump the past 3-4 months. Either she has mental struggles, it's a "business" decision, or could be she has physical issues. We have seen Tibor affection towards her (but not her towards him).
  16. At first thought I assumed Linda was going through a mental issue. Seemed withdrawn, sleeping a lot - just a general laziness with her. But her & Tibor's behavior has me thinking they are either trying to re-negotiate their RLC agreement, or they're trying to break the agreement. Either way, certainly makes RLC less of a value to buy membership.
  17. Just a thought (and I have no opinion either way). Maybe she speaks to someone in a different time zone? I'm in California and a very good friend I speak with 2-3x/week lives in Israel. With a 10 hour time difference, I sometimes call him at 11PM (9AM his time). Doesn't work well for me as I wake up at 4:30AM to start my work day. So...she could be talking to someone in a different time zone.
  18. A very young, innocent, anal virginal Leora. (Content No Longer Available)
  19. The time will come when she places the phone on vibrate, holds it up against her vagina, then asks Paul to call her. That is how much effort Paul would like to do when it comes to giving Leora oral.
  20. I also don't think any of us would leave the house. 🤪
  21. Respectfully disagree - not like Maya at all. Maya NEVER looked in the camera. Maya rarely bated and only fucked when she felt like it. Maya wasn't the kind of woman who depended on her looks. Maya wasn't salacious. I hope she's doing well. Venera is Maya v2.0 I have no concerns that whatever Maya is doing, she'd more dependent on skills that doesn't involve banging for the camera.
  22. Leora getting pregnant?! Can't see that happening. She's too self-conscious about her appearance. That's not to say adoption or a surrogate isn't a possibly. Also, she's the bread winner and not going to "ruin" her body. Then again, I'm sure there's a fetish where men/women enjoy seeing a pregnant woman nekkid and bate. On a side note, many young couple get a dog to take care of in preparation when the stork comes a-knockin'. As for Paul, it's a miracle he was able to take care of himself during the pandemic. You think he can care (and support) a baby?
  23. What makes Leora a draw is (IMO), she is boring - pretty and boring. No odd piercings or tatts, doesn't fuck every stranger she sees, obviously she is a loyal, dedicated person. For the most part, she's "Barbie". She's the fantasy girl mom and dad want you to bring to meet them. The one major exception is Barbie wouldn't bate for the camera.
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